ttheriot Member


  • Thank you for all the advice, comments, and posts. I would not have jumped into something like this lightly. I have been a healthcare practitioner for over 20 years, so I'm not stupid, and I know what needs to be done. I work long hours, and don't have enough time or energy after long days to plan meals and exercise like I…
  • Eating a low fat diet can cause constipation. Consuming extra fiber can also cause it if your water intake isn't enough-which it needs to be a LOT more to help the fiber move through. A very healthy option is to take 3000mg of Omega 3 fatty acids/day. Fish oil, from a good source is very good. Flax seed oil is good, but…
  • I "stalk" also, and don't post much...until now! So lets just do this! Maybe it will be more helpful for both of us if we share our thoughts/success/challenges!? What do you think?
  • Me too! I've been on here a while, and it helps, but I've been somewhat anti-social. I don't post, but now I realize that I don'thave to do this alone! So, welcome! We have about the same amount to lose, so lets encourage each other, and WE CAN DO IT!!
  • We all need motivation! I am in the same boat! I need motivation too! We can work though this phase of our lives with our friends! Welcome, Friend!
  • Dukan works, and it helps reduce/eliminate sugar addiction, and it IS an addiction! Good Luck!
  • I've been on Dukan for almost a couple weeks now, and have lost 11 pounds so far. The first phase-the Attack Phase can be challenging, but it's great for jump starting your metabolism. It gets your bod to start burning your stored fat. The protein that is recommended is low fat. Yes, you give up the carbs, but they are bad…
  • Day 6 of Dukan! Today was difficult. I'm craving crunch! I added oat bran to fat free yogurt, with some unsweetened cocoa powder and Truvia, and YUM! Not crunch, but it was good! I hope tomorrow is better! I have 4 more days until I switch to Phase 2! I am determined to stick with it!
  • Day one was GREAT! 3 pounds lost! Amazing! Then day 2...on my way home for lunch, my subdivision was blocked by a 3 car accident, so my son asked to go to a Mexican restaurant. I was thinking I would just eat the meat from fajitas, but then they brought the chips and salsa...and well... Today, I'm back on track! Had a…
  • I started the Dukan yesterday also! So far, I've lost 3 pounds! 3 pounds in one day! Yes, it's water, but at least it's in the right direction! It wasn't difficult for me either, just very odd to have only protein. I hope I can stick to it! Good luck to you!
  • I'm starting the Dukan also! I'm very anxious to see some results! Good Luck, and if you want, let me know how you're doing! Tina
  • I am reading the book now, and am excited to get started, probably on Monday, or as soon as I can go to the store and get what I need. Reading these posts give me hope that I can stick to this diet. I've always done better with lower carb diets.
  • I haven't yet, but am reading the book, and will start on Monday! If you decide to do it too, and you want to share, let me know how you're doing. Good Luck!
  • If your chiropractor hasn't taken care of the problem, see a new chiropractor. I am a chiropractor, and I deal with this type of problem all day long very successfully. There are a few stretches that can help also: lie on your back with your knees bent. Cross one leg, ankle on knee. Reach through your legs pulling your…