UGH... but gotta keep positive, right?!?!

My 1st weigh-in this morning, after working HARD for a week - and the scale didn't budge....

Discouraging. Watched what I ate, made better decisions, exercised 5 out of 7 days (3 of them for 50-60 min's)...and still ---NADDA

I remember during that the first time I lost all of my weight, I didn't have a scale. In fact, it wasn't until 6m into my 'diet' that I was up at my mom's visiting and out of curiosity, stepped on her scale - only to discover I had lost 65lbs! What a great feeling that was!!

Of course I'm pushing ahead ---- but I'm wondering if its best to weigh-in weekly is maybe not the thing for me. Maybe I'll do it monthly. I know daily doesn't work for me - I get too frustrated too fast. I thought weekly would be ok - but finding out differently this morning.

Does anyone else find they have more success if they weigh-in monthly??


  • suejonestx
    suejonestx Posts: 256 Member
    I've been weighing in weekly, but last week was discouraging (gained a pound!). Monthly would probably be better, but I can't help myself and will still weigh in weekly. Most say that the scale isn't the best way to gauge weight loss anyway, moreso how your clothes fit and how you feel, but I'm addicted to the weekly weigh-ins. That being said, pick the method that works best for you! :) Good luck.
  • drvvork
    drvvork Posts: 1,162
    Remember... when you weigh also measure... usually if the scales doesn't move the inches do... :bigsmile:
  • pcbta
    pcbta Posts: 227
    I personally try to not weigh in much at's like you's discouraging and can set the tone for the day/week. If I've been working my butt off for a month, eating good...etc...and step on the scale and nothing (aka feb) then I'm totally ready to give up!!! other than I keep going because ultimately I do it for health. but the weight loss? it's not black and white for everyone....
    SOOO...I prefer to go by how my clothes fit, and how I FEEL like I look...the scale doesn't tell the whole story.
    and could be bloated by 5 pounds, and it would devastate some of us thinking we had gained 5 pounds of fat!!! not healthy

  • mvl1014
    mvl1014 Posts: 531
    I haven't weighed in since starting ~7 weeks ago. But I've only gone over my daily goal twice.

    My clothes are more loose and when I weigh in for the first time (a week from today), I'm not concerned about the number. Getting caught up with the number on the scale leads to 1) undue stress, and 2) thinking you don't have to put just as much effort into this once you hit your goal. The goal isn't an ending point, it's a starting point. (That's not to say I think you shouldn't have a goal, you just need to know what the goal means.)

    Consider weighing-in every 2 weeks and taking measurements once a month. :-)

    Finally, yes gotta keep positive. Feeling negatively about this is the quickest way to prevent yourself from continuing.
  • ka_42
    ka_42 Posts: 720 Member
    I worked out 8 days in a row, and 6 days this week, watched what I ate and have been under or at my calorie goal all week. I gained a pound :( You're not alone. I can't help but step on the scale almost daily... I'm sure that's one of my problems! I feel good so I'm trying to let the scale discourage me! I think I'll try to stay away from it for as long as I can stand it. Good luck!
  • mommyhof3
    mommyhof3 Posts: 551 Member
    For me, I weigh in once a day. I find it keeps me going. If I have gained then I know I need to look at what I am doing. I also do my measurements once a month. You would be surprised at how fast those inches drop even when you are not losing. Another thing I do is take my picture every 5 pounds lost
  • deeda67
    deeda67 Posts: 9 Member
    I didn't lose for the first 3 weeks and it was very discouraging after working my butt off for those three weeks. But I made a decision to get HEALTHIER not necessarily thin. So, I kept up with the workouts, knowing at least I was getting stronger and my heart was getting into shape. I pushed myself to to on higher inclines on my treadmill, worked out with weights and even tried new exercises. FINALLY, this week I lost 2 lbs! This website helped tremendously but I think that as I'm building muscle mass back, I'm losing inches faster than weight. Stick to it, you'll get there!
  • 3greatgifts
    3greatgifts Posts: 13 Member
    I'm w/ you Cranny. For a month now, I've been doing Biggest Loser Cardio Max 3 or 4 days a week, plus watching my calories (although a few days I blew it). The scale still says 160.8 (in fact it says that every day, I think it's stuck on that #) and my jeans feel tighter! I'm very frustrated. But am trying to keep positive also. Today is a new day and I will work out and watch what I eat and press on. Hopefully soon my body will break through this and lose some weight.
  • cmurphy04722
    I've been weighing-in weekly and checking on my weight almost daily just to get a feel for how my body fluctuates. After gaining a pound this week, I've officially had my first setback from when I started being serious on MFP. I think that I'll wait until the end of the month to weigh in again, since it felt so crappy this morning. Maybe I'll just weigh in at the end of every month and then it'll be great to see 2-5 pounds lost instead of a possible fluctuation :-)
  • SugarHi
    SugarHi Posts: 452
    I weigh in daily... I like to know how my body fluctuates with what I eat. It's healthy to weigh in when you feel comfortable. If it becomes an obsession then there's a problem.

    Yes, stay positive. Negative energy is just as bad as eating an entire back of chips. Certainly take your measurements, and keep in mind that your body is building muscle to align with the exercises you are doing - so it can keep up!

    You're doing a great job!
  • Cranny
    Cranny Posts: 27 Member
    Thanks, Everyone - Boy - I'm really starting to LOVE this place - a lot of encouragement and postitive people going through the same thing!! WHOOO HOOO

    Now that I think about it - I DIDN'T take my measurements when I started last week. I'll do that tonight. I "FEEL" like i've accomplished SOMETHING this week - I guess thats a good thing!

    Think I'll hold off till April 1st to re-weigh....

    Here's to a AWESOME next three weeks, right?!?!??! :bigsmile:
  • indiankel
    indiankel Posts: 163 Member
    I also weigh everyday because I like to be pro-active. If I monitor it I know where and what changes I can make....maybe less sodium for a few days etc. Do what feels right for you but you will get there! I have also had weeks where I work out daily and am under my calorie goal but NOTHING! But, then all of a sudden...BAM..2-3lbs gone. It's weird, don't get discouraged just keep plugging away.