Cranny Member


  • Good Morning! I'm 'new again' to MFP. To make a long story short... Lost 100 10+ years ago, went through cancer, couldn't exercise, then a divorce, then moved, then a job that I sit all the time. POOF - 100lbs plus some back on. About 2 weeks ago, I realized how out of control my weight gain had gotten. I took a few…
  • I'm in.... half the month gone....but I've been using a pedometer app on my phone - I've hit 11k only once...LOL but worth a shot!
  • Thanks for asking this question ! I've been buying real lemons and cutting them up each morning, but this weekend at the store, I bought the bottled juice, thinking it would be so much more convenient since I drink my lemon water at work - just keep the bottle at my desk. Needless to say - I do taste a difference, and will…
  • Saved $51 at the grocery store using my coupons and frequent shopper card!! :D Included some very cheap doggies treat, cheap TP and paper towel and stocked up on enough chicken breast for 3 meals! Love my coupons! :D
  • Me and a friend did our 1st Zumba Class last night! We've been discussing it for a week or so, and finally just went ahead and did it! I lost a lot of weight a few years ago (now starting to regain UGH!), and most of that weight was lost doing Richard Simmon's Sweatin' to the Oldies video's, so I jumped right into the…
  • I've been counting the calories again - trying to stay about 1100-1300. I've also taken up walking. Dogs, during lunch, treadmills... I even walked a few times around the Meijer store the other day cause it was raining outside... :) I haven't measured yet, but the watch that I received for Christmas from hubby that was…
  • lthough exercising in hot weather can be uncomfortable for some, it does appear to increase calorie burn. When it's hot outside, your heart has to pump harder to cool off the hard working muscles along with the rest of the body. It does this by pumping more blood to the extremities so that the heat can be released in the…
  • Well - I believe I've found the info!! Just a google-click away apparently.... SEE BELOW _ I COPY/PASTED it
  • Hi! I agree with Tammie...and not to be rude, mean or crude, but rather be concerned that you feel the need to loose weight. Your profile picture shows you as a beautiful young lady - personally I think you could GAIN a few pounds, and maybe by gaining those 6lbs, your own body is trying to tell you that. You state that…
  • We have Beef Pasta every Monday night at my house. It's my hubby's favorite - and my favorite to cook- quick and easy. It's been a "ritual" at our house for years - that IS the Monday night eats!! With either some hot rolls or fresh baked bread. Add to that a class of ice cold milk!! Yummm. We have the Cheeseburger Mac…
  • I've been dealing with this all day - My weigh-in didn't budge this morning, and my friends have suggested measuring. I (stupidly) didn't measure when I started MFP, so now I have nothing to compare it too. Going home tonight to measure - cause when one doesn't go down, hopefully the other will!
  • Thanks, Everyone - Boy - I'm really starting to LOVE this place - a lot of encouragement and postitive people going through the same thing!! WHOOO HOOO Now that I think about it - I DIDN'T take my measurements when I started last week. I'll do that tonight. I "FEEL" like i've accomplished SOMETHING this week - I guess…
  • I have it - but honestly haven't give it a full-trial run... But you sure can feel it workin' the muscles in your arms!! Comes with a DVD, which I guess I SHOULD try - but I don't have a DVD player in my living room - it's in the bedroom............ I'm sure if you (or I) kept at it, it would probably work pretty good. The…
  • Welcome to you both! I've only been on this site for a little over a week - but have been through the weight loss battle before - now I"M trying to loose a few that I've regained In my short-membership so far - I've found this place AWESOME!!! It tracks everything, and gets you the support that you need through the change…
  • Congrats! You look AWESOME! It feels great doesn't it??!! Keep up the great work!
  • I think i'm going to try this for St.Patty's!! I just started getting into Cake Decorating - and I make things for the office on holidays. But now, with me wanting to loose the weight, I think this maybe a great alternative! Everyone here will still get their goodies, and I can have one too! Think I will do some cupcakes -…
  • Ironic that you posted this...because this is the EXACT thought that has been going through my head all morning! I just found MFP a week ago, and have been doing good on it - planning on my 1st weigh in on monday - but I know from past experince that I do HORRIBLE on weekends.... toooo many munchies.... I guess the easiest…
  • Here's a few of my FAV's that I listen to on my iPod when I'm on the treadmill..... and I have a few little "dance moves" that I do to the music that REALLY can get your heart a pumpin'... Barry Manillow - Copa Cabana David Lee Roth - Just a Giggalo Bon Jovi - It's my life Big & Rich - Love Train (AWESOME beat) and I do a…
  • I too am stuck at the office during lunch - I probably COULD leave - but it's just gonna lead me to McD's or Sonic or something quick and easy. I try a few different things. Right now I'm lovin' my Kroger brand Frosted Flakes with Skim Milk... get the sweet and the chrunch that I tend to crave. Also, I make sure I have all…
  • Don't fall into the pit!!!! :flowerforyou: I know where you are headed - I was headed there myself. I was feelin' AWESOME, but got out of my routine. You HAVE to make the decision to do this for YOURSELF!! You CAN do it! I'm trying to lose the 20lbs that I've regained since loosing the original lazy with both…
  • I'm new to the site as of Yesterday!! I'd like to join the challenge. I previously lost 100 a few years ago - managed to keep most of it off, but 20 lbs have snuck back to me!! YIKED - Figure since it's March 1 - and a Monday - 1st of the month, 1st of the week = 1st day of me loosing this 20lbs!! Count me in.... I'm in…