girls who like bad boys.



  • bigdawg025
    bigdawg025 Posts: 774 Member
    How come I never hear a man sit around saying, "Why am I so attracted to bad girls - you know the type... hot, smart, sassy, easy in every way? Why can't the sweet girl next door keep my attention?"

    Because as deep as women emotionally are it's still the looks that turn our heads just as much as it is the looks that turn a man's head.

    Yes... This... I believe is the one thing 99% of women will not admit. They will drop a nice guy for a HOT guy in a heartbeat (or cheat on the nice guy and try and keep both). Men are not the only ones who cheat... even though women try to lead us to believe this.

    And... in life and relationships... I've always gotten a lot further being the bad boy than the nice guy until one day I finally grew up... if that's possible! :tongue:
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    [I am not too old to tell my mother on you! You better watch out!

    And I'm not to young to sleep with your mother so you better watch out ;)

    I'm feeling generous. You have 24 hours but the debt has doubled. Don't make me get medieval on your *kitten*...

    Tick tock, tick tock
  • KariQuiteContrary
    KariQuiteContrary Posts: 274 Member
    What I LOVE is when you find that guy with the tattoos and piercings and looks like a bad *kitten*, but will open the door for you and treat you like a lady. lets your parents think you are dating the bad guy, but you know he is a huge teddy bear under the tattoos

    I have one of these!! :) They are certainly rare! (I was married to an idiot wannabe bad boy for 5 years so......well I know). Guess I'm just one of the lucky ones! Tattoos, long hair (and might I say gorgeous and well taken care of!), piercings, a musician (drummer in a local death metal band - not a ton of gigs because it's the midwest but they kick A in my book), but I've never met anyone who treats me better. I get doors opened for me and an apology on the rare occasion that he does do something to hurt my feelings. 4 years and still going with my sweetheart bad boy! :)
  • JenniferH81
    JenniferH81 Posts: 285 Member
    [I am not too old to tell my mother on you! You better watch out!

    And I'm not to young to sleep with your mother so you better watch out ;)

    I'm feeling generous. You have 24 hours but the debt has doubled. Don't make me get medieval on your *kitten*...

    Tick tock, tick tock

    I'm sorry, I'll be in the bathroom losing my breakfast. You're so gross! xD
  • irishblonde2011
    irishblonde2011 Posts: 618 Member
    I used to love bad boys when i was younger but have seem to grown out of them now.
    I will take a nice guy any day :wink:
  • Bridgidm2000
    I like "diamonds in the rough" You know, the bad boy looking, tattoo's on the outside but the the nice, sweet guy on the inside. Only because I'm the girl next door, take home to mother type with the wild bad girl on the inside that very few see! lol
    p.s. and I LOVE tats......
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member

    I'm sorry, I'll be in the bathroom losing my breakfast. You're so gross! xD
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    This works the same for a guy...

    Guys want to date and have sex with strippers or the equivalent. but when they are ready to settle down its not the stripper they end up going for. Its the sweet sexy well grounded woman.

    Same goes for women

    Bad boys are fun to fool around with, and because we are girls we get attached, but when we finally decided to be serious we look for someone a little more grounded and not so *kitten* holeish.

    It also has to do with the fact that all of the movies, think vampire movies, grease etc.. the girl ACTUALLY tames the bad boy. doesn't work that way in real life. however women are constantly HOPING that love story will be theirs.

    As for me. I prefer my husband. He is sweet as can be, but he knows just how to throw me around(in a good way) too! :blushing:
  • GLJezebel
    GLJezebel Posts: 312 Member
    I was married to a bad boy for 9 1/2 years, realized he was a ****. Then I left him for another bad boy and realized he was a ****. Then I spent 7 1/2 years with a guy who I thought was nice but turned out he was a ****. When I was 36 I finally met the nice boy nerd of my dreams and have been with him for almost 8 years. Ditch the bad boys, they suck! Nice guys are the best!
  • decu68
    decu68 Posts: 78
    Thankfully all women don't fall into this category; liking bad boys. I cannot understand why anybody man or woman would want to be with somebody that treats them like *kitten*? Knowing that they will be dropped or cheated on?? Perhaps this stems back to their father daughter relationship or lack of one; I don't know.

