Anyone have suggestions on Sciatic Nerve pain

The last month I've been having severe pain in my lower back, hip, butt, leg. The chiropractor believes it is the sciatic nerve.

I've been keeping off it for 4 weeks. Last week I was cleared to do some very light bike riding at the gym which is seemed to do ok with for 30 minutes. The next step was the eliptical and that was just too much even with a light setting. It's still giving me a lot of problems.

I was just curouis if any of you have ever had this and what either doctors or yourself did.

Think an orthopedic is worth going to or will this just take a lot time?


  • Clairemi11s
    I suffer bouts of sciatica & the one thing i've found really helpful is algesal cream...I buy it over the counter (uk)...hope that helps
  • ttheriot
    ttheriot Posts: 20 Member
    If your chiropractor hasn't taken care of the problem, see a new chiropractor. I am a chiropractor, and I deal with this type of problem all day long very successfully. There are a few stretches that can help also: lie on your back with your knees bent. Cross one leg, ankle on knee. Reach through your legs pulling your knee to your chest. Example: right ankle on left knee-pull left knee to chest. You'll feel the stretch in the right hip. Hold the stretch for 30 seconds to a minute while taking very deep breaths. Another stretch is to pull one leg to the opposite shoulder. Hold and take deep breaths.
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    I too have sciatica caused by 2 herniated disks in my low back. I went to an orthopedic specialist and he basically said that it was not bad enough to do surgery. He wanted to do steroid injections into the spine and I refused. He sent me for physical therapy that made me feel worse. The entire staff at the doctors office were not helpful and told me to lose weight and it would go away. I went to a chiropractor that specalized in sports injury and he worked on the pressure points to make the muscles relax. He showed me some excercises that work that area and suggested that I find some stretching routine that I was comfortable with. I found a Vin yoga dvd for low back pain that works great. I am now at a point where the sciatica flare up is rare..... like only if I do something stupid.

    Good Luck!
  • spiritgurl
    spiritgurl Posts: 160 Member
    I suffer from sciatica pain and also suffered from 2 herniated disks (work injury). Eventually one disk shattered and I had to have emergency back surgery after being misdiagnosed by a doctor. After 4 months of suffering from a backache and leg pain I was bedridden for 10 days and thought I was going to die from the pain (prior to surgery). I now have permanent nerve damage in my left leg, backside and other problems which will never be corrected 100%. Prior/post surgery I did physiotheraphy and accupuncture Both treatment providers were so helpful. After my surgery the severe pack pain was gone but I still suffer from occassional bouts of sciatica. The stretches as previously suggested will help and I make a point of not sitting for too long as this will aggravate it for me. At work I get up and move around every 20 minutes or so and do my best to make sure I have proper posture when sitting (at work and home). I even have to be wary of the type of chair or couch I sit in for support when we go out. It seems like a lot of bother but it's amazing how my friends and family have adjusted and are more critical of my sitting than I am. I can only tell you to take the recovery slowly as it will get better. If the pain continues perhaps you should have your symptoms investigated further.
  • bumbalina
    bumbalina Posts: 33 Member
    YOGA!!! There are a few yoga stretches that are fantastic for this. My husband has the same problem and hes a conctretor so has a very physical job. Anyway find a yoga class and ask the instructor to give you a few moves for this. Some can make you feel a bit nausas the first few times but you will feel amazing after a few days. Swimming is also great for it too.
    Best of luck.
  • Curtism1234
    Curtism1234 Posts: 73 Member
    I had the other doctor in that office look at me yesterday. She said she thought it was actually just muscle in my lower back and glutes pulled.

    I had a massage therapist work on me and I'll likely go back later this week.
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    The last month I've been having severe pain in my lower back, hip, butt, leg. The chiropractor believes it is the sciatic nerve.

    I've been keeping off it for 4 weeks. Last week I was cleared to do some very light bike riding at the gym which is seemed to do ok with for 30 minutes. The next step was the eliptical and that was just too much even with a light setting. It's still giving me a lot of problems.

    I was just curouis if any of you have ever had this and what either doctors or yourself did.

    Think an orthopedic is worth going to or will this just take a lot time?

    I used to get sciatica on and off. The last time I got it was quite bad, two days after that I was unable to get out of my car. The next morning my husband got me to a Chiropractor and a prolapsed disc (slipped) was diagnosed.

    The pain comes not from an actual disc that has slipped, but from the jelly centre of the disc which leaks, this touches the sciatic nerve, causing the pain. I know how excrutiating it is and I feel for you.

    Cold compresses helped mine no end and up until a month ago, I was still putting those compresses on the bottom of my back periodically, if it started to play up. Anti-inflamatory drugs will also help, assisting both with the pain and the inflammation.

    To say "don't do running" is an understatement, for me it was impossible. Swimming will be good, the Chiropractor suggested that swimming was an exercise that I should definitely consider taking up, he did warn me that running may make it flare up again. It was several months after recovery that I got bored with walking on my treadmill and decided to try running, I have built up gradually and am now up to four miles continuous running and feel great.

    You will be okay, just do not rush it, you could end up having a relapse and that is so unnecessary.

    Wishing you all the very best :flowerforyou: