Fit for Fall Challenge - 6/20 - 9/05



  • Jennifer- So sorry to hear about your loss.
    Ellen- Have a great birthday!!! Sounds like your going to have a great day!

    This week has been kind of a rough one for me. Only went to the gym twice, my gym partner has been sick. I know it's not an excuse. I always find it hard to motivate myself to get to the gym when I'm by myself so knowing my friend is waiting for me always makes me go. lol Once I'm there though I'm fine. I will set definate days next week to go even if she can't go I will just have to make myself. Been doing really good with the water and been staying below my calorie level. So hopefully it will show on the scale on monday!

    Hope you all have a great weekend!
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    @ Ellen - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! :flowerforyou: :heart: :heart: :flowerforyou: ...I hope you have a great day and celebrate!!!

    @ JenL - file is updated

    I've got a few NSVs that I'm excited to share....

    (1) I am no longer in size XL workout clothes!! I've been in "L" tops for a few weeks but this week's workouts convinced me it's time to get into "L" pants (just imagine what happened to make me realize're probably right on! :wink: ..:glasses: )

    (2) I ran 6.64 miles in 1 hour this morning!!! WOOOO HOOOO!!! I'm doing the happy dance! :bigsmile: ...I had thought I was going for 5.5 but when I got home and mapped it out it was 6.64. (I wish there was an emoticon that was jumping up & down)

    It's starting out to be an awesome day and I hope everyone has just as great of a Saturday & weekend!!!!!!!!!!!
    :flowerforyou: .....:flowerforyou: .....:flowerforyou: ....:flowerforyou:
    LEVARMYWIFE01 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi! So excited about this challenge! Thank you for setting it up! :)

    SW 247 6/19/2011
    GW 220 9/5/2011

    NSV already down two pant sizes, would like to go down at least 2 more before/by then.
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    Happy Birthday Ellen ! Enjoy your special day !
    Congrats to you Ailene! You are doing great ! Those are some wonderdul NSVS!
  • Sandbug
    Sandbug Posts: 200 Member
    Being new to MFP I must say I am very impressed with all the volunteer work that is being done for this challenge! Thank you everyone! It definately makes me want to work harder. This week has been a little difficult to get those weights in but I have picked them up more than I would have so I feel good about that. I have also exercised more this week than normal.

    Must tell you a story. For my birthday this weekend I asked for a nice bike ride and healthy picinic on one of my favorite trails. Let's just say I got more excerise than I had hoped for yesterday! We had a flat tire about 20miles into our ride. We were in the midlle of no where. Our repair kit did not fix the flat tire. We had to walk back to our starting point! It was late we were starved and tired so opted for more than the "healthy veggie/fruit/nuts picnic" at 10pm! I am hoping I don't pay for it on weigh in day.

    Everyone have a great weekend and keep posting. I am enjoying all the stories.
  • mrsmorris13
    mrsmorris13 Posts: 225
    Hi! I haven't been on this challenge page for a couple of days. Wow! The chart is awesome! I opened the page and it just made the challenge more "real" to me. Very motivating for me! Thank You!

    Interesting week. Summer is "funtime, beachtime, celebration time and cocktail time" in my house. My son just graduated High School, we had a birthday party, end of the school year party for my husbands work....all sorts of festivities. So , my eating has been different than usual. However, I haven't strayed too far from my calories, just in the type of food I'm eating (or drinking:drinker: )

    However....I have been drinking my 10 glasses of water, and I went to the gym T, W, F....each day I did cardio and weights. So I feel good about that.

    I will weigh in on Monday.

    Again, Thank you for putting together team and chart.
  • Jessicapages
    Jessicapages Posts: 427
    Water 5/7 weights 5/7 Having a WONDERFUL weekend!!!!!
  • mrowrmeowmrowr
    mrowrmeowmrowr Posts: 288 Member
    So far:
    Water 5/7
    Weights 3/7 :(
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Must tell you a story. For my birthday this weekend I asked for a nice bike ride and healthy picinic on one of my favorite trails. Let's just say I got more excerise than I had hoped for yesterday! We had a flat tire about 20miles into our ride. We were in the midlle of no where. Our repair kit did not fix the flat tire. We had to walk back to our starting point! It was late we were starved and tired so opted for more than the "healthy veggie/fruit/nuts picnic" at 10pm! I am hoping I don't pay for it on weigh in day.

    Everyone have a great weekend and keep posting. I am enjoying all the stories.

    @ Sandbug - Happy Birthday!!!!!!
  • Michelle228
    Michelle228 Posts: 69 Member
    Yay that looks great . Well i have been drinking 6-8 glasses of water everyday but they are in my 25 oz cup :) i have not used weights this week :( but have been doing some light walking i am going to kick that up next week and actually work out every week ! I wanted to add a NSV to my list... I want to finally look in the mirror and see what others see .. I see a blob i just cant wait till i can like myself again :) Keep up the good work all of you !
  • ceejay000
    ceejay000 Posts: 402 Member
    Hello everyone, both people I know from the previous challenges and people I don't know. I really want to participate in this challenge, and I feel bad that I haven't been able to post until today. I moved a few weeks ago and still don't have internet service at home, which is driving me crazy. :explode: I've still been logging my food and exercise, but it's hard to access the forums on my phone. I'm at the library right now, but hopefully I'll have internet at home soon and this won't be a problem.

