Jogging or any Exercise in Hot weather

I like to know if you burn more calories jogging or any other exercise doing the hot weather outside? I did today and i was sweating more! It was hot today in the mid 90's!!!! So can you? I got to get a calorie reader soon!!!


  • Phanessa917
    Phanessa917 Posts: 100 Member
    i'm ordering a HRM soon too cause I'd like to know how much i'm burning! Plan to take Bikram Yoga next month! HOT HOT HOT :)

    I went for a walk today during lunch and it was only 85 but i was VERY HOT. Mid 90s would kill me!
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    Sorry, jumped the gun. Sweating or heat does not make you burn more calories, it just makes you lose water weight that you gain back once you drink water. It can be good for your skin though as it opens your pores flushing them out.
  • SarahJayRigdon
    SarahJayRigdon Posts: 113 Member
    I would like to know too; I commute by bike and it was 97°F!
  • yogamom16
    yogamom16 Posts: 114
    I often wonder the same thing. I live in NC and it has been in the 90's here for a while. Every time I exercise outside I am drenched in sweat by the time I am done!
  • bunchesonothing
    bunchesonothing Posts: 1,015 Member

    Nope. And even if you did, there would be no way to track it accurately... and therefore, unusable for the purposes here.
  • CherryPie0420
    CherryPie0420 Posts: 25 Member
    I wish I could say that you burn more calories when its hot but you're not. All that extra sweat is just water. :( The only plus to it being so hot is that you're definitely more flexible! :)
  • nickfn
    nickfn Posts: 19
    I live in the deep south (average temp around 90-92 when I run, usually with >70% relative humidity), and run about 30 miles a week. I don't change my calorie input at all between summer and winter months and my weight changes also do not fluctuate. So, ONLY from my personal experience, I'd say no, hotter weather has little to no effect on calories burned. If there is a difference, is most likely is negligible (your body just sweats to reduce your core body temp, and sweating by itself isn't exactly a calorie burner). You will, however, need to be MUCH MUCH more careful about getting dehydrated. I cannot overemphasize this enough. Also- do not confuse water loss with weight loss- I've lost up to 5 lbs of water after long runs. Hope this helps, and good luck!
  • HungryTuna
    HungryTuna Posts: 141
    Yep, your best bet is to invest in a Heart Rate Monitor so you know for sure. Sweating more may not necessarily mean more calories burned... HOWEVER, you may be using more energy during that time so it's possible.
    I went running this morning and it was almost 70.. I wore a fleece hoodie too, and omg I was so gross when I came back home! I ran for almost 60 minutes, burning about 630 calories.
    I'm not a runner, but P90X definitely played a big part in getting me to run that long! Only my 3rd run this year.

    Anyway, this isn't about me. LOL. I'd suggest the Digifit if you've got an iPhone as it's compatible with any ANT+ device such as a chest strap from Garmin or whatever. I got my chest strap from Trek Bicylce Store and it's done me well! I was severely overestimating my calorie burns during some basic workouts!
  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,526 Member
    I, too, would like to know the true answer here. I will say that my heart rate seems to stay high longer in hot weather when I finish exercising. So, in that way I burn a few more, I think. But probably not while actually exercising.
  • taiyola
    taiyola Posts: 964 Member
    Just walking for me seems like extra effort, so I end up walking slower... so probably not for me :tongue:
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I did hear that you burn more exercising in cold weather, if it's cold enough that your teeth start chattering.
  • dolphin21
    dolphin21 Posts: 301 Member
    Thanks everyone for your comments, I just wanted to know! So if i do I'll drink more water so i won't! Yes im going to get a calorie tracker:smile:
  • Arizona_JR
    Arizona_JR Posts: 275
    Living in AZ I wondered the same thing... so I did a lot of research, but alas, No... there is no significant calorie burn by exercising in the heat; the cold, yes, since your body burns extra calories just to heat itself.
  • cocoeubanks
    It's a shame you don't, because I live in Columbia, SC (also known as the Gate of Hell, it's so hot and humid) and it would be a real bonus, considering we only have four seasons: Hot, Hotter, Holy S*#$ It's Hot, and Warm.