Newbie...Is it possible?

Fit by Forty. I will be forty March 2012 and that was my slogan. It is now the end of May and I think I gained more weight. I had a Dr appointment within the last month only to find out I am borderline diabetic, have blood pressure and high cholesterol.

I just do not see my way out of this "new" life. I was not always a big person. When I was 144 lbs in my early 20s my family sent me to Weight Watchers. Today at 39 I weigh 250lbs. I have a husband, 2 girls ages 6 and 2. We are a one income, one car family. I know that I am depressed but it is the feeling of discouragement that is killing me.

Is it possible for me to lose weight and eat healthy on a strict financial budget with children that are picky eaters? I am so overwhelmed that just trying to come up with game plan has my heart racing with anxiety. NOT GOOD, I know. I am a perfectionist and this feeling of failure is the worst!!!

Sorry to drop this at your feet but I am looking for encouragement and a glimmer of hope.



  • beckyann858
    beckyann858 Posts: 48 Member
    Hi and welcome! You definitely are making the right first step in joining MFP and introducing yourself. You'll find so much support and good advice on here, it's unbelievable. That said, I can relate to your concerns. I'm a single mom, which means that we are also a one income, one car family, and our budget is tight. But one of the most important things you can do for your family is make sure you are healthy for them, so you have to work it out no matter what. If joining a gym for exercise isn't an option, there are numerous workouts you can do at home, or even just start with a walking program. As far as food, unfortunately, the unhealthy stuff is always more inexpensive, but one of the biggest things I'm learning as I go through this is that it's not only about what you eat, but how much. A lot of the things I was already eating weren't necessarily terrible choices, especially when combined with a good exercise program, but my portions were so out of control that I just kept gaining and gaining. If you commit to this, no matter what kind of budget you're working with for time or money, YOU CAN DO IT! I am nowhere near my goal yet, but I have to believe that what I'm saying is true, otherwise, why am I doing it? Feel free to add me as a friend if you need some extra support, and good luck!
  • livlinde
    livlinde Posts: 39
    You can do it! We are here for accountability and encouragement. We're all fighting- no matter what our goals may be. I'll add you as a friend, and we'll make it together! :) God bless!
  • pixpax
    pixpax Posts: 2
    I really hope it is possible for us to do this. But it is not easy - my hope is that it will become easier as we go along.

    Just remember that you are NOT alone! And other people before us have done this.

    My thoughts about what you write is that you just eat as rest of the family - but less, counting calories. That you talk about it a lot - also with the kids - and remember that if they see something different on your plate at dinnertime don't mention it! Let them ask about it and offer them a taste.....that way you might just trigger their couriosity :-)

    And do take them for an extra walk - they'll probably enjoy it!

    But tell everybody what you are doing - read the lists on your products and see if you can find healthier alternatives.

    ---and all this is coming from someone who just finished her first week loosing 6 lbs and that without starving!

    So: Let's do it! :-)

  • DanceMomCG
    DanceMomCG Posts: 47 Member
    I think with some planning it IS possible to stay on a low budget and still eat healthy.

    I'm also on one income, have 2 kids ages, 5 and 9 and need to lose weight. I'm turing 37 in August. My goal is to be fit and feel good standing next to my size zero sister-in-law in Bermuda at the end of July. I'm currently a size 8/10, 5'3". I'd rather not disclose my weight 'publicly' just yet. And I've never seen a size lower than 8 in my adult life so it could be a first if I can hit a size 6.

    Anywhooo...back to planning. If you haven't figured this out already, cooking from scratch is not only healthier for you but can be much cheaper!!!! Picky kids? Instead of buying their pre-formed chicken nuggets....make your own. Whole grain breading, cut up chicken breasts, wha-la! Chicken nuggets. (well, that's not exactly a recipe but you get the idea) Also, try new, healthy recipes and don't let them get picky about trying it. With my kids, we make a deal, they at least need to try it and or take 5 bites before tossing it. Most of the time they eat it, no complaints.

