Bad Girl

candistyx Posts: 547 Member
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
I decided a couple of weeks ago to only eat sweets on a weekend. I've been failing at that but not too badly (one or two sweets a week compared to my usual 3 or 4 per day).

But now... it is the weekend. Yesterday I was away from home so although I had problems with food (takeouts etc) I had no problems with sweets because I didn't have any.

Today, first I had two milk chews, not as satisfying as I remembered and too much hydrogenated fats for the mild taste.
Then after a bowl of cereal for lunch I had a row (15g) of Lindt Swiss Classic Milk Chocolate. Then a few minuites ago I gave in and had another row.

All I want to do right now is take the entire bar of chocolate, all 70 remaining grams, and stuff it into my face as fast as I possibly can. I want it all. Inside me. Right now.

What should I do?


  • lauragoat
    lauragoat Posts: 197 Member
    Wrap it up and walk away. Find something else to do and drink some water. But if you give in and go for the last row... enjoy it.... take your time....

    The rest of the day is here! and available! Do squats, walk, breathe deeply.... drink some water... tomorrow is a new day and has no strings to today!
  • OMG.. that last bit sounded so bad!!

    I'm like you. I LOVE my sweets and chocolate. I allow myself one sweet item a day... but you can't forget to log it.. and just don't go over the calories and you'll lose weight.. I've lost over two pounds in the 5 days I've been on MFP. :)
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    You need to keep things you can't control youself around out of reach. Don't buy it. Buy things you can have without the guilt.
  • martincla
    martincla Posts: 3
    Pour something horrid on it then bin it, u cant eat it then :D
  • BeautyFromWithin
    BeautyFromWithin Posts: 290 Member
    I think you should change your decision on just having sweets on weekends.

    Maybe tell yourself you can have one chocolate treat two times a week, then your body won't tell you binge eat the sweets when its the weekend time. Also, there are other sweets then the gourmet chocolate out there. Why not switch to 100 calorie pack chocolate bites? That way they are portioned for you in a bag and still sweet!

    It's all about finding alternatives to the sweets you ate before you joined MFP.
    Also, you should consider switching to dark chocolate when you do get a sweet tooth. It's so much more healthier with the antioxidants and doctors and researchers are beginning to recommend it in everyone's diet.

    Remember your progress thus far and keep your goal in mind, you don't want to have a bad next weigh-in all because of a lapse in judgement do you? You've got this!
  • blueocean52811
    blueocean52811 Posts: 83 Member
    Since it is that bad of a temptation right now, I would throw it in the garbage.
  • I agree pour vinegar on it then taste it. I think that might cure the desire. LOL Just take it one step at a time and try to give up a little at a time. Cold turkey is one of the hardest things to do...
  • jlmarcin
    jlmarcin Posts: 36
    That was me in the Kroger grocery today. Hello potato chip aisle! Hello chocolate bar kiosk in the middle of the dairy section. My first instinct was "MINE!" and then a few seconds later I realized that putting those numbers into my diary would make me feel so awful (especially if you look at my weak Saturday entry, I didn't want to make it two in a row in the red.) So I walked away. I know it is different in your house, though.
  • jennywrens
    jennywrens Posts: 208
    log it ...... seeing the amount of calories I'm having to 'spend' on it makes me think twice about how much of it I'll eat!!
  • roxiedo
    roxiedo Posts: 154
    I am like that with cookies. Just start each day fresh with a goal not to eat sweets. Remember this is a lifestyle change, the habit does not change overnight. If you slip, start fresh after the slip. I find my slips with cookies are farther and farther between and the "thrill of eating a cookie" is not the same as it was. You can do it. Take it one day at a time! :wink:
  • sprinkies
    sprinkies Posts: 309 Member
    when i can't help myself to stop eating something i'll put it all down the garbage disposal or i'll dump it in the garbage and put nasty trash on top of it so i'm not tempted to eat it. it's sad what we need to do for weight loss lol
  • I have a HORRIBLE sweet tooth also but I refuse to deny myself. This lifestyle change is NOT gonna work for me if I dont get the things I enjoy every once and awhile. I just try to work it off if its too high on calories and fat.

    Ok here are my remedies.....

    1- Skinny bar heavenly crisp milk chocolate (The chocolate is divine....mmmm)
    2- Get a banana, semi sweet chocolates, dark is better, and a couple marshmellows, bake and enjoy
    3-weight watchers chocolate chip sundaes
    4-buy any single serving chocolate and seperate into small snack bags and HIDE the others

    Hope this helps!
  • wnw64
    wnw64 Posts: 34 Member
    I think some of you really hit on something that should have been obvious to me but wasn't - LOGGING IT MAKES IT REAL. when you see the calories add up it really helps you keep it front & center! I have found lately that knowing the MFP log is waiting for my entries helps me keep vigilant!!!! I think the other point of not having it in the house to begin with is also key. When I have some favorate goodies within the house, I find they're calling out to me relentlessly. Better to have good substitutes nearby instead. That said, there is a chocolate candy dish that my wife put on for a recent party. I have been strong enough to ignore the special-dark bite-sized, but I've had some weak spots. When I looked up the calories for them in MFP, I was able to ignore they're siren like cooings.....
  • candistyx
    candistyx Posts: 547 Member
    Hm, well. I can't not buy it because my dad buys the sweets in the house. This chocolate bar has been hidden in my draw (the same draw I used to keep my pain meds in... probably an indicator of something :/) for several weeks, waiting for an opportunity to be eaten.

    But anyway, I went and I cooked a tiny bit of mince and a tiny bit of broccoli, and the desperate MUSTEATNOW feeling is gone. I still want that chocolate, but it is less strong.

    I am really not sure I can handle throwing it away. It seems so wasteful...

    But I feel like I can resist now.
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