failed and back. i need help.

mdorisi Posts: 69 Member
Hello to everyone and thanks for stopping by to read this.
Well, I know that there are a lot of people on here that have failed multiple times and have still gotten back up and won the battle. I need to learn how to do this. I've lost my battle so many times I don't know what to do. I've done various weight programs and diets. I always get sp excited when things get going then I just get bored and end up quitting. Its amazing the hold food has on me and its sad.
I've been planning my wedding (june 23, 2012) and recently went to try on wedding dresses. Oh dear god that was humiliating! I tried on the only 2 size 30 dresses in the store and they wouldn't zip. When I got home I cried and cried for hours just hating myself. I have given myself to november to try and lose some weight or get the ball rolling so hopefully something will actually zip up. Still though I try finding the energy to work out after working 10 hour shifts then commuting home for an hour is a problem. I really need help. I need people that have struggled and are struggling to share with me. I want to find people I can tell about the tiniest victories and who won't judge me if I fall off the wagon.
So, if you're willing to help a "newbie" then please let me know because like I said, I need all the help I can get!!!


  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    Wow! Welcome and congratulations on your engagement!! It sounds like you need to love yourself as much as your husband to be does. I am one who loses some, gains some and everything you described. What I have learned is that you can start over, and yes, food does own me too. My advice, love yourself. Be nice to yourself. Treat yourself with kindness, tell yourself that you are worth EVERY bit of happiness everyone else has and more. Good luck on your journey because I believe you are in the right place!
  • bpe101
    bpe101 Posts: 53 Member
    I would be happy to support you through your journey!
  • lureri
    lureri Posts: 1
    You are not alone in here with that problem. I want to feel pretty in a dress that fits me!

    What kind of work do you do? Can you take the bicycle to work one day, and home from job the other? That would make a great exercise. And we have to think about what we eat both at home and at work. I often take the easy way out when I'm at work. Eating fastfood or a chocolate bar instead of taking the time to make myself a good lunch. If you work 10h AND commute for 2h, you really should have three meals.

    We need facts, not "oh you're doing so well". Some days we'll cry and be mad for always thinking about food and weight, but so be it. Both you and I will fit into a great dress by you wedding next year. :)
  • cass89
    cass89 Posts: 198 Member
    hi :) i've attempted plenty of different things. some working some not so well but this time this is for real! I am making a lifestyle change and to keep myself motivated i set myself weekly challenges. Like this week I am doing the cross trainer for 30 mins a day while eating healthy and remaining under my calorie intake. you can do this! the support on this website it unbelievable! whenever u feel down or unmotivated you just write a message or a status and there are people to pick u up and keep u going! i find people in my life may not understand the ups and downs of trying to make this change but everyone on here does and they're here to help. you will start to learn u can eat whatever u want to eat...sometimes the calories can be cut down by simply cooking it differently. anyway, i'm rambling but if u would like to add me feel welcome to :)
    best of luck,
  • 623Hernandez
    623Hernandez Posts: 458
    I am back at it AGAIN too
    June 23rd is my birthday!!!
    I am hoping to lose at least 60 pounds by then.
    I am here... share your tiniest victory with me, cause I get it!

    Sending you a friend request now!
  • abcdefgeee
    abcdefgeee Posts: 13
    Aww! I'm a newbie too. Well, I've been a newbie several times now haha
    I lost a good amount of weight and then gained it back and now i'm beginning to try again. This time I'm taking it slow so whatever comes off, stays off. I get what you mean with no time. During the school year I'm at work or at school and the commute to school is about an hour sometimes an hour and a half long so by the time I get home I'm too tired to work out. Maybe you can do DVDs instead of going to the gym? I started the 30 Day Shred with Jillian Michaels a few days ago and I've definitely been sweating the calories off! If you want you can add me, I just joined recently but we can motivate each other :) Good luck & Congratulations!
  • annabellio
    annabellio Posts: 127 Member
    I won't judge you !! And my MFP friends won't !! we can say anything and we all get support from each other. I've been in this position many times before- but with the tools I gained (pardon the phrase:wink: ) along the way with my many attempts and the support I get here, most days it doesn't feel like a weight loss regimen , it just feels like a support group. And when I stalled for a month , my MFP pals kept me going; kept me here.
    Add me if you like :smile: and you'll see if you friend request my friends too you'll feel loved and supported too !
  • DarMC
    DarMC Posts: 78 Member

    Congrats for returning back!

    So sorry, you had to go through all that mess, trying on gowns...which should be a Happy memory! You might buy one of the gowns and see if a seamstress can add some stretch material to the sides or the back. It has been done, cheer up! ;)

    You really need to make a health commitment and do your best to see it through, for yourself and your new life!

