donne103 Member


  • I was just sleeved on 1/17/17, feel free to add me!
  • Completely agree about O'Shea's. Plus if you like to gamble they have a $5 black jack table and we found the coolest dealers there too.
  • I like my guys skinny. You know the kind that have muscles only because they don't have much fat to cover them? My husband was super skinny when we started dating (5'11" and 125lbs, not very healthy) but now he's more a medium build (155lbs). I like hip bones that you can feel! It's ironic because I've never been anything…
  • I take it to lower the amount of Insulin that I require. I'm a Type I diabetic and was taking 80-100 units of Insulin per day and now on Met I take about 20-30 (this is also with a healthy diet, but not low carb). The testing question doesn't really apply to me as I test 6-8 times per day most days anyway. However, I do…
  • I weigh myself pretty much everyday but only count my weigh in's on Friday.
  • Very well put. We just lost my MIL to her second long battle of breast cancer, in March. She was only 48, her first battle she was 33. It's devastating and has really rocked our family.
    in Cancer Comment by donne103 October 2011
  • You can add me if you'd like. I'm 5'7". Highest weight was 282 (the day I delivered my second daughter). Started MFP at 243lbs and I'm currently 225lbs.
  • I have been at this for 8 weeks and I notice that the week of AF I normally have a very small loss or a very small gain. So far with the two applicable weeks one was a .2lb loss and was a .2lb gain. Very frustrating, but at least I can contribute it to something and I normally have a big loss the following week.
  • I'm a Type 1, have been for 15 years now (I'm 28). I've been here for about 8 weeks and have lost 11lbs so far (more, but I don't weigh in until Friday!). Feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • I found it's all about distributing your calories over the day properly. Before MFP I was never a snacker and I thought that was a good thing. But, now I make sure to get at least 2 snacks in the afternoon and one before bed if I'm feeling hungry. I get 1700 calories a day currently and I'm normally doing 300-350 for…
  • I have a full time job and two children (5 & 2). I bring both my breakfast and lunch to work, and make sure to pack healthy snacks for throughout the day. I plan dinners ahead of time so I know what I'll be making when I get home and I eat a lot of meat + salad. So, I'll grill something and then make a hearty green salad…
  • I had a similar NSV a few weeks ago. We were taking my 5 year old school shopping and as we were pulling into the mall I said: "Are you excited to get some new clothes?!" and she said "Yeah, but I think you should get some new jeans, Mom." I asked her Why and she said: "Because yours are always falling down."
  • I have started walking on my lunch break. I would love to be able to do C25K or something (not a runner currently) but I can't see how I could also work in a shower on my lunch break, so that's out for now. I also do 30DS at night after the kids go to bed, or shortly after dinner. They have fun 'doing it with me'. I'm not…
  • I think it's whatever you can manage to do. I don't have a very high endurance level yet. I've been working out (mostly on the elliptical) for about a month now and just started the 30DS. I am doing it every other day. I know I won't get the same killer results but I'm super, super, super sore after (or I was the first day…
  • I completed Day 2 of Level I yesterday (I'm doing it every other day for now). It's a butt kicker, but it was much easier the second day.
  • It's funny how everyone is looking for that next prediction. Last night mine said in 5 weeks I would be 230.5. I weighed in this morning and lost 4lbs. I'm itching to hit that button to see what it says now!
  • I just joined My Fitness Pal and just started C25K today. I'm Erin, 28 years old. I have two children, whom I can thank for all the extra weight! I've lost about 15lbs over the course of the last year or so, but I really need to buckle down and make some progress. I hope this will be the time that works for me!