Fit for Fall Challenge - 6/20 - 9/05



  • jenniferjgayfield
    I've had a real tough week, an uncle of mine passed away, and the family is very devastated...two days when I went over my calories, yesterday I almost doubled what I should have. I cannot run because of an injury to my ankle, it might be a month or two before I can (and this is my favorite form of stress relief), and I am just overall feeling very discouraged. Getting on here and reading y'all's posts really keep me going, and I am trying to focus on my goals. I know it's not Monday yet, but I hopped on the scale today and much to my surprise I have lost weight even with my overeating. I am officially down to my pre-pregnancy weight. I just needed to share the good news, proud of my progress, looking forward to more. Tough weekend ahead, but will be pressing on.
  • Cusegirl1992
    Cusegirl1992 Posts: 124
    So far this week, I've had a difficult time getting the weights in. I've done plenty of random exercise; pool, walking, biking, etc. The water has been pretty good, except for yesterday. My NSV of not eating past 9pm...yeah, well successful only on two days. Let's see what the weekend brings :0

    Random question though: my children do not eat the crusts of their bread. I ate them for them today. How would you all log that?
  • Jessicapages
    Jessicapages Posts: 427
    D13L2 DONE 271 calories burned and I HAVE LOST 8 INCHES!!!!!!!!!!!! i was suppost to do my measurments on sunday but I couldn't wait!!!!:smile:
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member
    time to stop procrastinating and commit to some NSVs:
    1. running 6 miles
    2. no more slave to scale - 2 times per week MAX!
    3. fit into true size 8 (I currently wear some 12, 10 and 8)

    there it is, set in stone.

    Here's the list of the women who will bring you your weekly challenges:
    aab1 - week of 6/20
    oliviawink - week of 6/27
    slackeyj - week of 7/4
    kylakesgal - week of 7/11
    ravenclawseekergirl - week of 7/18
    Tissues - week of 7/25
    singer - week of 8/1
    jessicamarie - week of 8/8
    ___________(TBD) - week of 8/15 (someone in this thread was wanting this week, and I can't remember who... please speak up if it's you!)
    Kris1085- week of 8/22
    Leslieroyale - Week of 8/29

    I will remind each person before their challenge week. Jess - DON'T STRESS! As you know, whatever you challenge people with will be just fine. I know you will give us something good!
    Thanks for posting that Olivia. I had forgotten when my week was lol. Ok it's the week of my oldest son's birthday so maybe I can remember that:) Are we still doing a food challenge too or is that optional? I think I"ve already figured out what my challenge will be (should be a good one btw). The weekend is almost here....yah:) Keep guzzling that water everyone:)

    Yes, we had said we would do, 1 fitness, 1 food related goal. But if you have an idea for a goal that is not either of those (I remember in the last challenge someone, maybe nikki, did an emotional goal) I'd say go for it!
  • ravenclawseekergirl
    ravenclawseekergirl Posts: 342 Member
    I've had a real tough week, an uncle of mine passed away, and the family is very devastated...two days when I went over my calories, yesterday I almost doubled what I should have. I cannot run because of an injury to my ankle, it might be a month or two before I can (and this is my favorite form of stress relief), and I am just overall feeling very discouraged. Getting on here and reading y'all's posts really keep me going, and I am trying to focus on my goals. I know it's not Monday yet, but I hopped on the scale today and much to my surprise I have lost weight even with my overeating. I am officially down to my pre-pregnancy weight. I just needed to share the good news, proud of my progress, looking forward to more. Tough weekend ahead, but will be pressing on.
    I'm sorry to hear of your loss!
    I think that all in all your coping very well! When my grandmother died ... well lets just say that i overate for 3 years and took up some very destructive coping methods!
    Well done you for keeping in mind your goals and continuing to lose weight. :flowerforyou:
  • singer201
    singer201 Posts: 560 Member
    @ ((((((((((jennifer))))))))))))))))))))))

