SAHM 5/23-5/29



  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    Hello Lovely Ladies! This is the last week of EVO! YEAH!! No more getting up at 5:15 am 3x a week, no sir not signing on for another round. The class is fun and the people are great but 6 am is too early for someone like me that doesn't get enough uninterrupted sleep as it is. Friday is my last class and is also the last day of school for my teenagers! I plan on organizing their summer so they don't spend the entire time being thumb warriors (aka playing video games). They will go running with Dad a few times a week and doing a bootcamp type session with me a couple times a week. I think they will also go volunteer at the library as well. They need to keep busy!

    I am doing well, my weight hasn't changed since last week still at 128.6 but my muscles have been sore a few days so there is water retention issues. Also my neighbor brought us half of a mocha cheesecake..OMG it is good! So we are savoring a little bit each day! I know I will reach my goal in the next few weeks but I am not obsessed with it. My legs are looking pretty good, tummy fairly flat for having 4 kids. Problems still present-thighs namely the saddle bag area, I swear that stuff has been there since I was 10 okay maybe not that long but a very long time, other area is the tricep flappy area. Oh how I hate that! My muscles are strong but it takes forever for the fat to go away. Ah well, those are the biggest complaints right now but I can live with that. It's nice to be able to look in the mirror and recognize myself again and think "I don't look too shabby"!

    Plans for the holiday weekend anyone? We are due to go camping, in tents all 6 of us, with my oldest daughters best friend and her family. It could be great or a total disaster!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    Hi everyone, I had posted once before but forgot about coming back. Sorry!

    I'm Amy and a SAHM to my 7 year old (who will be out of school next Friday) and my 2 year old sons.

    I'm excited to share that since September I have lost 72 lbs (I still have another 30ish to go), but I really need to work on exercising more. I do workout videos, play the Wii and go for walks outside with my youngest, but all of that obviously takes a lot longer to tone up then going to a gym or something. So my goal for this week is to get at least some exercise in everyday, including the weekends, which I never seem to do because I put my sons and DH before me.

    Well, I'm happy to report that both yesterday and today so far I have at least done something. I've walked both days with my youngest and now I'm getting ready to do the EA Sports Active 2 on the Wii.
  • TOM STINKS!! bunches!! LOL. But, I am ALMOST OUT OF THE 220'S!! I am stoked, I don't think I've been this light in years.
    But, have you ever just looked at yourself and still feel the same or look the same as you did, but you know damn well you don't ^__^ I am trying so hard, and I know I am seeing results...but I had a day like the other day and looked in the mirror and cried.

    Cried for the reason I felt I still looked the same, I haven't been in a dressing room facing a mirror...but it was terrifying but i had to tell myself Domi last time you were 260...and not fitting into size 20 you're trying them on and they are too big...
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Been crazy busy here the last few days but have a few minutes to post. Been on field trips the last two days, tomorrow my son is going to district for olymipiad (sp?) and on friday dd1 has a field trip I am going on. Very busy this week. :laugh:

    Nicole~Sorry to hear about the blood clot. That is some scary stuff. Hope you are able to get better soon.

    Welcome to all the newbies!

    RainbowBrite~ I feel you TOM stinks. That is me right now!:tongue: By the end of the field trip today I was wanting to curl up and just sleep. Tired+ cramps= not a very happy me.

    Well got to go take care of a stinky diaper. Chat later.
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Wow, already going on Wednesday and I haven’t said much yet, lol.

    Welcome poustotah, lexncheysmommy6, willsucceed1, admmommy, bmfrazie, lisa0913, mom2caelebncasy (Welcome back), and knelson422. :flowerforyou:

    Katie-For the summer months, I agree about the thread being 1 for each month, makes sense since we seem to be quieting down.

    Nicole-Sorry to hear about the blood clot, but glad they caught it!

    Shoppie-I agree, I don’t think a rapid weight loss is for me either, seems like I gain then lose, gain, then lose, over and over.

    Rainbow-I know we all hate TOM but I only get mine once every 3 months, I take that seasonique birth control pill and I LOVE it:love::love: !!! TOM only 4 times a year instead of 12.

