SAHM 5/23-5/29

katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
Welcome!! We are a fabulous group of Stay at Home Moms that support each other through our weightloss and the most important job....being a mom! We welcome all newcomers, join in any time, we would love to get to know you! :flowerforyou:

Previous thread:


  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    YAY! I'm a SAHM with 3 kids and one on the way. I'm 35 weeks 3 days and am waiting on operations 'Snap Back' to begin!
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Seems summer months are going to slow us down on posting, eh? LOL What do you all think about keeping the same thread for the month, instead of the week? I'll start a new on in June??

    KC ~ Fabulous work on your yard! It's raining again and I'm bummed I really wanted to get out and tackle the BIG weed problem in the back...oh well LOL

    Nicole ~ Scary about the blood clot! Glad they caught it quickly before it could do some serious damage. Hit up your towns garage sales, you can get some really great stuff dirt cheap! I love garage sale-ing! LOL

    htuzzi ~ sorry about the lack of sleep. It always seems harder when they go backwards like that. Hope all went well at the appt!

    Shoppie ~ Hey girl! Hope you had a great time at the BBQ last night!

    Welcome Poustah!! Hope you have an easy rest of the pregnancy and you aren't somewhere too hot right now! LOL Do you know what you're having?

    Well this is's my last week in my 20s!!! LOL We are celebrating this weekend by going camping. I'm so so excited! We are camping with 2 other families we know, and my bday is on Saturday. Ack! I can't believe I am going to be 30, silly thing is, I'm excited about it :) Maybe cause I don't feel like I should be a day over 25?

    Anyway, happy Monday girls!!!
  • Rainbow_Brite86

    I am in the 2nd week of Hip Hop Abs, and love it. I am now 226 YAY! Hehe...I have more muscle than I did before :P

    I am having a daily trouble to get the monster down, to do my work outs and other daily things, LOL but I still do it which is incredible within itself.

    I have my youngest ACTUALLY working out with me ((:

    How are you today :D
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Ohhh IDK how I missed this thread before!! Ive been a SAHM for over 6 years now. I have 2 kids ages 6 and 3.
  • ceirawillsucceed
    ceirawillsucceed Posts: 519 Member
    hi im a sahm of 2 girls 10 and 4. i have been a sahm since i had my pldest.
    i am loving MFP. everyone gives great support.
  • admmommy
    admmommy Posts: 143 Member
    I am a SAHM of three ages 10, 4, 2 so my day is busy busy busy. Since it stopped raining here we can get outside! I have a lot of yard work to get done, lol. I currently have 50 more pounds to lose and working my way towards that goal. I have signed up for a 5K which comes pretty quickly on the 12th of June!

    Lately I have had a hard time getting into a routine because I find it difficult to get to bed early enough because I am waiting for my husband to get home. I am not used to going to bed without him :( So in turn mornings are horrendous and coffee is immediately consumed! Although, I can say the past two days have been pretty active because of the yard work. On Saturday I did gardening and that took four hours out of my day for one garden, and I have four more to go!!! Yesterday I did a half hour of raking (only because company came over) today I plan to finish it!

    I also got myself a new water bottle so now that is with me at all times so I am drinking more water :)

    Have a great day everyone!!
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    I think one thread per month is a good idea now Kat. Love your new profile pic too :love: Happy impending 30th birthday, its not bad the other side, honest :laugh:

    Nicole - how scarey re: the blood clot :noway: Glad they caught it!

    Welcome new girls! :drinker:

    I was very stroppy yesterday as I went to a friend for lunch and all she served up was pizza, literally no salad, nothing else at all. I had 3 or 4 small pieces, somewher between 1/3 and 1/2 and then a v small dinner but I was sooooo grouchy about the whole things as I was really hungry and kept thinking of all the other things I could have had for the same cals! I was so, so close to baking last night so I decided to try on my size 12 skinny fit jeans (US size 8) and I'm wearing them! Thy are snug but not unwearable so I am really thrilled! :bigsmile:
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    I would like to try and join in. I am always looking for support on my journey. I am a SAHM and have an 8 year old son that is amazing (most of the time :laugh: ) I am newer at the SAHM thing and have been loving all of the cooking creativity that I have found in myself. I have started to cook a lot better/healthier solid meals for my family and it is great!

