DanceMomCG Member


  • I just ran a full mile without stopping yesterday! It was the first time since high school when I had to do it for my grade in gym. That was 23 years ago.... Lol
  • I started the 30DS yesterday but I'm not sure I'll be doing it everyday. My goal is definitely to hit the treadmill for at least 30mins each day and then if I still have time I'll do the Shred. As for NEEDING weights....try grabbing a can or two from the cupboard to start! The first level is simple but if you haven't…
  • You might want to talk to your doctor about changing to a different pill. If your body is changing from diet and exercise, they'll want to take that into consideration when prescribing medication.
  • Even on your Wii Board??? You are brave! Mine is close to what my scale says.
  • I'm back from the class!!! And I LOVED it!!! Signed on for the full session! To me, it was a milder version of Zumba with some yoga/martial arts feel. I was sweating within the first few minutes so that's good. I'm one of those who needs to sweat to feel like I've worked out. LOL Looking forward to going again next week.…
  • What is KOSAMA?
  • I did 30 day Shred with a rest day each week and saw results. I'm thinking of doing it again every other day just to mix it up.
  • Gained my 8lbs back while on vacation and it's just a slow process for me to lose them again. However...I know it can be done. Maybe not in a week...but it'll be done!!!
  • I'm in the same boat. Did great up to the end of July when I went to Bermuda on vacation. I'm slowly getting back into things. I have 2 kids who head back to school in 2 weeks so I'm hoping once we get back on that schedule, I can get back on track completely!
  • I have to agree with the running shoes. I have a pair of each - running and those 'tone-up' ones. I walk laps (between 30mins to 45 mins worth) around the building I work in and wear the toning shoes but for longer walks, or ones down the road, etc, running shoes do the trick. And since you are getting into long…
  • I have no clue what this game thing is???
  • Good Luck! I did part of the Insanity workout last summer and enjoyed it. No way did I keep up with Shaun T....but I did OK. All of the jumping though took it's toll on my knees and ankles so I swtiched over to simple stuff. In my opinion....any excercise is better than not exercising at all. Keep it up!!!
  • I've used Ciruit training- general for logging it in.
  • If you do each level for 10 would be 30 days. That's my plan. I'm starting level 2 today.
  • How do you jog in them? I thought they were only meant for walking? Am I missing out?
    in Shoes? Comment by DanceMomCG June 2011
  • I'm right there with you! It's not that I splurge on purpose...I just tend to go over in calories. We got out to eat or cook bigger meals for family so it's harder to stay on track.
  • I saw botho f those books mentioned at BJ's Wholesale Club this morning and was wondering if I should buy one??? Thumbed through them and sure, when you are shopping and hungry....EVERYTHING sounds good! LOL
  • Potassium is key to preventing muscle cramps!!!! Try adding some to your diet and you should notice a difference.
  • Welcome to the site!!! You don't sound stupid. You sound motivated!!!! I could never squeeze more than one hour of work-out into my day so J-Lo's plan seems a bit much for me. I've been doing the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred, some of the Insanity work-out plus walking, dancing and bike riding for the past 3 weeks along…
  • Welcome!!! Sounds like your doing great!!! Carbs are my downfall. I notice I feel much better on days where I haven't indulged in too many.
  • My personal advice...not professional by any means is maybe try eating oatmeal in the morning and drinking lots of fluids. Oatmeal supposedly increases your supply. I nursed both of my kids and found this to be true for me.
  • I'm a recovering FB addict! LOL I'm finding myself here more than's good!!!
  • OMG!!! Sweatin' to the oldies was sooooo much fun! I can remember doing it with my mom as a kid!!! If I had a copy of it, I'd give it shot every now and then for fun.
  • This is a great idea! And sadly one that I enforce at the dance studio I work at - with KIDS!!!!! LOL It's basic manners if you ask me.
  • My husband is on round 3 of Insanity and has never used the recovery formula. He'll eat a Power Bar an hour before and then usually eats a normal dinner after the workout.
  • I was thinking that. I'm on day 4 of the Shred, level 1 and I'm feeling it!!! However, I'm thinking 20 mionutes??? Won't it seem like nothing by day 30??? LOL I'm adding in more walking and bike riding so that helps for now but I might need to move on to a different JM DVD after the Shred. Maybe the Slim will be better.
  • Wow! You look great...and I noticed the chin too...your face has slimmed down too!!! Congrats!
  • I'm hoping they are! :-) I'm procrastinating with buying a HRM as well...if I invest in one I want it ot be a good one. Kind of using it as a reward for hitting a goal!
  • You can get it through Netflix if you can't get it at the library. I bought mine at Tareget for under $10 and today will be day 3 of level 1. I'm loving it. It's not as much jumping as in Insanity which was why I wanted to try it. My knees kill with tto much jumping.
  • I think with some planning it IS possible to stay on a low budget and still eat healthy. I'm also on one income, have 2 kids ages, 5 and 9 and need to lose weight. I'm turing 37 in August. My goal is to be fit and feel good standing next to my size zero sister-in-law in Bermuda at the end of July. I'm currently a size…