    Yesterday, I got the lawn mowed before we had a drenching rain last night--Yay! Today, my DD2 comes to visit on her way to equine massage school. I will be dog-sitting my "grand-dog" while she's there. I foresee many 3.0 mph walks with dog in the next 2 weeks.
  • Huskeryogi
    Huskeryogi Posts: 578 Member
    I'd like to join (a little late). My goal by September is to lose 16lbs and get down to 170lbs. For an NSV (I haven't figured out what that stands for yet, but I think I get the gist) I'll run/jog a 5K. Right now I can only run a min or two at a time.
  • helena98
    helena98 Posts: 327
    I'd like to start the challenge if it's not too late!

    We're happy to have you! I've taken over tracking duties, and I can easily add you in today. Please post your current weight, goal weight for 9/5/11, and your NSV (Non Scale Victory). Everyone's checking in on Monday with their 1st week's progress (weight and/or progress towards NSV).

  • crshinn
    crshinn Posts: 23
    Did a Zumba Tone class at the gym this morning so I got my weights in while doing my favorite workout. I think I'm going to be really sore tomorrow though from all the squats and lunges we did. I'm also about half way to my water goal today.
  • Juniper88
    Juniper88 Posts: 142
    Water @ 10 cups/day = 3/7
    Weights = 0/7

    Still no weights... I did do quite a lot of skipping and some jumping jacks today. But, no official weights. Also, only managed to drink 7 cups of water today - so, task not completed.
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    I'm sorry to hear that about your uncle Jennifer, hugs to you!!

    Great job all you shredders! I'm on Day 4 and I would love to finish it this one time, I usually get to Level 2 and chicken out but I need to push myself and believe that I am capable! Even after doing it for 4 days, I can tell an increase in my endurance and strength, and I see muscle tone in my arms and legs...great feeling when you can get past the initial "breaking in" phase.

    Juniper, kudos to you for jumping jacks, I always hate those! But they get the heartrate way up!

    Got lots of water in today, mowed the yard, pushmowed...which is always great for a good burn. I'm going to count that as weights today, LOL.

    I was also reading some article somewhere that said YES, strength training is important when you are trying to lose weight. Some women wait to tone up after they lose pounds. That's not the way to go...building muscle is important because muscle burns way more cals than fat....women worry about "bulking up", but wouldn't you rather look better and feel stronger? I know I would, feeling strong is the best feeling! That is where the scale hang-up comes in. I always gain weight when I start the shred and kinda freak...but I know that my body is building muscle or my muscles are swollen. Give it a few weeks, then the weight will come down and your body will thank you.
  • WWH_AJ
    WWH_AJ Posts: 419 Member
    10 cups/day: 3/7
    Weights: 4/7
  • mobskee
    mobskee Posts: 200
    I've had a real tough week, an uncle of mine passed away, and the family is very devastated...two days when I went over my calories, yesterday I almost doubled what I should have. I cannot run because of an injury to my ankle, it might be a month or two before I can (and this is my favorite form of stress relief), and I am just overall feeling very discouraged. Getting on here and reading y'all's posts really keep me going, and I am trying to focus on my goals. I know it's not Monday yet, but I hopped on the scale today and much to my surprise I have lost weight even with my overeating. I am officially down to my pre-pregnancy weight. I just needed to share the good news, proud of my progress, looking forward to more. Tough weekend ahead, but will be pressing on.

    I am so sorry to hear about your loss. At times like this it's hard to concentrate on your goals. It's ok to have cheat days here and there.
    Have you tried pilates? I love putting my music on and doing the pilates video. I find it to be very relaxing and the music helps you get into the zone, it may be a good substitute while your ankle is hurt. Congratulations on your weight loss!
  • Majbdrake
    Majbdrake Posts: 69
    CW 265
    GW 240

    I haven't posted at all this week, but I'm still working on this challeng. I've worked out every day this week, which is a huge accomplishment for me. :)

    I have my own NSV too:

    it seems crazy I know, but I've never once worked out and ended up with sweat thru my shirt and today I did. :) My crazy little NSV... :)

    WOO HOO!!!!
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Good Morning, All!!

