Sarvation mode is just wishful eating...



  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    Not everyone got fat by eating too much.
    PCOS can cause weight gain. Cushings can cause weight gain even if you're eating barely anything. Hormone imbalances can affect weight.
    It CAN be very hard for people to get enough calories once they start tracking, ESPECIALLY if cutting out high-calorie foods that probably made up most of a person's meals. One burger at Mcdonalds, plus fries and a coke is waywayway more calories, but just as filling as a homemade salad with light dressing and some grilled chicken. People are getting full on healthier low-cal foods and so of course some are going to start having trouble filling the calorie gap with healthy things.
  • bpe101
    bpe101 Posts: 53 Member
    The issue is not about how much or how little to eat. It is how your metabolism is. If someone drastically cuts their calories, their metabolism begins to slow down and they will lose weight for awhile until their metabolism reaches so low they stop losing: the dreaded plateau.

    If you eat more over the entire course of the day (lots of smaller meals) AND exercise, you will increase your metabolism therefore burning more fat and not muscle but also being able to eat more. However, that doesn't mean a bunch of extra twinkies...
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    All this 'i cant reach my calories etc etc... we were all fat that is how we got fat by eatng too many calories. Eat less, burn more, be thin!!!

    This is all kinds of wrong I don't even know where to begin.

  • spoonful
    spoonful Posts: 200 Member
    Starvation mode or any deprivation diet will signal your body that there is a famine. It will lower the metabolism and hold onto the fat as long as possible in order to survive. That's why we have no energy when we become over-weight. The body does not want to move around. It will consume muscle and organs before the fat. In the end you just become a smaller fat person who starts to get big again. I've done it over and over again.
  • ChristaFall
    ChristaFall Posts: 62 Member

    Re anorexia - good point. Same thing with the lap band. If reducing calories significantly didn't work then the lap band would not be treatment for morbid obesity.

    AGREE AGREE AGREE! I think people who overuse "starvation mode" are just mad because they can't stop eating after they are satisfied or full...and what is all this "eat more, and lose weight" about?! If that was the case no one would be here!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    All this 'i cant reach my calories etc etc... we were all fat that is how we got fat by eatng too many calories. Eat less, burn more, be thin!!!

    It's not always calories in vs calories out!

    hormones up!
    hormones down!


    This is how most of us feel when we see crap like this on the boards!
  • Buettner22
    Buettner22 Posts: 129 Member
    I think everyone has their own opinions on this matter and different things work for different people. For myself Its a little hard for me to consume 1500 calories. I mean yes about 3 -6 mos ago i didn't have a problem with it especially on days i stopped at mcdonalds but now I'm vegan so even though i eat a lot fruits and veggies only add up to so much. Plus I have my doctor monitoring me because were doing a study together to find out if switching to a full vegan lifestyle can help promote better health as in bloodwork, blood pressure, and everything else in between. I eat my meals and i workout and I'm never hungry so until i stop losing weight or i become so hungry i want to eat everything in site I perfectly happy with my calorie intake even if it is below 1000 some days. I know Ive gotten all the protein, fiber, carbs, and all my nutrients in that i need for the day so why worry? Cause at the end of the day what really matters is if you consumed the right amount of mineral, nutrients, carbs, fiber, proteins, etc and not how many calories you were able to force down your throat in one sitting. Thats my rant on this. Sorry guys it just drives me nuts how people freak out about this subject.
  • wackyfunster
    wackyfunster Posts: 944 Member
    The issue is not about how much or how little to eat. It is how your metabolism is. If someone drastically cuts their calories, their metabolism begins to slow down and they will lose weight for awhile until their metabolism reaches so low they stop losing: the dreaded plateau.

    If you eat more over the entire course of the day (lots of smaller meals) AND exercise, you will increase your metabolism therefore burning more fat and not muscle but also being able to eat more. However, that doesn't mean a bunch of extra twinkies...
    This has been scientifically discredited. Metabolism never slows down enough to stop weight loss.
  • wackyfunster
    wackyfunster Posts: 944 Member
    All this 'i cant reach my calories etc etc... we were all fat that is how we got fat by eatng too many calories. Eat less, burn more, be thin!!!