    I am currently trying to drop a few pounds and get healthy so we can start TTC in a few months. I want to be as healthy as possible before we even start trying.
  • soni_me
    soni_me Posts: 95 Member
    I like the idea of a monthy'll be easier for the summer months.

    I haven't posted in a few weeks, because my computer is still being repaired. I'm a little discouraged, because the scale is not only not moving, it's moving up. I've been working out at least 4 days a week, but usually 5-6 days a week. I'm okay on food, but I'm sure there's room for improvement. Since the last time I posted in here, I've added circut training (so I can get some weight and resistance training with the cardio).
  • lisa0913
    lisa0913 Posts: 22
    Hi! I've been a SAHM for almost 4 years now. We have two daughters, 4 & 5. Been dieting on and off since having these beautiful babies.. with no luck of staying at my goal weight.
    My friend turned me on to MFP and I love it so far. My in-laws are Korean, so in turn, I eat a lot of Korean food. What a surprise to find every thing Korean I've eaten so far, in the database!! I couldn't believe it!

    My first mini-goal is 25 lbs by July 12th. Gonna keep me on my toes!
  • Victorious_One
    Victorious_One Posts: 174 Member
    Happy Monday, everyone! Welcome to all the new people! We all love hearing from you. Please post often.

    Soni_me, don't be discouraged about the scale! You may be building muscle instead of losing fat. If you haven't already, try to keep track of your measurements--you may also be losing inches if you're not losing pounds. Stick to the basics and it will work for you.

    Katapple and Shoppie - Thanks for the shout out. Yes, they caught the clot. I have to give myself shots twice a day and get my blood drawn every other day or so to make sure my levels are what they should be. My arm is still swollen but it feels a bit better.

    I totally support going to one thread per month, no problem. Lots of threads are like 20 pages so we can handle it! :-)

    Today, I have to get my blood drawn re: the clot. I learned that clots don't go away: they shrink and then become a part of the blood vessel. Since it will stick with me forever, maybe I should give it a name? :noway:

    My 6th grader hasn't been doing her kitchen chores for like a month. I've just been doing them and "requesting" that she start again. Well, no more! I've had it! Let the whole kitchen turn into one big dirty dish, she has to get it together. I now understand the motivation of allowance!

    We're back to rain and clouds now. How I'm going to get out and walk, I dunno, but I have to git 'er dunn. My poor pooch hasn't been walked in ages.

    Ok, have a great week everyone!
  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    Seems summer months are going to slow us down on posting, eh? LOL What do you all think about keeping the same thread for the month, instead of the week? I'll start a new on in June??

    KC ~ Fabulous work on your yard! It's raining again and I'm bummed I really wanted to get out and tackle the BIG weed problem in the back...oh well LOL

    Nicole ~ Scary about the blood clot! Glad they caught it quickly before it could do some serious damage. Hit up your towns garage sales, you can get some really great stuff dirt cheap! I love garage sale-ing! LOL

    htuzzi ~ sorry about the lack of sleep. It always seems harder when they go backwards like that. Hope all went well at the appt!

    Shoppie ~ Hey girl! Hope you had a great time at the BBQ last night!

    Welcome Poustah!! Hope you have an easy rest of the pregnancy and you aren't somewhere too hot right now! LOL Do you know what you're having?

    Well this is's my last week in my 20s!!! LOL We are celebrating this weekend by going camping. I'm so so excited! We are camping with 2 other families we know, and my bday is on Saturday. Ack! I can't believe I am going to be 30, silly thing is, I'm excited about it :) Maybe cause I don't feel like I should be a day over 25?

    Anyway, happy Monday girls!!!

    I'm having a girl and I'm in Florida - so a nice 90 degrees here. BOOOO!!! I'm done being pregnant and ready for this peanut to show up already.

    Last week of the 20's congrats - 30 IS the new 20!!!
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    Hi everyone, I had posted once before but forgot about coming back. Sorry!

    I'm Amy and a SAHM to my 7 year old (who will be out of school next Friday) and my 2 year old sons.