    Wow, lots of new faces! Well, looks like this week, I’ll find out if I’ll still be a SAHM or not, but if I am not, I hope I’m still welcomed in the group, just won’t be on as much. I have an interview tomorrow around noon and then a rescheduled interview next Tuesday. Me and a fellow MFP friend have challenged ourselves this week, we both agreed to NO soda all week long, from Sunday to Sunday! So far, we are both going strong. I have gone 3 out of the 7 with none and I’m feeling great! But I know Monday with the cookouts and stuff, I’ll be having 1 possibly 2, but no more than that! I won’t allow it! :drinker: :drinker:
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,380 Member
    Today has been a good day for me with my workouts. I started off the day with 405 squats. I have been doing the 200 squat challenge and just finished up the last work out today. When I first started this program 6 weeks ago I NEVER thought I would be doing 405 squats in one day little lone in 20 minutes. I then went for a 5 mile run and 1 mile walk for the cool down. This is the furthest I have ran in about 2 years. It sure feels great to be getting back in shape.

    Tonight my son had his first baseball game of the season. He was cute tonight. Aww a summer full of baseball! Can't wait!
  • mskon
    mskon Posts: 64
    HI girlies! :flowerforyou:

    I'm a SAHM to two little boys {5 and 2.5}. We live in Houston, TX and it currently feels like it's 109 degrees with 109% humidity out! It makes exercising a little harder. I can't wait to get to know you ladies!

    Question... Do you guys freakishly binge when it's your TOM? I'm 5 days out and I have been eating like crazy today.
  • crshinn
    crshinn Posts: 23
    Hi! I'm a SAHM to with one boy (9) and two girls (5 & 3). I've only been on MFP for three weeks but I'm loving it. Before MFP, I was exercising regularly but not contolling my diet so I wasn't seeing any weight loss. In the past three weeks, I'm down 5 lbs with about 20 more to go. (I need to figure out how to put that little ticker thing at the bottom of my please). I look forward to getting to know you ladies and sharing motivation and support.
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,380 Member
    Hi! I'm a SAHM to with one boy (9) and two girls (5 & 3). I've only been on MFP for three weeks but I'm loving it. Before MFP, I was exercising regularly but not contolling my diet so I wasn't seeing any weight loss. In the past three weeks, I'm down 5 lbs with about 20 more to go. (I need to figure out how to put that little ticker thing at the bottom of my please). I look forward to getting to know you ladies and sharing motivation and support.

    You can make one under tools and then you would paste it into your signature in the community section. I hope that helps.
  • KC1206
    KC1206 Posts: 90 Member
    Hey Ladies! Hope everyone's week has been going well so far!

    Welcome new ladies!

    Katie---I agree with the one post a month thing...

    Barb--Way to go on the no-soda challenge! I am trying to cut back too and am working to find alternatives for summer get-togethers. Way to go on the past three days though!!

    Shoppie--I agree with you about not being into the rapid weight loss bit, if I go that route I will lose, but then gain back the moment I ease up.

    No loss for me this week, maintaining again, but I am ok with that. I am down 20 from where I was this time last year at my heaviest and it is like night and day for me. I'll be happy with staying where I am and losing slowly..very slowly.

    ok, off to get things together for the day. Have a great day everyone!
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    holly - I laughed out loud at your notion that your saddlebags have been there since you were 10, I feel like that about my tummy, I honestly can't remember a time when I didn't look down at my tummy and think it was too big and ugly. My first memories of thinking that are when I wore a leotard to do dancing so I would have only been about 7. Really sad actually. at least now I feel I have something in return for my car crash tummy i.e. my kids!

    Welcome newbies - its great we seem to be attracting so many new peeps!

    Barb - well done on the soda! Are you including diet sodas? I wasn't drinking many but I have noticed it sneaking up as I diet as it satisfies that craving for a sweet taste without any cals but are they really bad! Also, don't worry about no longer being a SAHM, I won't be come Jan either as I'll return to work, but I certianly intend to keep posting :laugh:
  • crshinn
    crshinn Posts: 23
    Hi! I'm a SAHM to with one boy (9) and two girls (5 & 3). I've only been on MFP for three weeks but I'm loving it. Before MFP, I was exercising regularly but not contolling my diet so I wasn't seeing any weight loss. In the past three weeks, I'm down 5 lbs with about 20 more to go. (I need to figure out how to put that little ticker thing at the bottom of my please). I look forward to getting to know you ladies and sharing motivation and support.