    I've been with my wife 23 years; married 20 of these. I was a nice guy; too nice I think but it worked for me. My wife didn't have to worry about me nor did I have to worry about her. Both respectable, caring and aware of each others feelings ... why would you want anything less?

    Hey, if you like being treated like *kitten* then all the power to you. BUT you cannot complain if the relationship fails, ends in divorce, ends ugly and just down right sucks. It is what you signed up for and what you were looking for; take the bad with the bad.

    There is a reason why we are good guys, because we are good. You want bad, a good guy can be "bad" if you know what I mean and you'll be more likely to find that out in a longer relationship then a short term bad one.
  • Shutterpillar
    Shutterpillar Posts: 208
    Lucky for me, I found myself a bad boy (at least he was when we were dating) computer geek. If you want someone to treat you right, marry a geek. They are the best. :heart:
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    [I am not too old to tell my mother on you! You better watch out!

    And I'm not to young to sleep with your mother so you better watch out ;)

    I'm feeling generous. You have 24 hours but the debt has doubled. Don't make me get medieval on your *kitten*...

    Tick tock, tick tock

    I'm sorry, I'll be in the bathroom losing my breakfast. You're so gross! xD

    You see, now I have to charge you extra for assisting you in your weight loss efforts. Aren't I sweet? And this is the thanks I get. Being called gross? Some people are so ungrateful.

    By the way,

    where's my money?!
  • kelligonzales
    kelligonzales Posts: 391
    Cause it's the mystery of the unknown.... And I'm going to get in trouble for this but most girls like to be treated like crap. they like something to complain about they like the drama. Bottom line chicks are dumb sometimes.
  • JenniferH81
    JenniferH81 Posts: 285 Member
    [I am not too old to tell my mother on you! You better watch out!

    And I'm not to young to sleep with your mother so you better watch out ;)

    I'm feeling generous. You have 24 hours but the debt has doubled. Don't make me get medieval on your *kitten*...

    Tick tock, tick tock

    I'm sorry, I'll be in the bathroom losing my breakfast. You're so gross! xD

    You see, now I have to charge you extra for assisting you in your weight loss efforts. Aren't I sweet? And this is the thanks I get. Being called gross? Some people are so ungrateful.

    By the way,

    where's my money?!

    In my pocket, where it's going to stay!!!

  • MarkNH
    MarkNH Posts: 65 Member
    When you figure it out, let me know. I've loved more than one woman, who dumped me for some guy that treated her like *kitten*. Never understood it. Must be a self-esteem problem.

    It's one of the reasons I treat my wife and daughters with such deference. I want my girls to see it, recognise it and expect it from the guys that they date.

    If you date my daughter, get used to opening her car door, coming to my house to ask my permission. Just generally treating them as if they are special, because they are. If a boy needs help making these choices, I am there to guide them, if neccessary. Courtesy 101.

    Couldn't have said the above any better !!!!

    I tell my daughters - "Let no one person (man or women) define who you are, the choices you make and what you want to become in your life"
  • angryguy77
    angryguy77 Posts: 836 Member
    The cure is age and maturity. You can find the girls that were never cured at your local tavern withered up wondering why nobody loves them.
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    Well, for starters I don't think tattoos and motorcycles make you a "bad boy" and I don't think being clean cut makes you a "good boy" it's not the 1950's. I've met plenty of clean cut douche bags in my day. Also if a guy is straight, they are most likely checking out other girls, some are just more discrete then others about it.
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    When you figure it out, let me know. I've loved more than one woman, who dumped me for some guy that treated her like *kitten*. Never understood it. Must be a self-esteem problem.

    It's one of the reasons I treat my wife and daughters with such deference. I want my girls to see it, recognise it and expect it from the guys that they date.

    If you date my daughter, get used to opening her car door, coming to my house to ask my permission. Just generally treating them as if they are special, because they are. If a boy needs help making these choices, I am there to guide them, if neccessary. Courtesy 101.

    LOVES this!! You're awesome RD! :smooched:
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    In my pocket, where it's going to stay!!!


    *Warms hands* In your pocket you say? That's not a problem...

    Now listen, I need to hunt down another debt but don't think I will forget about what you owe me. I always collect, one way or another ;)

  • Liatush
    Liatush Posts: 627 Member
    It's the need for drama, chase, etc.