    It's not always calories in vs calories out!

    hormones up!
    hormones down!


    This is how most of us feel when we see crap like this on the boards!
    Hormones magically generate energy from the ether? I always KNEW that physics was a lie!
  • Prudiddy
    Prudiddy Posts: 262 Member
    I agree I've been doing that the last week and 2 lbs went bye bye!
  • Prudiddy
    Prudiddy Posts: 262 Member
    This past week I ate less and worked out a little more and lost 2 lbs!
  • Prudiddy
    Prudiddy Posts: 262 Member
  • HelloDan
    HelloDan Posts: 712 Member
    All this 'i cant reach my calories etc etc... we were all fat that is how we got fat by eatng too many calories. Eat less, burn more, be thin!!!

    I wasn't ever fat, and some days I can't reach my calories.

    I also like being contrary!
  • My husband just had a bout of kidney stones. He didn't eat for 3 days and when he weighed in--he weighed more than he has this whole year. Be wise, focus on BALANCED NUTRITION and FITNESS. Best wishes to all!!
  • Funsoaps
    Funsoaps Posts: 514 Member
    hmmm. I ate very little for years it only exasperated my problem. I'm realizing that I need to eat more. Not everybody burns the same, have you heard of thyroid issues? Most people with thyroid conditions are told to eat 800 calories a day and do and nothing do you figure that one.
  • wackyfunster
    wackyfunster Posts: 944 Member
    My husband just had a bout of kidney stones. He didn't eat for 3 days and when he weighed in--he weighed more than he has this whole year. Be wise, focus on BALANCED NUTRITION and FITNESS. Best wishes to all!!
    Two words:
    Water weight.

    People don't magically gain body mass from nothing. If anyone can provide concrete evidence of that happening, every physicist on earth would love to hear from you.
  • Funsoaps
    Funsoaps Posts: 514 Member
    I had mono once, I didn't eat for 1.5 months. I slept a lot, I ate like 2 bowls of cereal, and a little broth during that tonsils were too swollen to eat, I loathed it. I did not LOSE ANYTHING! I lost my muscle tone is all. lol
  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    When u dont eat enough, u can lose weight. But it's ab losing quality weight. You have to fuel ur body enough & properly to lose that quality weight, tht being fat. Those who eat so low w/ major burns are losing some muscle. & muscles weighs more than fat, so yeah.
  • wackyfunster
    wackyfunster Posts: 944 Member
    hmmm. I ate very little for years it only exasperated my problem. I'm realizing that I need to eat more. Not everybody burns the same, have you heard of thyroid issues? Most people with thyroid conditions are told to eat 800 calories a day and do and nothing do you figure that one.
    Considering thyroid conditions serious enough to make weight loss impossible are generally fatal within a few years if untreated, not many people running around with that issue. I have a couple of friends who have legitimate thyroid issues (surprise surprise, neither of them are obese, although maybe on the border of overweight), and feel bad for them having to listen to people who are just fat and unable to accept accountability talk about their "thyroid" and "metabolism" issues.

    Edit: Not telling you you don't need to eat more, but if you have a serious thyroid issue, you need to be getting medical treatment to keep your hormone levels healthy. If your hormone levels are within normal bounds, you have no reason why you can't lose weight the same as someone without a thyroid issue.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    Re anorexia - good point. Same thing with the lap band. If reducing calories significantly didn't work then the lap band would not be treatment for morbid obesity.

    AGREE AGREE AGREE! I think people who overuse "starvation mode" are just mad because they can't stop eating after they are satisfied or full...and what is all this "eat more, and lose weight" about?! If that was the case no one would be here!

    You totally do not get it do you? Eating more is NOT eating becuase you cannot stop or eating any amount - it is eating to a goal that is below TDEE - but eating at a reasonable deficit.