DUKAN DIET followers

For those of you on MFP and are currently also doing the Dukan Diet, I thought I would approach you and see if anybody wanted to be 'friends'... Swap stories, recipes and support each other!

A bit about me - I am a 25 year old Kiwi girl living in New Zealand.
Never really worried about my weight as a kid as I was healthy and sporty.. then stopped playing sports and the weight just seemed to add up over time.
In the past 3-5 years I have become more concious about my weight and the way I look, and feel like it is holding me back!

I was calorie counting successfully up until June 2010 when I fell ill to Glandular Fever.
I did briefly do the Liver Cleansing Diet, to help my liver function - which allowed me to recover quickly from the GF. Which is great I am allowed to drink.

After umming and ahhing about the DD - my Manager has successfully lost 5+kg and is still on it, and my friend started it and lost 4kg in her first week.
With having all different weight goals (I would like to lose 15kg) Not sure what that is in pounds etc! I am a metric girl haha!

I started the DD last Thursday, with the Attack Phase. Brought the book and love it.
So far lost 2.3kg - according to the DD website, I should lost 2.2kg in my 6 day Attack Phase. I will weigh myself first thing tomorrow morning again and let you know what my overall loss with the Attack Phase is.

I am also contemplating updating my blog (on a different site) to show my progress over time.
I have not had any side effects, or problems with the Attack Phase. Not moody or anything!
Only today did I crave chocolate! My weakness, so I purchased Sugar Free Chocolate which isnt exactly sugar free (but no added sugar) which has 2gm of fat per serve and 0.8g of sugar. I had one serving and that has supressed my cravings!
Drinking water like its going out of fashion.

So all you DD dieters around the world on MFP - feel free to add me as a friend and also share your stories.
Or if you are interested in DD - ask away.



  • junebug1010
    junebug1010 Posts: 27 Member
    hello from Maine, USA....
    Just started on this site last night - there's so much info and support here.

    Out of curiousity - what IS the Dukan Diet??
  • jimjamjandles
    hello from Maine, USA....
    Just started on this site last night - there's so much info and support here.

    Out of curiousity - what IS the Dukan Diet??

    Hi Junebug1010
    The Dukan Diet is a French Inspired diet by Dr Pierre Dukan. It is the 'French Medical Solution for Permanent Weight Loss'.
    It has four stages, Attack, Cruise, Consolidation and Stabilisation.

    The Attack Phase - 2-7 days eat as much as you want of 72 Protein Rich Foods (but Protein only!)
    Purpose of the Attack Phase - to kick start your body into weight loss, you will notice the results which will also motivate you to continue with the Diet. :)

    The Cruise Phase - Continue with the protein rich foods, and add 28 Vegetables.
    Purpose of the Cruise Phase - to continue weight loss (which it will be a bit slower) until you reach your weight loss goal.

    The Consolidation Phase - Add fruit, bread, cheese and starchy foods and 2 celebration meals a week, allowing 5 days for every pound lost.
    Purpose of the Consolidation Phase - to consolidate the weight and basically stabilise it for life.

    The Stabilisation Phase - Eat what you want!! But 3 simple rules (1 protein day a week, eat oat bran daily and never take escalators or lifts)...

    Its about a life style change.
    There are plenty of sites on the internet which discuss it.
    Also go to www.dukandiet.co.uk to work out what your 'ideal' weight is and what is suggested to you (how long you should do the attack phase etc) and a brief read :)

    Hope this helps. This is just a very very brief overview :)
  • nursevee
    nursevee Posts: 344 Member
    Hey JimJam! I saw this advertised in a magazine over here and it looked OK but I'd be worried about sustaining it over the long term. I prefer vegetables to meat and although there's some good protein rich bunch of veg alternatives out there I just don't think I could stick to it. It's so strict. I've tried a lot of these hardcore plans and I've ended up crashing out and then feeling rotten. At least with the regular calorie counting I feel somewhat in control... Having said that the last phase sounds fairly doable. LOL.
  • jimjamjandles
    Hey JimJam! I saw this advertised in a magazine over here and it looked OK but I'd be worried about sustaining it over the long term. I prefer vegetables to meat and although there's some good protein rich bunch of veg alternatives out there I just don't think I could stick to it. It's so strict. I've tried a lot of these hardcore plans and I've ended up crashing out and then feeling rotten. At least with the regular calorie counting I feel somewhat in control... Having said that the last phase sounds fairly doable. LOL.