    When you grocery shop, make a list. Plan out all your meals and buy only what you need for those meals for that week. DO NOT BUY SNACKS!!! Or at least bad ones you'll eat. With kids around, it's hard not to graze on thier fun little cookies and so on.

    I've been watching what I eat, logging in EVERYTHING I eat and doing at least 30 minutes of some sort of exercise each day now for 8 days. I took my measurements last Monday and then again today and noticed a 1/2 inch difference in my waist, hips and thighs already!!!!

    I just started the Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred this morning (got it in Target yesterday for under $10) and hope to stick with it! It kicked my butt but I felt great after doing it. If that's not your style... Leslie Something that begins with an S (slipped my mind right now) puts out a great walking video. My boss lost 20lbs by using that DVD and watching her calories.

    Good Luck!!! Feel free to friend me!!!
  • antoinettewlsn
    Thanks everyone! Did you all create a meal plan?

    @ pixpax, Congratulations!!
  • FluffyCorky
    FluffyCorky Posts: 96 Member
    Losing weight is absolutely possible with a limited fund and picky eaters. I support myself as well as two teenage boys (my brothers) on my income alone. It's all about the way you shop when you're looking for those deals and making things happen for yourself. A lot of stores price compare so if you bring in the ads from other stores you might find that 1/2 of your shopping list can be purchased on sale. When I find good deals on certain items I stock up. You can always freeze fresh produce and thaw when you're ready to add it to a recipe. Also I've found that "hiding" food makes in dishes makes it easier to eat healthy. For example - I use my slap chop to cut produce into teeny tiny pieces then add them into recipes where you'd least expect it. Just yesterday I snuck 10 mushrooms and an entire onion into 1lb of lean ground beef for crockpot cheeseburgers and the boys were none the wiser. I saved myself an entire package of ground beef, the extra calories that go with it, and 1/2 the cost. (the cost of an onion and mushrooms equal 1/2 the cost of a pkg of lean ground beef). You just have to figure out ways to be inventive and make it happen. As for exercising I was quite surprised at the types of calories you can burn while doing normal daily activites. Don't have money to join a gym? Housework/cleaning will help you burn just as many calories. Keep track of your normal daily activities and watch those calories burn baby! YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    yes its possible... Im a picky eater, and I can only get $200 a month groceries for 2people. Just focus more on portions at first, and after awhile you will get the hang of eating healthier and be able to do portions AND healthy eating. For kids, just make food funner... Like brocolli can be talking trees.. instead of split pea soup try a name like dinosaur sludge soup, rename various things to make it fun for them, get a kid friendly cookcook with lots of pictures and maybe some cartoons in it from the library and let your kids make it (with your help), they will have fun as well as learning, and tell them they need to try something new each week. Have a buffet type dinner--like tacos--you could make tacos and on yours u can decide how much cheese, how much meat, extra veggies, etc, while they can have fun putting together the tacos with whatever they want that youve layed out... give them choices--instead of saying your having peas with dinner, offer peas or carrots and let them decide which, offer several meal ideas and let them pick which--the trick is each meal is healthy, but they r the ones that picked it. Have a salad or fruit bar; fruit could be a half a banana sprinkled with raisins and nuts, yogurt, etc--they will have fun making something and putting what they want on it..

    I also make things differently but the same--lol, for my boyfriend who isnt dieting and me who is--ill have roasted taters with dinner that r made with oil and salt... ill split the baking sheet down the middle, on one side ill have a weighed out potatoe, cooked in spray olive oil seasoned with garlic, italian seasonings, onion, etc, while on the other side ill have a bunch of potatoes cooked in oil, salt, and the same seasonings... I might make him a roast beef sandwich with mayo and mustard and lots of cheese, where i have a turkey sandwich with no mayo/mustard, and a thin slice of cheese. He has chips on the side where i have carrots on the side... it doesnt take anymore time to prepare, but its completely different.
  • LadyBarb
    LadyBarb Posts: 116
    You can do this!!! :smile: