

  • I also put lightly active because I am tending to the kids and doing household chores for a good part of the day. Sedentary would require you to be sitting all day, which I'm sure you are not doing with two small kids. Some people log cleaning house as exercise but I don't because I feel that it falls under my "lightly…
  • Went to Zumba class this morning, but no weights. I'm actually really sore from all the weights I've done the past two days. I danced like crazy though so I still burned lots of calories. My real victory today was going to a birthday party and not pigging out on all the food. I actually wasn't that hungry. It must be all…
  • Did a Zumba Tone class at the gym this morning so I got my weights in while doing my favorite workout. I think I'm going to be really sore tomorrow though from all the squats and lunges we did. I'm also about half way to my water goal today.
  • This week started off a little slow for me on the challenges, but the past two days I have done well with drinking TONS of water. I'm not sure exactly how many cups I've had because my kids keep drinking out of my water bottle which throws off my count....::grumble: Tonight, I'm going to a circuit class at the gym so lots…
  • I just saw this too and would really love to join in. I need the motivation. CW - 177 GW by 9/05 - 165
  • Southern California
  • Hi new moms! (I'm actually a new mom too. This is only my second post. :tongue: ) I already have something in common with all of you. 2BabyMama, we are the same age. HeatherFeather, we have daughters the same age. Mama Corn, we both live in California. Today was my weigh-in day and I was up a pound. :frown: We had a big…
  • I have been told that you should pass on the left and to let the person know that you need to pass them by saying "on your left".
  • Thanks!
  • Hi! I'm a SAHM to with one boy (9) and two girls (5 & 3). I've only been on MFP for three weeks but I'm loving it. Before MFP, I was exercising regularly but not contolling my diet so I wasn't seeing any weight loss. In the past three weeks, I'm down 5 lbs with about 20 more to go. (I need to figure out how to put that…
  • I was surprised that Zumba is not in the exercise database since it is so popular. How does everyone else log it? I've been logging it under "Dancing: aerobic...." but I think the calories burned are way to low after reading everyone's posts. I think I've burned a lot more calories than I have logged. Especially since one…
  • I have been loving Jello Mousse Temptations. They are sugar free and only 60 calories but taste so rich and delicious. I also like strawberries with greek yogurt and a sprinkle of Splenda. This usually satisfies my craving for ice cream.
  • HI! I also have hypothyroidism and on 125 mcg of levothroid. I didn't know about all of those foods that should be avoided. Thanks for the info. I'm going to ask my doctor about that at my appointment in a few weeks. I'd much rather regulate my thyroid with diet than with medication if possible.
  • I just got back from a Zumba class at the gym and read this post. Zumba is the most fun workout I have found. I go to two or three classes a week and have done one Zumbathon for charity. I love, love, love it!!!
  • I absolutely love Zumba. I've done it at home on the Wii and in a class at my gym. It is fun at home but I really recommend doing it in a class setting. There is just so much more energy dancing with a group of people rather than by yourself at home. However, it may be a good idea to start it at home so you can learn some…