    Based on the great turnout for this challenge - 142 people - pasting the weekly results into the thread has become a difficult option to accomplish. So with the awesome help from a variety of people - koeniginhla, mobskee & Red_Minx - trying different methods to get you the information, we've come up with using Google Docs.

    Koeniginhla & I will keep the file updated as everyone posts their weekly checkins. If you copy/paste the link below, you can view the file. Please let us know if the information we have noted for you is inaccurate or incomplete and we'll get it updated.
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    I've had a real tough week, an uncle of mine passed away, and the family is very devastated...two days when I went over my calories, yesterday I almost doubled what I should have. I cannot run because of an injury to my ankle, it might be a month or two before I can (and this is my favorite form of stress relief), and I am just overall feeling very discouraged. Getting on here and reading y'all's posts really keep me going, and I am trying to focus on my goals. I know it's not Monday yet, but I hopped on the scale today and much to my surprise I have lost weight even with my overeating. I am officially down to my pre-pregnancy weight. I just needed to share the good news, proud of my progress, looking forward to more. Tough weekend ahead, but will be pressing on.

    @ Jennifer - Hugs to you & your family during this difficult time. Do the best you can & know that we're hear to listen if you need it! :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou:

    Random question though: my children do not eat the crusts of their bread. I ate them for them today. How would you all log that?

    @ Cusegirl - Maybe post it as eating only a partial piece of bread?
  • Jessicapages
    Jessicapages Posts: 427
    Good Morning, All!!

    Based on the great turnout for this challenge - 142 people - pasting the weekly results into the thread has become a difficult option to accomplish. So with the awesome help from a variety of people - koeniginhla, mobskee & Red_Minx - trying different methods to get you the information, we've come up with using Google Docs.

    Koeniginhla & I will keep the file updated as everyone posts their weekly checkins. If you copy/paste the link below, you can view the file. Please let us know if the information we have noted for you is inaccurate or incomplete and we'll get it updated.

    WOW that is great we have so many people in this challenge!!!!!! THANK YOU so much for all your hard work and time!!!! It really means alot to have someone so commited to helping others!!!!! :wink: :smile:
  • emariec78
    emariec78 Posts: 530 Member
    Wow, thanks for putting that together! Looks like everyone has been off to a good start. I've got my water each day and I've got weights all but 1 day so far. I'm also happy to report that the scale appears to be moving in my favor now, I'm not back down to where I was yet but I'm glad the number is decreasing at any rate.

    So this weekend is my birthday! Today I'm going to the water park with a friend and then out for drinks tonight. I'm hoping running around the water park will burn enough calories to make up for the cocktails later :drinker: Oh, and yes we are two adults going to the water park with no kids, but who cares we can act like kids if we want! I've also come to the conclusion that NSV=NWV, NWV being a non-wallet victory. I pulled the dress out my closet that I bought to wear out for my birthday last year which I chickened out on at the last minute as I felt it was too revealing for my size. So what do you know, now its too big!....and I've never worn it, waste of money and now I need a new dress! Of course I'm happy about losing weight, but man I am spending a fortune on new clothes. Good thing that of the many things I tend to enjoy one of them is shopping :smile:

    Hope everyone has a great weekend!

    @ jennifer, sorry for your loss and we're all here if you need us
  • Cusegirl1992
    Cusegirl1992 Posts: 124
    Wow! The chart looks great! Thank you so much for all of the hard work. The water is going well, had 14 glasses yesterday. Exercising 3x's a week is going well, weights are okay, it's the eating past 9pm that's hurting me. I made myself go to bed at 10pm just so as not to eat anymore! ( I am also currently on my cycle) Let's see what the scale brings on Monday!
  • JenL0690
    JenL0690 Posts: 92 Member
    I see I forgot to post my NSV!....Complete 30DS with NO breaks and Drink at least 10 glasses of water a day!! :)