i am so FED up! i want to cry



  • brit49
    brit49 Posts: 461 Member
    Hi I looked at your diary and the sugar is high, and maybe you could try lowering your carbs, that might jump start it a little, that help me alot. Don't get fed up just hang in there. Your slim maybe you just need to tone up, and that will make your body better!
  • Jessicaruby
    Jessicaruby Posts: 881 Member
    What kind of workouts are you doing? I agree with the others that 130 sounds like a healthy weight but YOU need to be happy with how YOU look. It's your body and as long as you're sensible and healthy then people shouldn't judge your goals.
    You may need to try a combination of cardio and strength training to build a little muscle (which in turn helps burn a little more fat). How many calories are you eating a day right now?

    i workout everyday. i do zumba, hip hop abs, walk/jog/run on the treadmill, walk outside pulling my two kids in a wagon, and do weightlifting. i workout at least an hour a day. all i drink is water and i increased the amount when i started increasing my calories because i was not drinking enough. i just dont log it. i am always over in protein and fiber. sugar is always over but it is mainly from fruits and veggies. fat and carbs are always under
    JENIFER_AZ Posts: 235 Member
    Ever since I started working out (hardcore), I put on a few pounds but I'm smaller.....Hang in there.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    In my opinion, trying to figure out minor weight fluctations is a futile effort, especially while fiddling with diet and exercise. Why not try some body fat calipers instead? Measure once a week and it will (if done properly) give you a better estimation of progress.

    This. Even a 2lbs fluctuation can be meaningless.
  • Neliel
    Neliel Posts: 507 Member
    I know what a complete ballache this is. I lost so much weight in the first 3 months of this and now my weight creeps down as slow as it possibly can. It's taken me 8 months to lose 20 damn pounds! I know those last few pounds are always the worst though.
    Now, I know this is going to sound completely mad, but have you tried having a 'spike week' ? Just eat utter crap. Don't worry about what you're eating for a whole week and then go back to your normal healthy diet. When I go through a period of eating rubbish and then go back to healthy eating I end up dropping about 2-3 pounds in a couple of days. It's worth a try...
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Oh and I just checked, you still aren't eating your exercise calories. I really really believe that we need to eat a LOT to lose those last few pounds. Your body doesn't want to give up it very last fat stores. It's unnatural to be that lean. You have to convince it that it is getting plenty of food so that it doesn't need those fat stores.

    I'm working on my last few pounds as well. I've been averaging about 2000 calories a day NET (eating exercise calories) and lost 3 pounds in the last few weeks and only have 4 more pounds to go.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    i workout everyday. i do zumba, hip hop abs, walk/jog/run on the treadmill, walk outside pulling my two kids in a wagon, and do weightlifting. i workout at least an hour a day. all i drink is water and i increased the amount when i started increasing my calories because i was not drinking enough. i just dont log it. i am always over in protein and fiber. sugar is always over but it is mainly from fruits and veggies. fat and carbs are always under

    It sounds like you're doing everything right. 10 pounds is not going to make you healthier than you currently are. If you want to get your stomach flat, try and tone that area.

    Don't focus on the weight so much now, focus on the awesome changes you've made to your health!
  • tevez032
    tevez032 Posts: 47 Member
    Do you weigh-in in the mornings before any drinks/breakfast? I found consuming water made a huge difference in weight. 1 litre = 1 Kg after all....
  • CarolynB38
    CarolynB38 Posts: 553 Member
    Although 130lbs does sound like a great weight to be at your height I completely understand what you mean when you say you feel right at around 120lbs. Sometimes being a healthy weight doesn't mean we are happy with how we look. With me it's my thighs - I can be a really good weight but my thighs will still be too big, but for me it was exercise that lost the thigh problem. I didn't lose any more weight but my thighs slimmed down and I went down a jeans size (this was several years ago btw, I wouldn't dare wear jeans now,lol). Perhaps a similar approach might help with getting your flat stomach. Although I am strictly speaking obese I have only a 32" waist and an almost flat stomach (shame about the rest of me, lol ) I can even see some muscle definition. I did pilates for years and I still do some a couple of times a week as well as all the other exercise I do. That has been the most effective way for me to flatten my stomach. The pilates exercises are so effective if they are done properly. Martial arts are also great for core muscles, I can certainly feel mine after a training session.

    Please don't get disheartened. I'm sure you'll get to where you want to be but perhaps keep an eye on your measurements too. You might surprise yourself :flowerforyou:
  • DizzieLittleLifter
    DizzieLittleLifter Posts: 1,020 Member
    Are you using a HRM monitor when you work out to calculate calories burned? If not this may be contributing to the problem. MFP calories est are WAY off. If you are using those higher calorie burn numbers and eating more then there you have it.
  • Monica6886
    If you are working out everyday, it's possible that you are building muscle,which weighs more than fat. So, the scale may show that you have gained, when in reality, you are "more fit". But at 5'7" and 130, it sounds like you are in great shape already. I would suggest that you go to the dr and get your BMI done, and also have him/her look at your BMI/weight/height/fitness, etc and suggest your weight. It sounds as though maybe you are being to tough on yourself. I am 5'4 and 3/4 inches, and used to be 130 and looked AWESOME!! So, give yourself a little slack. :-)
  • Jessicaruby
    Jessicaruby Posts: 881 Member
    Oh and I just checked, you still aren't eating your exercise calories. I really really believe that we need to eat a LOT to lose those last few pounds. Your body doesn't want to give up it very last fat stores. It's unnatural to be that lean. You have to convince it that it is getting plenty of food so that it doesn't need those fat stores.

    I'm working on my last few pounds as well. I've been averaging about 2000 calories a day NET (eating exercise calories) and lost 3 pounds in the last few weeks and only have 4 more pounds to go.

    while i do not eat all of my exercise calories i have greatly increased the calories i net each day. i do not like to eat them all back for 2 reason. one i do not have a hrm right now (i can not decide between a bodaybugg and a bodymedia fit) so i case mfp is giving me wrong numbers i do not want to go over and in case i measure something wrong. this way if i have eaten a bit more or burned a bit less i have something to fall back on instead of accidently going over
  • brendacs21
    brendacs21 Posts: 180 Member
    This is what helped me out . I stopped eating 3 hours before bedtime, i ate my lightest meal for dinner and i divided my weight in half and drank that in ounces of water.
  • messyinthekitchen
    messyinthekitchen Posts: 662 Member
    I understand you're upset. I have much more weight then you to lose so when this happens to me, it can get me in a slump till my next weigh in. There's a few things. It could be water retention if you have eaten more sodium then usually. It could be water retention if it's getting close to TOM. Are you drink enough water?? You could also be gaining muscle. Perhaps you should take your measurements. You won't always notice a difference on the scale but you can still lose inches. Also maybe you're body is happy where it is at. After all you do weigh what you should way for a person f your height. Your body could be saying hey I'm comfortable where I am. Try not to get upset, it could be many things. Take your measurements and get your water in.
  • gogonunubean
    gogonunubean Posts: 160 Member
    Are you doing weight bearing exercise? Remember if you are building muscle you will up the pounds but be closer to that flat stomach. At your bmi, other methods of measuring success may be more appropriate than scale watching?
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Isn't it funny how everything is relative. I would give my right arm to be 5'7 and 130lb. Seems like an ideal height/weight to me. :-)