    I know it won't be easy, but again, it can be done....slow baby steps. We have all been where yiu are at.

    Make a point to do your best to come every day to log food, get motivation and give motivation to others. We need you as much as you need us!

    Feel free to add me and good luck on your nrw life change journey! :flowerforyou:
  • maxinethestrange
    the awesome thng is your back and have a great goal to aim for. Simpley if you keep stopping you will reaxh your wedding day and wish you just did not put it off. feel free to add me and best of luck , if u feel rubbish let people on here know and someone will be able to help x
  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,761 Member
    I've done various weight programs and diets.

    That right there is the problem. You aren't "dieting", you aren't on a "weight program" you are on a road to chaning your life! Look in the mirror, kiss yourself, say good bye. What you have done and have been doing is now the past!

    Just keep thinking to yourself that this is a lifestyle change, and not a diet...keep that mental mindset, and use this site as your inspriation as well as those around you!

    Good luck!!!
  • Crystalchaos72
    I will support you! I am sending a request....
  • jen3171
    jen3171 Posts: 1
    you can do it . Thin taste better.:smile:
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    hello and welcome back! i find goals are fab for motivating you when the going gets tough and to focus on the bigger picture. weddings and wedding dresses- oh the stress! lol! i found that nearer to the wedding i lost weight unintentionally as the planning was stressing me out! lol! but was an amazing day and worth all the trouble!

    adding friends is one of the best ways to keep on track. and be true to yourself, log EVERYTHING you eat, remember the only one you are cheating is yourself otherwise. and if you dont exercise- start. feel free to add me as a friend :)
  • Garfy
    Garfy Posts: 41

    Well done for getting back to it. I do agree that this should be seen as a lifestyle change, not a diet.

    Few things that I find are working for me:

    I lost my Mum to Cancer 8 years ago & for the last 7 years have said 'I should do the Race For Life' ..... but never have as I hate running with a passion. So, 6 months ago, I watched my husband physically roll on the floor laughing after I told him I had signed up for it.

    The Race is in 10 days time. I got an application for my iphone called Couch to 5Km (C25k) & gave it a go. Last night, I was able to run for 9.5 minutes on a treadmill without stopping, take a 45 minute Zumba class & then run 9 minutes home. If you had told me 6 months ago that I would be able to that, I would have been the one on the floor laughing. I still hate running, but I have been very surprised by the amount of energy I seem to have AFTER I have finished a run, which typically lasts 30 minutes. I love Zumba! Have you tried it?

    Is there anyone that you could get to go running with you? (I have 2 children aged 5 & 4, so know all about long days & sometimes it is a real drag to push myself out of the door).

    I enjoy my food & have found that the only way to stick to it is to make sure I am still eating some of the things I enjoy.
    I love Mikado Sticks - just 11 calories each, I have a couple most days with a cup of tea.
    I have always liked jelly & the sugarfree stuff with fruit & a blob of icecream is a great treat, and can work only be about 150 calories!

    Check your portion sizes. I was eating breakfast for 3!
    It may be hard at first to cut right back, so take your time & reduce your portion sizes over a few weeks so that you don't find yourself getting hungry. Your stomach will then start to shrink & it will be easier.

    I still go out - I just make sure that I do a run or some exercise the same day & 'earn' myself that extra Vodka (or 4!).

    Exercise makes a huge difference. I am on here for the 2nd time. The first time round I tried just to stick to my miserly 1200 calories a day & struggled to lose 0.5lbs a week. If I stayed the same I would feel demotivated. Now, I am exercising 3-4 times a week & even with blow out weekends, I am still recording between 0.5 & 1.5 lbs loss a week. I tend to eat about 1/2 to 3/4s of my exercise calories, which helps me have a better choice throughout the day.

    Feel free to add me as a friend,

    Take it a step at a time, its great to have an end goal, but mini ones will help with the motivation

    Good Luck,
  • liswar
    liswar Posts: 25
    Welcome back & well done. You can probably tell how supportive this community is - we're all behind you. Just getting here & getting started is a big step. Keep up the great work!
  • Mountain_woman
    Mountain_woman Posts: 229 Member
    You can do this! You know what is waiting for you where you are. Now is the time to find out what's waiting ahead after all the effort and time. I'm sending a friend request. I hope I can help!...Becca
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    Hi there sweetie. .. .I am here for you as are a lot of others on this beautiful site. ..

    feel free to add me. .. . You are going to kill it this time. .. . We will all be here to support you. .. Hey I was once thin and in great shape and irritated at where I am at now, but I know from being there that it can be done again. .. .So we can make excuses. .. . or get after it and get it done! XOXO.

    congrats on the beautiful love in your life. . . He is there for you too. .. . You are a wonderful woman. . .Always believe in yourself. .. You can do anything!