

  • I take the kids out everyday in the stroller and walk for at least an hour at a pretty brisk pace.
  • Not sure either, but my husband is Active Duty Air Force. Feel free to add me, too!
  • I'm not doing P90X, but the 30 Day Shred, and I've gained too! I'm down to my last 10 +/- pounds to lose, and it is getting very discouraging! I look and feel tighter and leaner, so I'm trying to focus on that and then hopefully once my body recognizes that I am NOT in starvation mode, it will begin to shed all that it is…
  • For example, my daily goal for today is 1583, because my total burn today was 383. With breakfast, it says my remaining calories are 1298 ~ so, should I try to eat the whole 1298 or stick to my 1200 calorie goal and the 383 burned is my deficit? Sorry if I'm so dense about this ~ I just want to make sure I understand and…
  • so I should still try to eat at least 1200 calories a day or eat whatever it says my calories should be after it calculates in my exercise?
  • Day 3! How is everyone feeling?!
  • How did you do today?! I was fine until I got to the side squat thing w/ the anterior raise or whatever crazy stunt that is! lol i think it's in the 3rd circuit! I had to give my shoulders a BREAK!
  • I just completed day 2 of the 30DS ~ I'll follow you! It's a butt-kicker! lol
  • It's Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred ~ it's a circuit training dvd with three levels. She has a 3-2-1 program, which includes 3 minutes of strength training, 2 minutes of cardio, and 1 minute of abs. with the warm-up and cool-down, the 1st level is about 25 minutes+/-.
  • hahahahaha ~ LOVE the "ex~factor"!! my thoughts are always, "ok, 30 minutes left....20 minutes left...5 minutes left!!!" LOL
  • I'm on Synthroid, too. I've been on it since 2000 and I've never had any obstacles to losing weight, except for myself (lol)! If you're not already on meds, and haven't been "diagnosed" with it, then I would for sure go see your doctor for a blood test and he/she will put you on something (usually Synthroid/Levothyroxine).…
  • AWESOME JOB!!!!! keep it up!!!!
  • FANTASTIC JOB! Keep it up!!
  • Thanks Victorious_One! I hope you and your husband enjoy his birthday! Don't get discouraged ~ scales are a funny thing! Take a deep breath and continue on your journey! Today is another day to get it right...and, so is tomorrow! :wink:
  • I cut out sprite ~ i was drinking like 8 a day! YIKES! now i've replaced it with water and haven't missed it at all! i will still have one at dinner every once in a while, but only 1. it's mind over matter and YOU CAN DO IT!
  • I am at McGuire! We live in Delanco, NJ (about 30 minutes away).
  • Yes, Slim in 6 works VERY well! I started it last year and lost 25 pounds and several inches and then stopped, and now I'm back at it! Lost 4 pounds already and some inches. Sometimes it is hard to stay "in" it, especially when the kids are up and needing me (like this morning!).
  • Hi! We're military, too! We're stationed in NEW JERSEY (anyone else?!) I'm a SAHM and over the last 4+ years I've seem to have taken the back seat to putting myself anywhere near the top of the pecking order. I think it is common, right?! Well, I was reading a book a couple of weeks ago, and one of the characters was…