bpe101 Member


  • People are designed to notice specific things they once did not pay attention to once it becomes made aware of or inportant to them. For instance, we may never have noticed a certain car, but as soon as we buy one or see a car commercial for them, we see them all over the road. And if we begin changing our own bad habits…
  • You can buy it online at their website, but I found it at my local Kroger. That is the only place I have seen it so far. http://ilovepeanutbutter.com/shop-online
  • This is the only brand I eat. They are amazing. I love the DARK CHOCOLATE DREAMS on bananas. I eat it twice a day, everyday!
  • Up fat and protein....lower carbs. But those extra points in fat need to be healthy fats...not greasy, bad fats. You need to keep your healthy fats up when dieting! And eat lots of protein and veggies to maintain muscle mass while dieting!
  • That's because you are drinking a lot of your calories. EAT FOOD.
    in So Hungry!! Comment by bpe101 June 2012
  • I start Phase 2 tomorrow! Today is the rest day and after the last few days of cardio, kenpo, etc. I am SORE! Depending on how my body feels, I am contemplating doing the Doubles to really shed that fat. My baby gut has already dropped a lot this last month so I am looking forward to taking those 30 day pics. Any fellow…
  • The issue is not about how much or how little to eat. It is how your metabolism is. If someone drastically cuts their calories, their metabolism begins to slow down and they will lose weight for awhile until their metabolism reaches so low they stop losing: the dreaded plateau. If you eat more over the entire course of the…
  • I didn't see the magazine nor have I read everyone's comments because there are so many of them, so this might have been said by someone else. I notice how a lot of people keep saying after a certain age mothers should pump and then give it to them in a bottle. Well what about the days when pumps didn't exist? Would it…
  • When I restrict to that low of calories, all I do is limit my junk food to once every few days when I start getting a craving. The rest of the time, I can eat everything in sight and still not reach my limit. I eat fruits, veggies, rolls, rice, pasta, chicken, eggs, and shrimp pretty much exclusively. I am so full, I find…
  • I am also 5'7 and started at 166 and am at 151 now. My target weight is 135. However, I am pretty busty because of my two pregnancies.
  • You are eating too little. You should always strive to eat your total amount of calories. No more, no less. Too little will make your body halt the progress of burning fat and start storing thinking it isn't getting enough. Too many will also cause you to store because you are taking in more than you need. It is better to…
  • The thing is fruit has calories. Therefore, you can eat too much fruit and gain weight....
  • This is not true. You can eat too much fruit. However, don't beat yourself up if you eat too much here and there. Just try to only splurge on fruit every now and then. Everything is ok in moderation, but you can eat too much of even the good stuff. However, I will say it is better to eat too much fruit than too much junk.
  • This would be eating the total amount of calories your body burns on a daily basis, which allows you to maintain your current weight. If your body was burning 2000 calories a day, eating 2000 calories would maintain. You would neither lose nor gain weight.
  • I would be happy to support you through your journey!
  • I am also a mother losing excess baby weight. For all of you, feel free to add me if you would like. :flowerforyou:
  • I disagree. Just because she can't get outside doesn't mean she can't be active. Perhaps she can watch tv.....don't laugh. There are programs that have exercising specifically for children. It makes it fun. My son enjoys them. My son also stays active in our basement. Perhaps there is an area in the sitter's house that she…
  • I am currently working on getting rid of the pregnancy weight from my second child. I would be happy for you to add me, and I can help you throughout your journey. :)
  • Try to only put on your plate things that you think are healthier than the others, and if you take some of the unhealthier items, try to take minimal portions. This way it will appear as though you aren't being picky, but just taste-testing everything. Sometimes we can't avoid unhealthy meals, but we can control the…
  • Before I was born, my mom was going to take my brother to Florida. He was about 3 years old. She told him in passing they were going to Miami. At some point he told her, "I don't want to go to My-Ami, I want to go to Your-Ami." Oh, but wait... There's more. My brother is now grown and has 2 boys. His oldest is 3. His 4th…
  • Feel free to add me! :)
  • My husband and I are counting down the hours! (Yes...I got my husband hooked on the show. haha)
  • I would be happy for you to add me. I can give you advice throughout your journey!
  • Sit-ups won't create bulk, they will create muscles and strength. However, you can build all the muscles you want in there, but if you don't lose the fat, it won't matter. You will never see them. Also it sounds like you could stand to up the weights. Don't go light, go as heavy as you can. You are wasting time if you are…
  • Congratulations on your great start! If you would like to add me, I would be happy to support you through your journey!
  • Consistency is key! Reevaluate everything you are doing and get back on track, then make sure you stick with it. You should see a couple days of no change, then you will start to see the pounds drop again. Also, plateaus occur when we need to adjust our calories. When we start losing weight, the total number of calories we…
  • This is a very wide category. For instance, you can lie to yourself that you can do something even when you don't think you can. (Fake it 'til ya make it.) This can go both ways. You can either accomplish something you didn't think you could or you could end up disappointing yourself because you convinced yourself you…
  • Oh, sorry. I wasn't trying to imply you were being aggressive. Just saying you have two options: be aggressive or be non-aggressive to try to encourage her to change. Being that you aren't in the same city would make it hard to get together frequently. Perhaps she has a friend close-by you could encourage to get her out of…
  • Perhaps instead of making it seem like she needs to get into a healthier lifestyle (meaning change her diet and exercise), you start small and do it in a non-agressive manner such as suggesting she join in on an activity with you that is fun. She won't even realize she is exercising. For instance, if I were in the same…