I'm discouraged :(

I know I'm a bit impatient but it has been a week or so since I have lost any weight.. as a matter of fact I seemed to have gained a pound or so off and on. I know it hasn't been long but I haven't deviated from my diet, I haven't skipped a workout.. I work hard! Why haven't I seen a drop? Is this normal? Bah!


  • bklyngirl71
    bklyngirl71 Posts: 381 Member
    be patient. take it one day at a time
  • krystonite
    krystonite Posts: 553 Member
    Don't let the scale hold that much power over you. Weight fluctuates just too damn much. Take me for instance: Yesterday I weighed 135lbs and this morning I weighed 131lbs.

    Do you feel different? Do your clothes fit better? Those are the true markers of fitness success. Not some flimsy scale.
  • YMTaylor
    YMTaylor Posts: 230 Member
    The quick answer is, don't get discouraged. It takes some people a month or more to really start to see progress. Your body is adjusting to this new lifestyle and while some people see a huge quick drop, others don't. Also, try not to obsess about it, the internal stress you put on yourself can actually affect your progress. I've seen it happen in my life too. Good Luck and don't give up! This is for life. :)
  • dstsur5or
    dstsur5or Posts: 30 Member
    Not losing pounds could depend be from several different reasons. Are you eating enough to not take your body into starvation mode? What does your workout consist of? Could it be you are building muscle which weighs more than fat? I would try taking your body measurements and see if you have had any change in that. Being fit and healthy is not always about the scale. Good luck!
  • krystonite
    krystonite Posts: 553 Member
    And one of my favorite fitness quotes that seems fitting for this thread:

    "I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday."
  • franzy
    franzy Posts: 259
    don't be discouraged sometimes it takes time but keep working hard and eating heathly and I'm positive you'll start seeing and feeling a difference I've been through that and I know the feeling but stick around and you'll see. I PROMISE.... :flowerforyou:
  • klemmans21
    Depending on how long you have been eating the same amount of calories and doing the same workouts, your body maybe used to the routine and you have hit a mini-plateau, switch it up some with your exercise and your diet! The body can get used to what we are doing so you did to 'shock' it or switch it up every now and again!

    Keep focused! You've GOT THIS :happy:
  • shydaisi
    shydaisi Posts: 833 Member
    It may be that you are not eating enough? I just took a peek at your food diary and it seems you are eating well below your calorie goal on several days. Try getting closer to your goal, and eat your exercise calories (at least part of them). I know it seems like eat less equals lose less, but that is not always the case.
  • FrauHausMaus
    Totally normal! My first day, I weighed in at 157, the very next day, I was 163. I think it happens to all of us, especially early on. That's just the fat person in your brain trying to get you back on the couch. Don't listen to her! Keep going! It's so worth it! :happy:
  • audigal2008
    audigal2008 Posts: 1,129 Member
    Id suggest taking your measurements! The scale hates me too!! :)
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Stop what you're doing...right now...and go grab a tape measure. I was told this a million times and didn't do it. I'm so glad I finally listened. You may see a big difference in inches. Keep your sodium in check, and your carbs. Is your diary open? We can help a lot if we can see your days. Don't give up!!
  • sorrelduncan
    sorrelduncan Posts: 69 Member
    Track your measurements if you are not already. You may be getting firmer and smaller as you increase muscle, which weighs more than fat. Hang in there. You will see results if you press on. It's worth it.
  • KathMia
    KathMia Posts: 15 Member
    Sometimes the body takes a little time to notice you have changed your habits. When I first started my healthy eating (4 weeks ago) I lost a lost the first week and then nothing the next two weeks, fourth week i'd dropped weight again. We are all different, but don't give up, stick with it and I guarantee that the weight will come off. You are doing everything right. Don't get discouraged. Losing a little at a time means that you are far more likely to keep it off in the long term. Add me as a friend if you would like some support.
  • Wibikerlady
    Wibikerlady Posts: 73 Member
    As you work out, you are gaining muscle mass which weighs more than fat. SO, if you are holding or up a pound or so, dont worry, it will go down...give it time. If it makes you feel any better..I'm up 3lbs...Why, because I workout hard alot...So I know I am putting on more muscle than I did before and it will take awhile to drop numbers....Its hard to find a happy medium when you have a lot of muscle which weighs more...
    Dont go by the number, go by how your clothes fit. TAKE MEASUREMENTS!! Thats a HUGE confidence booster!!!
    Hang in there...it will start to show!
  • king821
    king821 Posts: 6 Member
    I feel the same way,,,, havent cheated at all and I am seeing the same thing...lost non stop up untill i hit the 23 pound mark now Im up and down... just keep doing what your doing and it will all catch up...
  • aboodfazil
    even i was also wondering same....
  • kengood1
    kengood1 Posts: 1 Member
    The same thing is happening to me right now. I have lost 12 pounds and then a week and a half ago I stopped losing weight. I have been very discouraged. Several people suggested that I increase my calories slightly for a few days or increase workout for a couple of days to get through the "plateau." It seems like I have started losing weight again in the last day or so. I hope you do to in the next few days. Good luck.
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    Hang in there! Weight is affected by so many things, water, TOM, muscle development, hormones, and who knows what.
    Sometimes its good to shake up your routine and I'd suggest looking into zig zagging.
    Perhaps take a break from the scale. Weighing can be emotional, so take a break from it.
    There's no pill for patience, so we just have to manufacture it ourselves.
  • DK30096
    DK30096 Posts: 62 Member
    AHHH a dreaded platue! Can be the ruin of so many wonderful rolls! You'll be cruising around on a roll losig weight and then BAM you hit this platue! Be sure that it will pass! Maybe try a different excersize to trick your body up. Or try raising your calories just a little. Somtimes the body just gets to used to what it's doing. GOOD LUCK!!!! PUSH THROUGH!!!! You can totally do this!!!! Remeber as long as you are doing something then you are doing WAY more than if you were doing nothing!!!!!
  • yramesor333
    if your exersicing zalot...ur most likely losing inches,gaining muscles and toning up !!! i went a month not losing anything not even a ounce,but went down a pants size!!