Working Mom Exercise Help

OK, so really. I have a small circle but I need help so I thought I would post here. I am a former SHM who is now a working mom with three kids. The very thing I was afraid of has come to pass. I am back to work and am so tired and busy that I have lost time to exercise. I am too exhausted to get up any earlier then I am (5am and that is to do some laundry). I come home and have to do the homework thing with the kids. And when I put the little girl down I usually fall asleep with her. Before I went back to work I was running about 20mi/week. I miss running. I need suggestions from other working mom's. How do you make it happen? Please help.


  • aschultz9
    You have to make it a priority, like the laundry. Get up early and skip laundry a couple days a week.
  • TMcBooty
    TMcBooty Posts: 780 Member
    I walk 3 times a day while at work, on my breaks.. which totals an hour every day.
  • JeffGDDG
    JeffGDDG Posts: 252 Member
    I'm not a mom but... I write out my schedule every week then write in the exercise when it works best and try and stick with it. And I use my days off for the longer or harder sessions. Good luck!
  • adamsonam
    I found a great app on my phone called 6 week trainer. It's simple stuff and it counts it all out for you. Squats, chair dips, crunches, and push up. Now if you are like me my office has been inhabited many times before so the carpet is DISGUSTING so I do not do the crunches or pushups but the squats and chair dips are great. You can also try to find some "desk yoga" which is yoga moves motified to be done at your desk. Also maybe take in some 1lb weights or something and you can do bicep curls and things like that as well.

    Hope some of that helps. :smile:
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    I make it my second job, I don't call in sick for it, I don't allow myself to be too tired or busy for it, I carve out the time for it. You HAVE to find the time for it. Besides, unless you're using a washboard laundry hardly requires your presence while it's going, do a workout DVD in between loads.
  • sharonus
    Is there anything you can do while you are at work or during a time when you would normally commute? I have started walking at lunch time with a friend who was training for the 3-day. I also live fairly close (3.5 miles) to work, so I'm taking the bus in the morning and walking home in the evening. It takes me about an hour to walk home, but my waiting for and riding the bus routine usually took me 45mins. I hope to start jogging home soon, so that will take even less time. Maybe there's a gym you could join near work and go there at lunch?
  • tikikris
    tikikris Posts: 81 Member
    Make exercise a family event. Before or after homework, walk to the park and play! Take a ball or a kite, work on upper body on the monkey bars while they're on the swings, play a spirited game of tag. Your kids will love it, and so will you.
  • donne103
    donne103 Posts: 20 Member
    I have started walking on my lunch break. I would love to be able to do C25K or something (not a runner currently) but I can't see how I could also work in a shower on my lunch break, so that's out for now. I also do 30DS at night after the kids go to bed, or shortly after dinner. They have fun 'doing it with me'.

    I'm not a morning person, so I can't stick to getting up at 5am to work out and I figure if it's not sustainable then it's just frustrating and pushes me toward failure.
  • rubystar07
    rubystar07 Posts: 52 Member
    It is tough to find the time when you have a full time job (plus another full time job in children). I find it helpful to repeat the mantra "I have all the time I need" when I am feeling stressed about fitting things in.

    Do you get a break at work? I use most my lunch break to go for a brisk walk. If you have your own office area, you could also do in office workouts like push ups, swats, ab crunches, etc. It helps me feel a bit more active especially when after work is so busy.

    I'm not sure of your life circumstances, but judging by your picture with that fancy ring, is there a partner/finace/dad around the house after work with you? If so, maybe you two could trade off homework nights and you could do your run during that time.

    You might want to consider scheduling a time for yourself. Say, every Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday, you get to schedule yourself in for however long (1-2hours?) of YOU running time. Hey, you schedule everything for everyone else all day everyday...its more than okay to schedule time for you, too. I am certain your girl(s) will respect you for it, too.
  • KimertRuns13_1
    I agree about making exercise (and yourself) a priority. No excuses, just do it! Get up early, do it after the kids are bed.
  • katejolee
    katejolee Posts: 50 Member
    Congrats on returning to work. It will take time for your routine to settle. I know it is hard to juggle kids and work never mind trying to get some time to yourself ! Take time to manage your time better and i'm sure a lull will appear where you can steal away for some me time.

    you will be burning enough running after the kids alone !!

