i am so FED up! i want to cry

I am 5'7 and always around 130lbs. i was not losing weight so i posted asking people to review my diary. most said i needed to eat more. this seemed crazy to me but i decided too try it. i uped my goal from 1lb a week weight loss to 1/2lb to increase my calories. i started this about a week and a half ago. i weigh in on mondays. the first monday i had lost .6 lbs. i didnt record it because i wanted to see if it would stick. today i have gained 2.2lbs. WTH? how is that possible. i seriously want to cry. i just dont get it. i work out everyday. what do i do? what am i doing wrong?


  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    Maybe 5'7" and 130 is where your weight should be. It's a really healthy weight and well into the lower half of your healthy BMI range. You've also only been at your new plan for a week and half. Perhaps you should give it some more time.
  • minimommy1
    minimommy1 Posts: 84 Member
    I am no expert but my heart goes out to you. Try not to focus on the scale so much but instead on a lifestyle - do the right things.
    Drink the water you need to - maybe measure your food for awhile to be sure your eating the right amounts - exercise - and most important record it all.
    I see a child in your picture - remember she doesn't see the scale she sees the lifestyle. Be an example to her that is more important than any number on a scale. Hope this encourages you a little
  • SueGremlin
    SueGremlin Posts: 1,066 Member
    at 5'7" and 130 lbs, you are at the low end of normal weight and are not far from being underweight. Your BMI is about 20.
    Why do you feel that you have to lose weight?
  • nickfn
    In my opinion, trying to figure out minor weight fluctations is a futile effort, especially while fiddling with diet and exercise. Why not try some body fat calipers instead? Measure once a week and it will (if done properly) give you a better estimation of progress.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    You're already at the lower end of your healthy weight. Just focus on being healthy and not the scale.
  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
    5'7" 130 is pretty reasonable. If you aren't changing... perhaps your body is where it wants to be.

    a BMI of 20 good. What's the issue?
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    Do you work out?
    Sounds like you might fit into the crowd that is trying to put on muscle and not loosing weight. you seem to be in pretty good shape from your profile picture.

    You might be thin, but need to tone up = added muscle and weight.
  • Jessicaruby
    Jessicaruby Posts: 881 Member
    at 5'7" and 130 lbs, you are at the low end of normal weight and are not far from being underweight. Your BMI is about 20.
    Why do you feel that you have to lose weight?

    my GW is 120lbs. i feel like i look best at this weight. MY ultimate goal i am working towards is a flat stomach. doesnt have to be a six pack, just flat. i always lose and gain weight from my stomach first so i feel like if i lose 10 more lbs i would be happy with my stomach.
  • swaymyway
    swaymyway Posts: 428 Member
    Many things affect your weight - a 2.2lb gain is nothing, I can fluctuate between 122 - 127 in a single DAY nevermind a week.

    Stick at it, don't panic - if you are up another 2.2lbs next week it's time to think about tweaking.
  • Neliel
    Neliel Posts: 507 Member
    What kind of workouts are you doing? I agree with the others that 130 sounds like a healthy weight but YOU need to be happy with how YOU look. It's your body and as long as you're sensible and healthy then people shouldn't judge your goals.
    You may need to try a combination of cardio and strength training to build a little muscle (which in turn helps burn a little more fat). How many calories are you eating a day right now?
  • dez_yaoichan
    if you feel you still need to lose weight, maybe you should focus on toning more then the actual number.

    try to not watch the scale, but watch your messurements.
  • dcgrotberg
    Looks to me like you could cut back on your breads and increase fruits and veggies. Stay strong!
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    I'm 5'10 and weigh 128. Since starting maintenance, I've lost another 8 pounds though I have upped my calories. It seems that I have really changed my metabolism which is GREAT!! But, I am still trying to find the sweet spot as far as my calorie intake. Good luck!
  • KeeleySue
    You might be thin, but need to tone up = added muscle and weight.

    I'm going to go with what billsica said here.
  • melvac
    melvac Posts: 333 Member
    I hope this help's 130#'s and you are 5-7 seems pretty small but that is a personal preference. May I suggest gettin healthy and fit this would be a weight management and not a weight loss. studies have shown by eating 6 meals throughout the day of course portion controll'd you keep your metabolism up allowing the body to absorb any needed nutrients. Take your supplements and concentrate on being healthy..:indifferent:
  • DiabeticAlien
    DiabeticAlien Posts: 240 Member
    at 5'7" and 130 lbs, you are at the low end of normal weight and are not far from being underweight. Your BMI is about 20.
    Why do you feel that you have to lose weight?

    my GW is 120lbs. i feel like i look best at this weight. MY ultimate goal i am working towards is a flat stomach. doesnt have to be a six pack, just flat. i always lose and gain weight from my stomach first so i feel like if i lose 10 more lbs i would be happy with my stomach.

    Another 10 lbs weight loss won't necessarily give you a flat stomach. Maybe concentrate more of core training, i.e. sit-ups, crunches etc to tighten and tone those muscles. 5'7" and 130 is a good weight range for you.
  • ritaadkins2002
    ritaadkins2002 Posts: 371 Member
    cheer-up sweetie, losing weight isnt easy......i don't really no what u do but have u kept a diary, or are u looking in what food u are eating has in it....sometimes grocery food can mislead us....or maybe u retaining water. hope everything is ok with u ....just remember one thing is any......DON'T GIVE UP !!!!!! We can do this journey.:smile:
  • Elle_Jamaicangirl81
    at 5'7" and 130 lbs, you are at the low end of normal weight and are not far from being underweight. Your BMI is about 20.
    Why do you feel that you have to lose weight?

    my GW is 120lbs. i feel like i look best at this weight. MY ultimate goal i am working towards is a flat stomach. doesnt have to be a six pack, just flat. i always lose and gain weight from my stomach first so i feel like if i lose 10 more lbs i would be happy with my stomach.

    sounds more like u need to target more on your stomach then rather than trying to lose weight then.
  • geekymom57
    geekymom57 Posts: 176 Member
    Many things affect your weight - a 2.2lb gain is nothing, I can fluctuate between 122 - 127 in a single DAY nevermind a week.

    Stick at it, don't panic - if you are up another 2.2lbs next week it's time to think about tweaking.
    I agree with the above 100%. If you're a numbers kind of person, do the math for the prior week's net calorie intake. Using the general rule of thumb of a pound = about 3000 calories, if you haven't exceeded the amount your body needs for maintenance by about 10,000 calories in that week, it's close to impossible that you actually gained weight. Retained water--yeah; sluggish bowles--yeah, but gained 2.2 actual permanent pounds, not likely.
  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
    at 5'7" and 130 lbs, you are at the low end of normal weight and are not far from being underweight. Your BMI is about 20.
    Why do you feel that you have to lose weight?

    my GW is 120lbs. i feel like i look best at this weight. MY ultimate goal i am working towards is a flat stomach. doesnt have to be a six pack, just flat. i always lose and gain weight from my stomach first so i feel like if i lose 10 more lbs i would be happy with my stomach.

    I'd just keep focusing on the gym and strength training. And remember clean eating has a lot to do with abs as well.

    The combination of clean eating and more focus on strength might be just what you need