ugh i always go over!

how to you guys keep in the mindset all the time! at dinner and on weekends i just lose it!!


  • sallywilson06
    sallywilson06 Posts: 269 Member
    It's definitely something that is hard to maintain, you just have to look for healthy alternatives or say no to your usual favorites. If you are doing a little extra overeating then you need to remember to workout more to compensate for it. I guess the will power is all up to you.
  • donne103
    donne103 Posts: 20 Member
    I found it's all about distributing your calories over the day properly. Before MFP I was never a snacker and I thought that was a good thing. But, now I make sure to get at least 2 snacks in the afternoon and one before bed if I'm feeling hungry. I get 1700 calories a day currently and I'm normally doing 300-350 for breakfast, 400-450 for lunch and 500-550 for dinner. Then I eat 2-3 100 calorie or less snacks. I find it's really important to eat during the 'munchie afternoon time' or I'll be starving for dinner and my motivation to cook anything and eat healthy just completely goes away.
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    how to you guys keep in the mindset all the time! at dinner and on weekends i just lose it!!

    It's called self control.
    Eat the right foods and you'll feel full, no need to keep eating.
  • ColoradoRobin
    ColoradoRobin Posts: 510 Member
    Weigh and measure everything. Think about how many calories is in something before you eat it. Use smaller plates. Eat slowly. Don't eat while watching TV. Eat vegetables. Drink plenty of water. Keep your goals in mind at all times. You have to obsess a little bit so that immediate gratification doesn't win out over your long-term happiness.
  • vettle
    vettle Posts: 621 Member
    I don't know how tall you are, but I am 5'6" and eat 1600 calories a day plus exercise calories. If you're having a hard time, it's probably because 1300 calories is terribly low unless you are really short. It's OK at first, but eventually you start to feel deprived of nutrition and need to eat no matter what.
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    Here's the thing with me... food is to me what cocaine is to Dr. Roxxo. (obscure dethklock reference). I have no self-control with food. That is why I've been fat my whole adult life. I would have been fat my whole childhood except that I played a lot of sports which regulated it.

    What *I* personally do is keep the junk out of my house. If its' not there, I will not eat it. I buy my food day at a time. What I normally eat is small 300-400 calorie meals.

    On sat and sun I eat *normal*, meaning I eat about 2500 calories. (I also run 4-5 miles a day though)

    Keep it out of sight, that may help you. Just a suggestion. that's what I have to do. Otherwise inner-jabba goes nuts.
  • alyssamiller77
    alyssamiller77 Posts: 891 Member
    One thing that really worked for me was to make my diary public. The pressure of other people looking at it and seeing my choices was enough to keep me motivated to make sure I lived within it's specified goals. Sounds silly and I suppose for some people could be counter-productive, but for me it was an effective tool.