    Sorry for the inconvenience of joining late, but here goes:

    SW: 143.5 (this is the last weigh-in I have on here, but it's not from Monday)
    GW: 135.5

    NSV goals:
    -Log onto MFP and record my food daily.
    -Continue to lose inches. I don't care how many.
    -Incorporate weight training into my regular work-out routine. I recently joined a gym, and am excited to start doing this.
    -Drink 8 glasses of water a day. I always seem to start out strong with this and then slack off after a week or two...
    -Bring my lunch/dinner to work every day. I'll give myself one day a week of eating the meal provided for me... it's NOT healthy, but sometimes I just don't have the time to prepare a meal in advance.

    If I think of more later, I'll add them.

    This past week has been orientation, and yesterday was officially the first day of my residency. I haven't started working yet, though, because I'm on nights for my first rotation, and it's two weeks on/two weeks off, and I'm on the second two weeks. That'll be "interesting" once it starts, but I'm sure I'll get through it. For now, I'm glad I have a couple weeks to get into a healthy routine before I start working.

    Again, hello to everyone, and keep up the good work! I don't think I would have stuck to MFP if I hadn't found that first challenge the first day I joined the website. Having a group of people to whom I'm accountable (and who motivate and support me) has been invaluable in this journey. Thank you all! :smile:
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Again, hello to everyone, and keep up the good work! I don't think I would have stuck to MFP if I hadn't found that first challenge the first day I joined the website. Having a group of people to whom I'm accountable (and who motivate and support me) has been invaluable in this journey. Thank you all! :smile:

    @ Catie - It's good to see you back! No worries on joining late...we've been getting new additions everyday. With you added in; we're now up to 144 people! The group is so large we won't be posting the group's weekly updates on the thread. We've created a Google Doc for everyone to view. My posting at the top of this page has the link that you can copy/paste.

    Here's to hoping your setting in can get completed and you get yourself internet access! :wink:
  • ravenclawseekergirl
    ravenclawseekergirl Posts: 342 Member
    Wow that's one big spreadsheet :noway:

    I'm really struggling to get all of my water in this time round. you'd think it would be easier what with the weather being so much hotter at the moment...but aparently not. :grumble:
  • Michelle228
    Michelle228 Posts: 69 Member
    Wow that's one big spreadsheet :noway:

    I'm really struggling to get all of my water in this time round. you'd think it would be easier what with the weather being so much hotter at the moment...but aparently not. :grumble:

    @Ravenclaw :) have you tried that mio stuff that is sugar and cal free but can be added to water to give it flavor ? its good and im not sure but i think some of the crystal lite stuff works as well as water too since your just adding flavoring . Hope that might help you a bit
  • ravenclawseekergirl
    ravenclawseekergirl Posts: 342 Member
    Wow that's one big spreadsheet :noway:

    I'm really struggling to get all of my water in this time round. you'd think it would be easier what with the weather being so much hotter at the moment...but aparently not. :grumble:

    @Ravenclaw :) have you tried that mio stuff that is sugar and cal free but can be added to water to give it flavor ? its good and im not sure but i think some of the crystal lite stuff works as well as water too since your just adding flavoring . Hope that might help you a bit

    Well i live in England so...crystal light can't get it over here at least not in the NE. It's more recognising that i'm thirsty and remembering to drink that's the problem. In the past i have been known to realise 2mins before going to bed that i hsvent drunk anything all day. Thanks for trying to help! :flowerforyou:
  • Jessicapages
    Jessicapages Posts: 427
    Burned 678 calories walking and doing D14L2 shred....I have some eating to do to get my net calories to 1200!!!
    Water 5/7
    weights 5/5
    Water today was 16 cups!
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 713 Member
    wow, this group is growing by leaps and bounds. It's really amazing. But unfortunately makes it hard to keep up with everyone's posts if you don't check regularly!

    I'm back at home from being in summit county, CO. My hubby, baby and myself went for a hike today and it was wonderful, got a tiny sunburn, as in one little spot that I missed with sunscreen and came home with lots of beautiful wildflowers. I logged the trek as a walk b/c I didn't want MFP to overestimate my cals, as it was not a strenuous hike at all. I had a pack on with water, so I'm considering that my workout with weight (lucky for me, my hubby wore the back with the 27 lb toddler in it). Exercise with weights: 4/7 (no weight on Tues & Thurs).

    Water - killin' it as always, which is why I spend 1/2 my day in the bathroom.

    Feeling sleepy, but I'm heading out the door for a bikini wax, so I'll be waking right up soon! :laugh:

    Oh and BTW, great work on the tracking document. So impressive. Would it be helpful if people entered their own weights right in there, when they're posting on here? It certainly looks like a lot to keep track of!

    I'll post next week's challenge sometime tomorrow, so keep your eyes peeled!:noway:
  • crshinn
    crshinn Posts: 23
    Went to Zumba class this morning, but no weights. I'm actually really sore from all the weights I've done the past two days. I danced like crazy though so I still burned lots of calories. My real victory today was going to a birthday party and not pigging out on all the food. I actually wasn't that hungry. It must be all the water I've been drinking!

    Thanks for making the spreadsheet!
  • CatherineFen
    CatherineFen Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! I just signed up on MFP today and am excited to begin my journey. I know I'm starting this challenge late however I'm motivated and ready to get started. First day here, first day of a fun challenge... here we go!
    (gulp) Catherine

    SW/CW 200
    GW (fit for fall challenge) 185
    NSVs Survive Jillian's 30 day shred (starting tomorrow)
    Log into MFP regularly
    Fit comfortably into my fall jeans
  • Snow44
    Snow44 Posts: 2
    Is there still room in this challenge? If so count me in - Thanks!
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