    I'm excited to share that since September I have lost 72 lbs (I still have another 30ish to go), but I really need to work on exercising more. I do workout videos, play the Wii and go for walks outside with my youngest, but all of that obviously takes a lot longer to tone up then going to a gym or something. So my goal for this week is to get at least some exercise in everyday, including the weekends, which I never seem to do because I put my sons and DH before me.
  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    Hey guys, missed you last week! I feel like a bum because I haven't really been working out much. I was on an antibiotic 2 weeks ago that caught up to R - she was pooping multiple times a day AND night, so for about a week I was up hours in the middle of the night with her. That finally stopped and she was still waking for even longer stretches....turns out she was getting another tooth. Last night was the shortest waking yet at 45 mins (I got smart and gave Tylenol as soon as she woke).

    I was very upset to have a 2 lb gain last week, especially since I only went over cals ONE day (and only by 200). I'm hoping water weight....who knows? I'm not going to meet my goal of out of the 170s by June 4th, but I guess as long as I get there eventually.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    tagging for later

    but quick--welcome to the new girls!

    and shoppie and wildcat--there will be days like that. key is to just keep moving forward with achievable goals and good habits. you will get to your final goal!
    and shoppie--congrats on not baking. that oven has been calling my name too....

    goal this week--4-5 days of exercise
    still working on 2 fruits and 2 veges/day

    lost another 0.4 lb--yay! goal is to maintain that #

    and happy early bday katie! a camping trip sounds like a great way to celebrate!

    off to feed the kids bf--
  • knelson422
    knelson422 Posts: 308
    How do we join or follow "the thread". I seriously am techy challenged. My almost 5 year old can navigate our computer better than I can. I am excited to get to know all you other SAHMs!!! I have 6 kiddos, potty training the 5th of them this last week. Needless to say, I have scarfed down a few Reeses Pieces to relieve stress and reward myself for all of this hard work. Weaning the baby next month, then comes summer. I will be glad to hear from you all. Good luck this week!!
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Wanted to share this with everyone. Check this out, its Dr Oz's fast food diet, for those of us that are on the run, whether it be one day a week or all week, this can work, he had two ladies on the show that did this diet for 1 week and each other them lost 1 lb/day!
  • PNCTink
    PNCTink Posts: 232 Member
    Tagging for later. :smile:
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    knelson - once you click on community (on the top blue bar after food and exercise etc), lower down you can see some options - home, recent posts, my topics etc. If you click on 'my topics' it brings up stuff you have replied to - that's how I find this thread again later :smile:

    wildcat - I said on your status I had the same thing a bit back and the couple of pounds disappeared after a few weeks as randomly as they appeared, it was most odd. The only thing I found helped was thinking that if I really let myself go I would only gain yet more.

    stacey - well done on resisting the baking to you too, its so hard sometimes isn't it?!

    Barb - I don't think rapid weight loss is for me, I just gain it back. I do get frustrated with the speed sometimes (and I've done it about as fast as you can having lost 23 lbs in 11 weeks so pretty much bang on the 2 lbs per week target), but it does feel realistic that I can eat like this for the rest of my life, rather than stopping 'dieting' and just putting it all back on as I have in the past.

    I lost another 3 pounds today and am liking my ticker having less than a stone to go :bigsmile: TBH, I think I will ultimately drop my goal by nearly another stone, but one thing at a time - my current goal is to shed another 2 pounds and then I will be the weight I was when I got pregnant with DS2.

    My goals for the rest of this week are just to be as good as I possibly can until we go on hols first thing Sun morning. Then 11 days not logging but I really, really want to keep doing the best I can with my food, I would be devastated if I gained too much back while I am off. After Saturday, don't panic if it tells you I haven't logged in, I won't be taking my phone so no net access at all as part of a pact DH and I have made! :laugh:
  • Victorious_One
    Victorious_One Posts: 174 Member
    Welcome to the new folks! Post away, we love hearing from you.

    My one goal today is to walk! I'm doing the couch to 5K program, and I need to get moving. The rain looks like it may hold off until the afternoon, so me and the pooch are on our way out.

    Eating is OK, I just need more water and to up my protein still.

    Have a great day today, ladies!