Fit for Fall Challenge - 6/20 - 9/05



  • Jessicapages
    Jessicapages Posts: 427
    Hi I just saw this thread and would love to join if its not too late! I am on Day 10 Level 2 of the 30 Day Shred..I have lost 3 inches as of friday.

    CW~~ 150.6
    GW~~~ 135
    I want to lose inches and weight and tone up.I al ready see toning in my legs!
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Well, I (in big bold caps) just completed my first day of C25k! And when I say completed, I mean I did the WHOLE workout!! lol
    I feel pretty good about that right now...even pushed that sucker up to 5.0 miles for a couple runs at the end!! WOOOOT!!!

    @ Leslie - Nice job completing W1D1 of C25K!!! I knew you could do it! Keep up the great efforts!
  • Losing4sure
    Losing4sure Posts: 15 Member
    Is it too late to join this challenge??
  • LeslieRoyale
    LeslieRoyale Posts: 331 Member
    Well, I (in big bold caps) just completed my first day of C25k! And when I say completed, I mean I did the WHOLE workout!! lol
    I feel pretty good about that right now...even pushed that sucker up to 5.0 miles for a couple runs at the end!! WOOOOT!!!

    @ Leslie - Nice job completing W1D1 of C25K!!! I knew you could do it! Keep up the great efforts!

    Thanks Ailene!! YOU are my inspiration!!! :heart:
  • Tissues
    Tissues Posts: 361 Member
    30 minutes on the eliptical, 30 minutes of swimming, and I'll throw the 30 day shred in later (...level... 3) to get in my strength training.

    Considering how bad of a mood I was in at work I'm in a good one now. Had a god dinner too!
  • mobskee
    mobskee Posts: 200
    Crickets around here right now...must be workout time...

    Well, I (in big bold caps) just completed my first day of C25k! And when I say completed, I mean I did the WHOLE workout!! lol
    I feel pretty good about that right now...even pushed that sucker up to 5.0 miles for a couple runs at the end!! WOOOOT!!!

    Definitely got the water on to weights...(grumble grumble grumble...:grumble: )

    Way to go!!! That's quite an accomplishment!
  • mobskee
    mobskee Posts: 200
    30 minutes on the eliptical, 30 minutes of swimming, and I'll throw the 30 day shred in later (...level... 3) to get in my strength training.

    Considering how bad of a mood I was in at work I'm in a good one now. Had a god dinner too!

    Wow! That's a lot of burn!
  • Cuddles2523
    Cuddles2523 Posts: 139 Member
    I'd love to still join if I could :o)

    CW: 129
    GW: 120

    I just started the C25K as well!
  • crshinn
    crshinn Posts: 23
    I just saw this too and would really love to join in. I need the motivation.
    CW - 177
    GW by 9/05 - 165
  • LeslieRoyale
    LeslieRoyale Posts: 331 Member
    Stacy, you're a workout monster!! Super impressed!!
    And thank you, Mobskee!! It feels pretty great! left knee doesn't feel pretty great hahahahahaaaaah:sick:
  • alacarte
    alacarte Posts: 122 Member
    Finally figured out my NSV's

    1. To get 8 hours of sleep, and go to bed at the same time every night.
    2. Get ready for the next day the night before, ie cloths, lunch, you get the idea.

    That's it for now I may add some things later.

    Welcome to all the newcomers and good luck on your journeys.
  • Cusegirl1992
    Cusegirl1992 Posts: 124
    Drank 11 glasses of water today. Did not do well with NOT eating after 9...

    Went swimming with my daughters today for about 3 hours. I am not swimming the entire time. I am diving left and right after kids, swimming sometimes, holding and bouncing...I logged the a third of the time as water aerobics. Does anyone have any other suggestions?
  • mobskee
    mobskee Posts: 200
    I just about started to cry when i realized i think im the heaviest person in this group... very embarrassing for me but just might be a big wake up call to get me moving...

    No crying allowed!!! :wink: We all come in different shapes and sizes. And weight is just a number, you also have to look at height and bone structure. If you're the heaviest, that means you will lose the most so there :tongue:
  • Juniper88
    Juniper88 Posts: 142
    Just saw what this week's challenge is.

    Water @ 10 cups/day = 2/7
    Weights = 0/7

    I will try to incorporate some weights tomorrow. Oh, they are soooo NOT my favorite!!!
  • catniss
    catniss Posts: 326 Member
    Did fine with the water and worked out with weights in this morning's cardio class. My NSV--No eating after 9PM--I was stuck in a meeting until 9:40PM....and I have over 500 cals left for the day....and the hubby and I always have a granola bar while going over the days events....and I'm hungry.....BUT, I will keep this promise to myself.
  • TJ37
    TJ37 Posts: 2
    I really need this challenge right now. Struggling with the same 5 pounds forever.

    Goal weight (9/5) --152 Ultimate goal weight---135-140
    NSV's ---Get off of caffeine, 10 glasses of water each day, exercise daily
  • catniss
    catniss Posts: 326 Member
    Bed time and I DIDN'T eat!! I consider this a HUGE victory! This challenge came at the perfect time for me--thanks so much for putting it together.
  • ravenclawseekergirl
    ravenclawseekergirl Posts: 342 Member
    Bed time and I DIDN'T eat!! I consider this a HUGE victory! This challenge came at the perfect time for me--thanks so much for putting it together.
    Woohoo for the huge victory!!!
  • emariec78
    emariec78 Posts: 530 Member
    I've done good with the water so far and added weights Monday, but not yesterday. Does anyone else feel like they get more thirsty when they drink more water? I kept waking up last night feeling so parched! Oh well, I know its good for me.

    So I think my body is trying to tell me to stop running. My knees are really acting up, lots of popping and random pains while walking down stairs, etc which I know is a red flag. I also barely could force myself through 30 minutes last night and I usually go at least 40. I think I really only ran about 15 and walked the rest. So I will listen to what my body is saying, but here's my delima-I don't have a gym membership, I don't own a bike, and I can only get to the lap time at the pool on weekends so what am I going to do for cardio?! I'm moving to a new place in 3 wks that has a gym in the apartment complex with elipticals but in the meantime I just don't know what to do! Will switching to walking be enough exercise? It seems like lowering the intensity of my cardio would not be good, anyone know about this? Or is it enough just to keep with the old calories in/calories out?
  • Ohiopugmom
    Ohiopugmom Posts: 43 Member
    emariec78 - the knee stuff is rough. How are your shoes? If you are not properly fitted for running shoes it can make issues worse. Other than that, take it easy and walk until you can get on a bike or something less impact.

    ***no weights with my workout last night. Was playing tennis. It was in one of those bubble dome things and about 90 deg and humid out = sweating my *kitten* off!! I for sure drank my 10 to just stay hydrated.
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