

  • Couple of things I've heard from other runners that you can try- you could try running at a slower pace so you aren't as exhausted at the end of 16 laps. Even if this means a 12 min/mile pace or's all about breaking the mental block of 'only can last 16 laps'. The other thing I might suggest is get off the…
  • In my opinion, trying to figure out minor weight fluctations is a futile effort, especially while fiddling with diet and exercise. Why not try some body fat calipers instead? Measure once a week and it will (if done properly) give you a better estimation of progress.
  • When I started running I would wear flip flops 24/7 and just regular tennis shoes for running. Within a few weeks my ankles and sides of my feet were absolutely killing me. This went away very quickly when I got a pair of running shoes and starting wearing tennis shoes in my leisure time. For me, the problem was pretty…
  • Pace began to matter more to me as I got more serious into running. Speedwork is a great way to feel out how a goal pace will feel, etc. If you are just delving into speedwork, I would suggest doing it by heart rate over any particular pace. Your heart rate can let you know when you are at maximal effort (90+% HR) and when…
  • I run a 7m40s base pace and have never had any back problems. So I wouldn't immediately associate just a faster pace with back pain. However, do you change your stride as you get up into the 'faster' speeds? I would imagine your form can have a large impact (no pun intended) on how pressure is applied to your skeletal…
  • Brilliant on the 5k- that's awesome! Keep up the great work!
  • If you are going for a faster 5k time I'd definitely do what others have suggested with the HIIT and tempo runs. Just don't do them in consecutive days! It will help control injuries if you put your 'easy' runs between any of your 'hard' runs (like HIIT, tempo runs, or long runs). Even if you have no interest in going over…
  • I'll just leave this here: Cheers on the wedding!
  • This is a tough one. Obviously, going to the doctor is by far and away the best choice, but as a starving grad student I understand your dilemma. I have had shoulder pain before that was most noticeable doing certain lifts like bench press. I never remember a 'grinding' (this term makes me think perhaps there is something…
  • Thanks for posting, this is very interesting, but unfortunately not true at all. See any of these articles, there are tons out there debunking the myth:,28804,1896439_1896359_1896346,00.html…
  • Hey! I'm in a similar boat...not in my set HM training schedule yet (race in October), but I run about 35 miles per week so I may be able to offer some input. From what I've read and experienced, NEVER try to lose weight while training (increasing mileage/pace). Having said that, if I eat back all of my exercise calories I…
  • That is accurate about the grapes ( 2 cups is a good bit of grapes, though. When portioning grapes I remove the stems and weigh them. (I weigh EVERYTHING out of habit... you can get a cheap, accurate, great kitchen scale on amazon for about $20.) To answer…
  • Azdak said it perfectly. Keep in mind that 'toning' is nothing more than removing the fat layer above the muscle layer so you can see definition. To do this you need to do 2 things- lose fat and gain muscle. For all intents and purposes, you cannot pick where you lose fat, so any cardio exercise is as good as another.…
  • I live in the deep south (average temp around 90-92 when I run, usually with >70% relative humidity), and run about 30 miles a week. I don't change my calorie input at all between summer and winter months and my weight changes also do not fluctuate. So, ONLY from my personal experience, I'd say no, hotter weather has…
  • Keep in mind this is just anecdotal, but I used to sleep exactly 8 hours a night like a machine. After I started running consistently, my body naturally woke me up after 6 hours feeling extremely refreshed. So like other people have mentioned, it seems that the more active I am the less sleep I need. Counterintuitive to…
  • Good on ya mate! Great way to start the weekend!
  • Absolutely there is a difference. First of all, the time of day when you eat them can have an effect. If your body is depleted of glycogen (like in the morning after you wake up or after 45+ minutes of moderately intense activity), eating items with *some* sugar can help replete these stores quicker. This is not to say go…
  • I've been using Body Fortress Whey Protein (Wal-Mart) for a few years,its been pretty reliable for me. It is 26g protein/2g sugar per scoop, though. If it's a recovery day, the whey plus a banana in the morning and I'm good to go until lunch.