    Good luck x
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I have three kids and two jobs. It's a real bear to fit exercise in, I agree. What I do is run 3x a week, after the kids are in bed. Yes, late at night. Last night, I went out at 9:45 and ran 5k. Came back, took a shower, sat down and watched 15 minutes of a show and went to bed at 11:30. Up at 6:30 am. Tonight, I'll be out playing basketball with one of my children, practicing, and after they're in bed, I'll go to my garage and lift weights. We bought a weight bench from a yard sale for $50 and it's highly useful! And that's how my week goes. Yes, I'd rather go to sleep, yes, I'd prefer to watch Sons of Anarchy, yes, I have chores that need to be done...but my fitness is important, so I make time.
  • quietlywinning
    quietlywinning Posts: 889 Member
    It will take your body a little while to adjust to the new schedule. You won't always be so tired! And you will find a routine that lets everything fit in just fine. For now, eat carefully and get your rest. Start experimenting with changing one thing at a time to make your day easier. Maybe you can throw laundry in when you get home from work/school so that it is being done while you work on homework and dinner. Take stairs when you can, park further away so you have to walk a bit to get into work, the school, the stores, etc. As time goes by and you get settled into your new normal, you will have found blocks of time to do more exercise. Running a mile takes less time than walking a mile, so that is motivation to get back into running!

    Good luck. You can do this!
  • liveletl0ve
    I'm a mom too, going to school, and working, i can understand a little bit of what you're going through. I rarely have time to get in a decent workout (30-60 mins) but i can spare 15 here and there. 15 minutes in the morning is not hard to find, especially if you just get up 15 minutes earlier. and also helps you skip those two cups of coffee to be awake. lunch break is a great time to get in a run, even if its only 10-15 minutes. Working out right before bed is key to my success, although ill admit its the hardest to do, its worth it. it boosts my metabolism and i burn more calories while im sleeping, also it helps me get a wonderful night sleep so im not waking up and thinking about everything i need to do tomorrow or didnt do today. You can get in a total of 45-60 minutes a day of hardcore exercise!!
  • mom2TNT
    mom2TNT Posts: 29 Member
    Thank you so much for your words. I know that I am adjusting and my "no excuses attitude" of the past is what is making me beat myself up. But a lot like when you are overweight, once you beat yourself up it can start a bad cycle. That is where I am. I know all the stuff in the post. Schedule your time, you just have to do it - I said those words to others on here. But it is easier to say then to do when things are already running on crazy. I do need to adjust and try to slide the exercise back in, a little at a time. Thanks again for your words.
  • mom2TNT
    mom2TNT Posts: 29 Member
    thanks. I have to stop stressing and settle in.
  • mom2TNT
    mom2TNT Posts: 29 Member
    LOL, that is why I will not run at work. The shower thing. I have my own office by I would like to be clean the remainder of the day.
  • mom2TNT
    mom2TNT Posts: 29 Member
    Good luck with running! I started in February and I love it. I miss it. That is why I am trying to figure out how to get back to it.
  • mom2TNT
    mom2TNT Posts: 29 Member
    No, the laundry does not need my presence but that is when I fold them and put them away. And really, I have a quick machine. A cycle is only 44 min so by the time I fold and put away - it is just about done. However, maybe moving my laundry time to the evenings and leaving my hour in the am for my exercise it the plan? Rearrange the schedule....hmmm. That might work.
  • mom2TNT
    mom2TNT Posts: 29 Member
    Not going to skip - with 6 people to wash for that would be a horrible price to pay, but I am going to rearrange the schedule to do it in the evening and leave my am's for my workout.