    The good thing about it and what I like about it is that it is generally ALL YOU CAN EAT, so there is NO restrictions on those protein foods i.e. I felt with Calorie Counting that I was going I am allowed this much, but only this much other wise I will go over my calories and have to starve myself...
    It is not just a diet, but a lifestyle change. That is why there are different phases to sustain over time to help you not 'yo-yo' about on the diet.
    I'm not a big meat eater either!! I have tended to stick with chicken and fish, with eggs and the occasional steak. You can also eat low fat yoghurt and dairy foods i.e Cottage Cheese. You are allowed Coke Zero/Diet Coke etc. And sugar free gum...
    Haha the last phase is definiately do-able.

    The reason I am finding the Protein working is that - protein fills you up - you dont have to eat HEAPS to feel full, and then of course it makes you thirsty so you drink alot. I have been logging my diet on here as well as I was curious to see what Calorie Content I was consuming, it has come under 1000calories every day. Which they say is 'bad' however the pure protein is not 'forever'...
  • jimjamjandles
  • raychill007
    raychill007 Posts: 55 Member
    Hey Jimjam,
    I'm starting the Dukan tomorrow, probably a silly time because I have a night out planned next weekend so can only do 5 days of the Attack Phase.. oh well, I guess there's always <i>something</i> going on, so I'll have to take these 5 days while I can! I'll be strict with myself otherwise though.
    How is yours going? Did you loose much during attack? And is it still steadily dropping off?
    Hope you're succeeding! :smile:
  • toleni
    Dear All, I've gone from a U.S. size 16/18 to a size 12 over the last year. In the past, I've largely done Atkins. Going back home this summer, I returned 3 kilos heavier. I still need to lose about 13 kilos so a friend recommended Dukan. I went to Thailand for a 5 day vacation, ate just about what I wanted and worked out two days while there and didn't gain a pound! This thing is mind boggling people! Before going, I was determined to start Dukan so I stocked up on foods from the protein list and on my return, I started right away. In two days, I've lost about a kilo, 2.2 lbs and I consider that wonderful since the first day, I didn't exercise and at work, I ate chicken that had probably been fried. I have also been eating lowfat yoghurt since I realized only later that Dukan required 0 fat yoghurt. The transition has not been that difficult. I've been tired but I can attribute that to other things. I seek support from the community out there on what other combinations of food I can eat and how you prepare your "galette" with the oat bran. I'm off work today so I plan to stock up on 0 fat yoghurt. Has anyone been eatng just lowfat yoghurt and still losing? I also have a luncheon but plan to stay the course! Your advice is welcome! I'm happy to be part of the community! Toleni
  • iwillbeoneday
    iwillbeoneday Posts: 48 Member
    I've been on the Dukan Diet for 13 days and have lost 8lbs so far. I started out in a healthy weight range so my weightloss might be a little slower. I love this diet. Yes it's restricting but very doable. It has really opened my eyes to the nutrition in food and has severly reduced my sweet tooth. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy my sweets but in a different way. Sugar free jello, sugar free pudding with skim milk, etc. I highly recommend this diet.
  • Boh12
    Hi i am starting the Dukan diet tomorrow and would love to have some supportive buddies to keep me motivated. I have 30lbs to lose. Feel free to add me if you like. :)
  • ttheriot
    ttheriot Posts: 20 Member
    Dukan works, and it helps reduce/eliminate sugar addiction, and it IS an addiction! Good Luck!
  • lking125
    I am planning on starting on it tomorrow, my only problem is I really do not like meat, any advice so I can do it more than one day without eating my vegetables. Like today I had homemade chil, which was tomato sauce, kidney beans, ground chicken and bell peppers, red/orange/yellow and green.

    I am having a difficult time at night again. I need to lose 10, I want to lose 15.
