My boobs are smaller...Not a good thing BUT it means I am going in the right direction! Its just sad to see them go :( so for now I am the fat boobless girl! Oh well. I will get there eventually!
okay! So more veggies! and beans! I can add black beans to my dinner tonight! thanks guys!
I eat the thin mints! I have one after dinner every night to clear the pallet, assuming I am under calories for the day!
add black beans and throw it on a salad? Crunch up some chips and throw them on top!
Grapes would be an excellent choice!
Its adorable!! I would totally wear it If I had your body!
Haha, I bet a lot of us on here hate the mall right now!
I hear ya! I have always been the fat girl with all of my friends. It will be nice to be the healthy girl when I return!
Thanks. I will try to do some of that stuff. Is the greek yogurt any better for anyone than a low calorie yogurt? I know I have heard a lot about it, but I am not sure I understand the huge difference.
Are you serious? So what if they are trying to lose weight? good for them! Sorry that it interrupted your work out time, but that hardly makes them the MOST ANNOYING HUMANS.
okay. I will try not to worry so much. Thanks!
I do the advanced step. I burn ~150 cals per 30 min. Its low sweat and works my legs. Then I do just dance for the arms. You can really work up your heart rate and its REALLY fun! My friends came over a few times and we all did it together. It was a workout even for them, who are all very "normal"
Hi. I am nice. Do I belong here? :)
Air Popped popcorn, Clementines, High Fiber Bars, Yogurt with either oreos or strawberries
Damn! Muscle! **edit ^^too slow! You have nice skin!
You have a great Friend!
Thanks. just joined!
I have heard only good things about it! My friends all play so I got it when it was on the steam sale
hey! I am 21. I play TF2 and Minecraft mainly. :) However, I have WoW (just the trial right now) and Left 4 dead 2(havent started playing yet)!
Every outfit in your closet now looks good instead of too tight. *small steps, not a HUGE loss*
Lucky for me, Wednesday is the day I CANT get on reddit. I have 6 hours of work in the morning where reddit is blocked. then 3 hours of class that I cant use a computer in. Then 6 hours of work at a bar, without my computer. THANK GOD it wasnt blocked on a thurs-tues! geesh.
hi! Setter928 here from reddit! Thought I should get in on this action! Too bad there isnt any karma from losing weight, eh? Feel Free to add me. I frequent r/trees, r/loseit, r/askReddit, and r/UNLincoln
After eating nothing fried for the past week and a half, fried anything makes me feel so repulsed and attracted at the same time. My brain knows how gross it is, yet my body still craves it.
I am 21! I am adding people periodically on this place :) Feel free to add me, or who knows, I might add you! I like to be a cheerleader as well as encouraged! plus, other people ideas are always great hearing!
I am joining in on this :) Feel free to add me! These pounds have to go!
Thanks! I am looking forward to the journey. Its a long one but hopefully I will feel great at the end!