Hi Everyone - anyone on here with an underactive thyroid?



  • Ana_Morais
    Ana_Morais Posts: 2
    Hey! Same situation here.. I've was diagnosed with hypothyroidism last year and put on 8kg which I'm still unable to lose.. what type of diet are you guys on? Any foods to avoid?
    Nice to find people who're going through the same thing add me :)
  • Satya_Ayurveda
    Satya_Ayurveda Posts: 91 Member
    I have atypical Hashimoto's thyroiditis. It is an autoimmune disease where the body attacks the thyroid. Typically this will put someone into a hypothyroid state, however I have been consistently hyperthyroid for the past 2 years which is why it is atypical. I also have a cancerous thyroid nodule that they are currently "shrinking" so I am being monitored frequently.
  • JThomas61
    JThomas61 Posts: 892
    Hello, I also suffer from hypothyroid syndrome. I am taking 50 MCG of Synthroid daily. I still managed to drop 53 pounds since Jan 2011. I work out atleast 60 minutes a day and manage my diet using MFP. Its tough sometimes but you can do it.
  • trishobr
    trishobr Posts: 120 Member
    I also have hypothyroidism and also Hashimoto's thyroiditis. You are welcome to add me as a friend!
  • malikeasmummy
    malikeasmummy Posts: 1 Member
    ive been suffering with an underactive thyroid for years now, all my life i've been larger than average even when eating the exact same as my brother and sister who r stick thin, eventually the doctor ran tests and put me on medication for it but suprisingly when i got pregnant my levels went back 2 normal, after having the little one its gone underactive again so will be going back on the medication starting monday. so hopefully now i'll start 2 shift some of this extra weight
  • joiabella
    joiabella Posts: 1
    I have been on Synthroid 125 mcg for almost 10 years. I also take Cytomel, which is T3. My doctor, an endocronologist, is wonderful and has been a huge support for me trying to get my Thyroiditis undercontrol and losing weight. I am 60 lbs overweight and have tried every diet out there for most of my adult life.

    In January I joined WW (again) and was so frustrated that people were losing LBS and I was losing OZs!!! I talked with my doctor about my frustruations and he told me to stop counting Points and start counting CALORIES!! He said with an underactive thyroid you have to EAT 50% LESS than an average person and EXERCISE 50% MORE than an average person. So, for me, that means eating 900 calores a day and working out on an ellipitical 40 minutes a day (2 sessions). AND I don't "eat" my workout calories.
    Results??? Yes! I have lost 7 lbs in 3 weeks with FitnessPal. On WW I lost 10 lbs in 4 MONTHS. I'm down a total of 17 lbs since January. I'm cancelling my WW membership and staying with FP.

    We are all in this together....being hypothyroid is like nothing else. We lose weight very slowly and we loose our motivation before meeting our goals. Let's support each other, one pound at a time, no matter how long it takes.
  • teresaq1
    teresaq1 Posts: 53
    I too have thyroid issues. Have been on mfp for 3 weeks Have lost 11.5 lbs total. Lost three lbs before joining. Love this site. Helps motivate me and keeps me honest. Add me to your freind list:smile:
  • crshinn
    crshinn Posts: 23
    HI! I also have hypothyroidism and on 125 mcg of levothroid. I didn't know about all of those foods that should be avoided. Thanks for the info. I'm going to ask my doctor about that at my appointment in a few weeks. I'd much rather regulate my thyroid with diet than with medication if possible.
  • ema192
    ema192 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi I have been on LevoThyroxine sine August 2008 with my dosage being increased every year.
    I lost 17lb on ww in six months in 2009 then last year put it all back on with an extra 10lb.
    I joined mfp and have lost 9lb so far but i am only eating 1200 calories a day and exercising at least 4 times a week.
    It is a constant battle having an underatcive thyroid, lets all keep each other motivated. as a underatcive thyroid suffer would know symptoms ofit make you have bouts of depressing, lack of motivation and exhaustion so i am going to be using this site to keep my spirits up and hopefully become a slimmer happier mummy and girlfriend.
    good luck to everyone xx
  • torsaer
    torsaer Posts: 211 Member
    Am also hyphothyroid and on thyroxine (150mcg) - add me as a friend if you like!
  • beckbop
    beckbop Posts: 75
    i have an underactive thyroid too! i have had the worst time with it, needing to go for blood tests every month instead of every three month.
    i am currently on 125 mg of thyroxine, but this will probably change next week when i go for my blood tests and a blood count test.

    does anyone know of any foods that should be avoided? as i have seen lots on different websites but dont really know what to go by.

    i have put on so much weight since coming on these tablets about a year ago now and its getting me so down :(
    before this i was in size 10 clothes or even some 8! (UK sizes) and now i have just shot up :'(

    i would be grateful on any help or advice anyone could give me so that i can lose weight please!

    feel free to add me as i am new to all this and could do with some support. thank you :) xxx