This morning at the gym I was the only person on the ellipticals leaving 2 rows of 20 free elliptical machines free... So WHY did the only other two people in the cardio section, two ladies decide to plonk yourselves down on either side of me and huff and puff away and constantly look over at my screen! Seriously!?!?! Grrrr!


  • Bahahahahaha! OMG you're a crack up girl.. I agree, totally annoying and not necessary! They probably wanna check out all your settings cos your so skinny and fit so they wanna copy! :P
  • Probs for motivation hun ahhahahah I would have been p**sed off too! You should have moved away :P xx
  • kvreeken
    kvreeken Posts: 137 Member
    Bahahahahaha! OMG you're a crack up girl.. I agree, totally annoying and not necessary! They probably wanna check out all your settings cos your so skinny and fit so they wanna copy! :P

  • I second that. They just want to do what you're doing so that they can look the way that you look. :o) Nonetheless, rude & annoying!!
    NNSSJSKR Posts: 30 Member
    Bahahahahaha! OMG you're a crack up girl.. I agree, totally annoying and not necessary! They probably wanna check out all your settings cos your so skinny and fit so they wanna copy! :P

    I agree. They were probably just using you as inspiration! I always try to pick a machine at least one away, or not directly across, the other people working out (especially if there are very few people vs. a ton of machines). Its not something I would choose to do, but take it as a compliment!
  • cjpg
    cjpg Posts: 433 Member
    That's just silly... they should have just went there and focused on themselves.

    Nothing you could've done in that situation except politely move (but why should you interupt your session because of THEM)?

    Highly annoying!
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    some people feel better working out around other people, only thing I can think of when in an empty gym folks pick machines right beside the ones in use. I'm always prepared to move machines if I'm in the gym, less disruption than being annoyed and ruining a day being grumpy over it :P
  • JamesonsMommy
    JamesonsMommy Posts: 771 Member People that piss me off at the gym.. funny video.. soo true :)
  • secrets_out
    secrets_out Posts: 684 Member
    Jersey shore...most annoying humans! No kardashians!!
  • setter928
    setter928 Posts: 35 Member
    This morning at the gym I was the only person on the ellipticals leaving 2 rows of 20 free elliptical machines free... So WHY did the only other two people in the cardio section, two ladies decide to plonk yourselves down on either side of me and huff and puff away and constantly look over at my screen! Seriously!?!?! Grrrr!

    Are you serious? So what if they are trying to lose weight? good for them!
    Sorry that it interrupted your work out time, but that hardly makes them the MOST ANNOYING HUMANS.
  • HAHAHA, awwww babe its coz ya smokin HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You obviously were there motivation!!!! However, I would have moved!!! I go to the gym late at night so I dont have that issue. I was skipping in the gym the other night and some dude come and plonked himself down right where I was... Was like WTF?? There are 3 of us in this massive GYM and you chose to be right in myy space!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. I am just as body concious as the next person... but some space would be awesome.... thank you very much!!!
  • People that piss me off at the gym.. funny video.. soo true :)

    Jenna Marbles FTW :)
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    It seems to happen to me most days at the gym. There are about 12 arc trainers and I can be the only one working on one and by the time I leave them 40-45 minutes later, there's 2 to 3 people on each side of me and the machines at the other end are totally empty. I think I'll move up there next time, but then I might end up next to big sweaty guy who has a huge puddle of sweat under his machine.

    As for the treadmills, there are at least 25 of those and I usually end up with someone on each side of me and plenty of empty machines all around. Who knows why, I try to skip at least one machine and even two if it's not crowded, just so I am not in the other person's space.
  • ummlovelovesyou
    ummlovelovesyou Posts: 1,024 Member People that piss me off at the gym.. funny video.. soo true :)

    Jenna Marbles FTW :)

    lol Just watched
  • Otrepsi
    Otrepsi Posts: 24 Member
    I get equally peeved at that same thing! Seriously, go away.

    I think it's something deep in our brains (instinct) that causes people to want to "be near" other people. Next time you go to any type of mega-mart, look at the people who park on the outskirts. It's not just the employees; it's customers who park near other cars for no reason. I try to park farther away these days, and I'll pick a spot at random, away from everybody else. When I come back, my car will be surrounded! For no reason!

    I would've moved to make a point.
  • I get equally peeved at that same thing! Seriously, go away.

    I think it's something deep in our brains (instinct) that causes people to want to "be near" other people. Next time you go to any type of mega-mart, look at the people who park on the outskirts. It's not just the employees; it's customers who park near other cars for no reason. I try to park farther away these days, and I'll pick a spot at random, away from everybody else. When I come back, my car will be surrounded! For no reason!

    I would've moved to make a point.

    Wow that car thing is incredible!! It definitely must be some psychological thing. When the first one did it I couldn't believe it I was too shocked to think of moving or saying anything. 5 minutes later when the second one came along I thought it must have been some new trend I was missing out on!!
  • MMAsac
    MMAsac Posts: 191
    I love to get on a machine beside someone that is fit....and then I try my darn best to outdo them, since im overweight, and I know they're thinking really in there head, and I try to beat them on the machine....I do it for the drive!
  • awkward and creepy
  • carissaharkins
    carissaharkins Posts: 48 Member
    It is irritating yes, but at least they were trying, maybe they were looking up to you!
  • People who think they are better than others!! They were there for the same reason to workout! Get over yourself!