wnw64 Member


  • :tongue: oh my this story is complicated.... that's why we're all hooked on it..... do-do, do-do, do-do.....
  • wow, good thinking; she's gonna keep them around until the baby is born.... but now that you brought it up, was the father (dylan) really the guy in the rubber suit that (ah) that helped make the baby or was that somebody else.....
  • Yes, I would have thought that, but could he have picked up the shovel & wacked the girl, dug her grave & buried her if he was dead. I wouldn't think a ghost could do that; but then again, other ghosts/demons, whatever they are in this show, are doing phyical things (i.e. the maid....). this show is definately out there &…
  • I think the guy that dies is that wacko that keeps showing up that killed his family in the house. The guy who keeps saying he's got "terminal brain cancer". He wants $1000 bucks from the Husband/Dad for killing the wacko mistress.... If he's dead, he can keep showing up as well....
  • Hello, I use the elliptical Mon-Fri for 30mins (everyday) & I don't have any issues with it. I feel that it has helped strengthen my leg muscles which in turn has help eliminate my knee pain. It's the best exercise invention ever!
  • by the way, that's an awesome ticker!!!! Love the buried treasure concept!!! I, of course, will be changng mine, since my Phillies pathetically choked out of this years playoffs....
  • We are all entitled to a little over indulgence.... As you said, you can make it up if you feel you have, however, I wouldn't sweat it. For the rest of the day, just try to address your hunger with distractions, water & lower calorie items. One day of over-eating isn't gonna kill your progress anymore than One day of…
  • Oh, and more thing, I promise.... I noticed your weight loss goal is similar to mine. I am not bragging, believe me, but I can tell you from 1st hand experience, this site & the smart-phone app are awesome! The concept is simple & if you follow it, you will reach your goal. Again, I am living proof. I had a lot of false…
  • two corrections: 1. sorry for some of the diction & spelling errors (you're a teacher afterall) 2. I meant to say getting started at the gym was NOT easy, but did get easier after a few tough & humbling weeks. Again, best of luck to you!
  • Hi, I've taught night school to adults, so I guess I was a teacher of sorts. However, the adults I taught were all nice people that chose to be in my class, so I never had any "student issues" per say. That said, my day job is technical project management & it can be quite stressful let me tell ya. Similar to you, for…
  • I am not sure how many calories to assign, but please accept the heart felt sympathy from a fellow pennsylvanian. Here in Montgomery County (the western suburbs of Phila), we've gotten pounded with rain twice in the past few weeks with Irene & this latest mega-rain storm.... Fortunately, my home has been spared flooding…
  • Thanks all for the great ideas & information; MFP never fails to amaze me with the quality folks that actively participate !!! For those in the US, Happy Labor Day. For those outside the US, happy Monday!
  • Are you drinking enough water; if not, you may be dehydrated. I get unwelcome cramps & pain when I don't do a good job replenishing water loss. I think the minimum necessary is 8-9 servings of 8oz cups/day.
    in Leg Cramps Comment by wnw64 August 2011
  • sounds yummy !
  • Three things: 1. Keep with the plan & it will come; or should I say, it will go. 2. Forget the scale, the real telling comes from: a. you'll feel better mentally & physically. b. cronic aches & pains (i.e. knees, joints, back, ....) will disappear. c. last, and most telling, your clothes will start to fit better & then…
  • I love Cheese myself, but alas, the calories in most cases are way too high.... it's just not fair.... by the way, I love american, cheddar, mozz, parm, swiss.... and of course, I love all of the above in a 'melty'' state :) !!!! OMG - best of all, CHEESECAKE !!!!!!
  • What is tumbler ?
    in tumblr? Comment by wnw64 July 2011
  • I was there for several years; a constant uptrend in weight, not happy with myself, not able to get out of the "rutt". with me, it took a scary trip to the hospital (intestinal issue that seemed like heart attack) & a horrible trip to the clothing store (faced with, yet again, going up in size) to force me to say - ENOUGH…
  • A few Sundays back. I wanted some scrambled eggs, not the typical weekend cheerios.... and I also wanted some toast to go with it. In the past, I would have had 3 full scrambled eggs with cheddar cheese & 2 or 3 buttered white toast slices. When I checked MFP for calories, I was horrified! It was way over the typical 310…
  • This happens all the time to me as we have alot of small mom & pop restaurants where I live. As such, I look for similar items from other establishments in database. I also tend to be conservate & take the higher calorie items if there are multiple. May not be perfect, but it's better than not logging anything.
  • Thanks to one & all for your comments! I certainly get the "blog for me" concept, but I guess I always thought of BLOGs as being psuedo-columnist kinda of things. You've given me some good stuff to ponder. When I finally get to writing, I will put down my thoughts to reflect back on later; In doing so, I hope that I can…
  • 2 cups of tea, small low-fat vanilla yogurt & small 50cal low-sugar syrup mixed fruit & already over my sugar goal for the day.... Geez!!!! oh well....
    in Sugar Comment by wnw64 June 2011
  • Each day, I am pretty good with staying under my calorie goal. However, I blow my suger goal (how it was calculated I have no idea) out of the water. Right now, I really don't care, becaue I am losing the 2lbs/week that I signed up for. However, my guess is that sooner or later that will level out. I have a sweet tooth &…
    in Sugar Comment by wnw64 June 2011
  • I am ot big on water either unless I am very thirsty. Two things that make water a bit easier to drink are a touch of lemon/lime & having it very cold. Also, I absolutely dispise water that comes from my faucet; even if it is filtered, it still tastes lousy. We have very hard water where I live, so it always tastes…
  • I found checking the scale every day wasn't very helpful due to, what I read, is normal intra-week fluctuation. I settled on twice/week. Once on Monday (assess weekend damages....) & once on Friday (to see if my weekly calorie counting & gym workouts are on track). To me though, you hit on the real truth & that is how are…
  • I think some of you really hit on something that should have been obvious to me but wasn't - LOGGING IT MAKES IT REAL. when you see the calories add up it really helps you keep it front & center! I have found lately that knowing the MFP log is waiting for my entries helps me keep vigilant!!!! I think the other point of not…
    in Bad Girl Comment by wnw64 June 2011
  • I've lost about 15lbs since getting serious weight loss & exercise. I've just started noticing my work pants are getting a bit baggy & have been notching my belt tighter to help. Luckily, I happen to have a few sizes below available (left from when I put on the weight to revert back to (I never through anything away.....).…
  • I noticed that the MFP calorie counts for elliptical are a bit more generous than what the elliptical machine tells me. I tend to agree more with the elliptical machine as it's a proffesional grade machine at my gym. You also need to consider, as others have stated already, that the calorie burn has several other factors…
  • Seems to me that what you have here is the tortoise & the hare story playing out. Walking will get you to the finish line, albeit slow & steady. Sometimes I get a bit over zealous at the gym & cause myself unnecessary aches & pains & so I am acting as the hare. When this happens, I need some time to recover, and so I do a…
  • Hi There! I won't tell you something lame like "fight your cravings"... That's just bogus.... What I have been doing is just cutting down on the portions or just cutting down the parts that are really bad calorie wise. For instance, I really wanted a Rita's tonight. Instead of getting my typical gelati (which is water ice…