

  • Personally, all bikes are fine with me. I grew up with a father who restores motorcycles and even has rare ones that museums beg him for. I hate it when some refers him/herself as a biker but it's just harleys.....a true "biker" sees beauty in all bikes. JMHO
  • mushrooms = fungus........YUCK :sick:
  • Outside: Wide shoulders, abs, abs, abs (did I mention abs?) strong back, nice butt and toned legs. I'm a HUGE sucker for eyes and a goatee! Inside: Funny, east going and is comfortable with himself so he doesn't try and smother or try and change me. p.s. Still looking for the above combination! lol p.s.s Edited (TWICE)…
  • I like "diamonds in the rough" You know, the bad boy looking, tattoo's on the outside but the the nice, sweet guy on the inside. Only because I'm the girl next door, take home to mother type with the wild bad girl on the inside that very few see! lol p.s. and I LOVE tats......
  • I have tried both the greenberry and chocolate. I really like them both. I use it as a meal replacement (usually lunch) I've noticed a huge increase in energy and some weight lost. As far as price, it can be a little daunting but when you average he cost of a's actually a little cheaper (at least in my case)
  • lol...too funny! Thanks for the help!
  • Creepy....define creepy! lol I'm to new to have creepy stuff.
  • I know how you feel. My guy is totally against me losing weight. I keep trying to talk to him and he would say I love you the way you are...however, one day the truth came out. He was afraid I would leave him. I assured him I was not going anywhere. He keeps saying he needs to lose too but has not taken any steps to start.…
  • thanks everyone. I am making better choices today. This weeks schedule has been very hectic and I've had a hard time "planning" my meals. I need to get some of those 100 calorie packs to keep in my desk. Here's to geting back on track :drinker:
  • I'm too new here to have any crushes yet...but I'm looking forward to a few! ;) Hope that counts.
  • [ lol.... i've always said that I've seen Clydesdale with smaller hips than mine!! hee hee
  • Very interesting. I know my boyfriend says he perfers me how I am now as opposed to being skinny. But it's my self-esteem at stake here. If I'm happy with my self that is all that matters...wether I weight 135 or 175.
  • My primary care doctor, chiropractor and ortho all said any form of stretching is good. I'm going to meet with a surgeon next. I'm praying he'll suggest something other than surgery. lol I never thought of water yoga/areobics.....I am going to check the classes at the ymca to see if they have it. EVERYTIME I've st arted an…
  • I too have a daughter at home. We mostly use the 100 calorie packs for her (she does not have a weight problem!) If I'm having a really bad craving we'll go for a walk or do something to get my mind off of it. But every once and a while she'll request chips ahoy or oreos. If I want them, I have two or three and that little…
  • Thank you all. I think my main problem is everyone's always telling me that I'm not big. But I wear big shirts that cover my "problem" areas (ie stomach, hips and thighs) And I just don't feel healthy and I want to be toned. I'm going to start the slim in six dvd set within the next few days. I'm having a hard time fitting…
  • I 'm not a big water drinker either. But I have found the sobe lifewaters are wonderful and they come in a ton of flavors. I'm still not up to 8 glasses a day but I'm getting better. There are other flavored waters on the market also. Some have a few more calories than others but they are all less than soda!