I'm discouraged :(



  • wnw64
    wnw64 Posts: 34 Member
    Three things:
    1. Keep with the plan & it will come; or should I say, it will go.
    2. Forget the scale, the real telling comes from:
    a. you'll feel better mentally & physically.
    b. cronic aches & pains (i.e. knees, joints, back, ....) will disappear.
    c. last, and most telling, your clothes will start to fit better & then feel like your wearing bags.....
    3. One more point: try weighing yourself only once/week; that way, you remove the intra-week variance & you will see results!

    Keep on keeping on !
  • sexybeautifulme
    sexybeautifulme Posts: 17 Member
    Yes, is normal because you are toning up your body to burn more calories by building muscles. Muscles weight more than fat, BUT it takes less space. This means that at the beginning you might not see any changes on the scale, but you will get smaller. Once you've build those muscles up, your body will start burning more calories and you'll start to see results on the scale.

    Keep up the good work and be patient; it will pay.off :-)
  • adrian_indy
    adrian_indy Posts: 1,444 Member
    Are you just dieting, or are you exercising? Does your exercise include weight training? Is it your time of the month or close? What has your sodium intake been like?

    My wife was worried about this also, but was told by a trainer that if you are eating health, doing cardio, and incorporating weight training into your life, the scale for ladies will barely budge for about 2 months on average. EXACTLY that happened to my wife. She has only lost 1 pound in 2 months..............but she lost 6 % body fat. Keep eating well, get ENOUGH calories, and exercise. It will happen for you. Just don't do anything ridiculous like drastically cut calories because you are being impatient. You might lose quickly in the beginning, but you will crush your metabolism and gain that weight back if not more. Weight loss for women is usually a turtle race.

    Oh, and one more thing, I see that you have already lost 33, how did you do it and are you still doing the same things? Because if you are exercising, let's say taking fast walks, you are no longer burning the same amount of calories because you are lighter. I am going through that right now. Try bumping up either the time or the intensity and see if that works.
  • you shouldn't get discouraged, the stress will make it harder for you to lose. Make sure you swap your excercixe routines around. Like swim 1st instead of last or add weights.. Kep up the good work!
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I understand the frustration. But reading your sig sounds a bit drastic. You want to sustain 2.5-3 lbs weight loss per week? umm, I seriously doubt that'll happen. Some weeks you won't lose at all. Some weeks, you may lose half a lb. Some weeks more. But I doubt it'll average even at 2, unless you've got a considerable amount of weight to lose, which is doesn't look like that's the case.
  • Hourglass25
    Hourglass25 Posts: 340 Member
    I just took a look at your diary, and you are not eating enough. I just looked a week back and you never eat your excersice calories back not even half, you are netting 900 to 1000 calories daily. You dont track your soium, keep it at about 1500 or so
    , and drink more water. this should help
  • slim_photographer
    slim_photographer Posts: 310 Member
    I'm kinda there. Over the past 4 weeks I've only lost 2 pounds. I was desperate to see a loss so I would extend my workouts which is kinda the same as undereating, indeed flagging my metabolism to go into emergency mode and not consuming much energy.
    I started eating a little more. I changed the paradigm (aka, the way I view this whole thing) and now my commitment is toward eating under my BMR even if only a hundred calories and exercising daily within reason.
    I can't directly affect my body weight or my metabolism so I won't worry about it. Eventually the pounds will come off and eventually I'll be fit, if I don't give up.
  • becalee26
    becalee26 Posts: 185 Member
    going through the same thing. I lost 8.8 lbs in one month only to gain 4.4lbs the last two weeks and I've been folowing my calorie guidlines and working out. It's very frusterating and in the past I would give up but not this time. I am determined to stick with it and hope that eventualy the scale will keep moving down!
  • jbinga
    jbinga Posts: 38 Member
    I've felt like everyone responding here was talking to me, too! I had the exact same discouraging morning. I'm one of those girls that weighs every day and I was up a pound today for no good reason. In my head I know that weight fluctuates and to stick with it, but I think I just needed to hear it. Thanks for posting this topic. Let's not be discouraged! We're making good decisions and will eventually see results. It might just not be on our own timing.
  • jennyj09
    jennyj09 Posts: 80
    And one of my favorite fitness quotes that seems fitting for this thread:

    "I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday."

    This is absolutly perfect!!!!!!
  • stay positive u can do this!
  • ChasesMumma927
    ChasesMumma927 Posts: 130 Member
    Well I went through that a lot after the first few weeks that I started to lose weight. The first week way back I lost a lot then second week I lost 2 lbs I was almost at a 10 lb weight loss goal in the first few weeks. Then a few weeks I either lost nothing or would gain .5-2 lbs. Sometimes it has to do with the time of month??? or just water gain. DONT GIVE UP!!

    Another thing to try is zig zag calories sometimes this can trick your body into boosting your metabolism


    basically it takes whatever you are allowed for the day say 1200 times 7 days 8400 calories so you will not over over your weekly calorie goal but some days you will have over 1400 and other days you will only have like 1160 or whatever. maybe you can try that.. or switch your food choices like maybe your going over on carbs and not calories and you need watch carbs for a little bit. just really look at your calorie intake and carb or sugar and see if you are high on anything and try and lower them if you are.

    another thing building muscle from working out that very well could be a reason to gain or not lose. thats why people tell us to weigh in 1 time per month but I never can wait
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    Hang in there, it will come. You've already lost 33lbs. That's awesome. Good for you. so, you've been at this for awhile. I also think that 2.5 to 3 lbs is a little unrealistic. You should be looking at 1-2 lbs per week at most. As you get closer to your goal that is going to change to .5 to 1 lb per week.

    Your diary looks good. You could probably cut back on the processed foods and incorporate more fruits and vegetables. But you seem to be tracking everything and are well within your calorie limits.

    This isn't a race. It's a marathon. You need to keep a steady pace so that you can maintain this for the long haul.

    Good luck. You'll get there.
  • Part of this journey is realizing that we won't lose on some weeks where we think we deserve it. Conversely, sometimes we lose when we don't deserve it! You just have to keep trucking along.

    I also peeked at your diary and don't think you're eating enough. I'm also seeing a lot of processed stuff. Try eating more, and try eating some of your exercise calories. Try to slowly incorporate more fruits and veggies, and make more homemade meals. Good luck!