    You can make one under tools and then you would paste it into your signature in the community section. I hope that helps.
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,380 Member
    Ladies help me out with a few ideas. Today my son has a school wide picnic. His grade needs to bring a side dish that is big enough to feed 20. I had actually almost forgot about making anything and need an idea that I can make this afternoon.
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Happy hump day ladies!!!

    Welcome, mrspart! Sometimes on my TOM I do binge, esp with the soda and chocolate, I don’t know why but as soon as I have it, I’m good! I feel great, kinda like my drug! :laugh: Sorry to hear about your heat, where I live, we’re struggling to reach our normal highs this Spring, wondering what that will mean for the summer…..

    Welcome, crshinn!

    Thanks, KC and Shoppie. I have had no soda, both regular and diet. I didn’t check with my friend that is doing the challenge, but I will check into that. I didn’t even think about it, lol. Even though I do have 1 ½ cases of that Pepsi Max with zero calories, I have not touched it. And right now, looks like I will still be a SAHM mom, neither one of those interviews worked out, so I’m still here!

    BMfrazie-What about like a macaroni salad or potato salad? Not really sure what to take either for a little kids’ picnic, trying to think of picnic items. Good luck wish I could be more help!

    Well, since we have had so many new faces again in the past few weeks, I will re-introduce myself so they get to know us like we know each other.

    My name is Barb, I’m 27 yrs old. I have a little girl, Kelsey, who is 7 years old and a little boy, Jeremey, who is 1 year old. My husband is a 3rd shift trucker driver and sometimes he’s home every day, sometimes every other day, and sometimes he gone from Monday night until Saturday afternoon, and has weekends off (just depends on how much freight is available). My husband and I have been together 8 years (April 5th, 2003) & have been married for 5 years (May 13, 2006) :love: . Currently, living with my inlaws, so I’ll complain every now and then (we were hoping to move out this summer, but had some things pop up that are keeping us here another year) . We live in South Bend, Indiana and if you're not sure where that is, we're just a few minutes away from Norte Dame College, at my inlaws house, go down the road about 3-4 mins and you're there....that's how close we live to ND (sorry not a ND fan).....I started my weight loss March 2009 and when I started needed to lose about 92 lbs, and I've lost 50 lbs so far. Feel free to check out my weight loss story. Anything else, feel free to ask. :smile:
  • Victorious_One
    Victorious_One Posts: 174 Member
    BlueRose - You're always welcome here! Definitely come back and post. Are you excited about going back to work?

    Mom2 - Congrats on walking! Keep up the great work, especially while the weather is good.

    Holly - With the muscles there, the fat has to go ! Hang in there.

    Rainbow_Brite86 - I had a hard time seeing myself differently as I lost weight. I still sometimes see myself as "that girl," even after 95 lbs lost. My mother told me that I looked the same after having lost 30 lbs. It messed with my head for a long time. You know the truth--your body is changing. Hang on to that no matter what your head tries to tell you it sees.

    Katie - I remember the dirty diaper days. They go by faster than you think, so "enjoy" them. :happy:

    Bmfrazie - 405 squats is, like, un-even-thought-of in my book! And running 5 miles? You go! That's inspiring. What did you make for your son's school picnic?

    Mrspart - I have had the TOM this past week, and I have been eating like a pig. I wondered where that 5 lbs came from! Ha ha! :laugh: I can totally relate.

    Crshinn - Welcome, and congratulations on your success! MFP rocks for sure.

    I walked for two out of three days this week. I'm waiting for my DD to get home from school so we can walk together. She hates that, but too bad, it's time to bond and exercise! :smile:

    I'm hoping they open the pool at my complex this weekend. I don't have a swimsuit, so that's another excuse-I-mean-reason to go shopping AGAIN this week. My DH is taking the day off tomorrow, so maybe he'll go with me and help me pick out a suitable suit. I'm going from a size 24 suit the last time I bought one to an 8/10 this time around, so some perspective would be helpful.

    Hope it's sunny where you are! It's 90 degrees and sweltering here, just the way I like it!
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,380 Member
    Victorious_One - I actually didn't end up making anything because I hurt my hand this afternoon. It is actually tonight and we are going to look at his school projects but not staying for the picnic since my hand is killing me. Off to the fair share picnic right now.

    I had a horrible day for my workout due to the hand injury and it being cold. I did my push up and squat workout and that is it. Tomorrow I need to jog an easy 2 miles though since I have the 10k on Saturday morning.
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    BlueRose - You're always welcome here! Definitely come back and post. Are you excited about going back to work?

    Mom2 - Congrats on walking! Keep up the great work, especially while the weather is good.

    Holly - With the muscles there, the fat has to go ! Hang in there.

    Rainbow_Brite86 - I had a hard time seeing myself differently as I lost weight. I still sometimes see myself as "that girl," even after 95 lbs lost. My mother told me that I looked the same after having lost 30 lbs. It messed with my head for a long time. You know the truth--your body is changing. Hang on to that no matter what your head tries to tell you it sees.

    Katie - I remember the dirty diaper days. They go by faster than you think, so "enjoy" them. :happy:

    Bmfrazie - 405 squats is, like, un-even-thought-of in my book! And running 5 miles? You go! That's inspiring. What did you make for your son's school picnic?

    Mrspart - I have had the TOM this past week, and I have been eating like a pig. I wondered where that 5 lbs came from! Ha ha! :laugh: I can totally relate.

    Crshinn - Welcome, and congratulations on your success! MFP rocks for sure.

    I walked for two out of three days this week. I'm waiting for my DD to get home from school so we can walk together. She hates that, but too bad, it's time to bond and exercise! :smile:

    I'm hoping they open the pool at my complex this weekend. I don't have a swimsuit, so that's another excuse-I-mean-reason to go shopping AGAIN this week. My DH is taking the day off tomorrow, so maybe he'll go with me and help me pick out a suitable suit. I'm going from a size 24 suit the last time I bought one to an 8/10 this time around, so some perspective would be helpful.

    Hope it's sunny where you are! It's 90 degrees and sweltering here, just the way I like it!

    Nicole-It didn't work out, so for now, I'm still here. Maybe next time.
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Hey girls, sorry I have been MIA. Getting ready for the camping trip and my big 3-0! I won't be on all weekend! Hope you all have a wonderful Memorial day! I will see you late Monday or Tuesday. I'll start the new thread for June then :)
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    Barb - sorry neither of the interviews wored out, something will come up I'm sure, they don't know what they're missing x

    Kat - hope you have a lovely camping trip

    bmfrazie - 405 squats?? I am in awe!

    I have a tummy toning DVD that has 5 10 minute workouts and I'm really enjoying it, its great to feel you can achieve something in such a short amount of time, and In can def feel it in my abs!!

    What's memorial day then? We have a bank holiday on Monday but its a spring bank holiday apparently (I had to check online hy we have one! :laugh: )

    My eating is iffy today and will be even more iffy tomorrow as we are eating up food, tomorrow i my last day before my hols! So excited! :bigsmile: Must control my eating in France, must control my eating in France...
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    <~~~~lost 2.4 pounds since her last weigh-in! She's lost 49.4 pounds so far.

    Woo hoo, finally a loss! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Shoppie-Thanks :blushing: Memorial Day is a United States federal holiday observed on the last Monday of May (May 30 in 2011). Formerly known as Decoration Day, it commemorates men and women who died while in military service to the United States. Everyone here usually cookouts, see parades, swimming pool open up, and for us, its like the start of summer. What is that tummy toning video called?

    bmfrazie-I agree with Shoppie, 405 squats, I don't think I could do it! Amazing!

    Today is the last day of my week challenge of no soda and I think that is one reason why I lost weight this week! :drinker: Not doing a lot this holiday weekend. Tomorrow afternoon, we're doing 5 year anniversary pics, Jeremey's 1 year pics, and a couple family pics. Monday morning seeing a parade and then Monday afternoon cookout!

    Happy a great weekend everyone!

    Katie-Happy 30th!!! Sounds like you have an awesome weekend planned!! See you on Monday/Tuesday!
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