

  • Has anyone used them? Did they work? where can I buy them besides online? How much are they? ANYONE?:happy:
  • Thank you!:flowerforyou: I will try it out thanx!
  • Wow! I am amazed at your progress! That is truly inspiring! I have about 25-30 more to go and I am really struggling with keeping my portions in control and making the right food choices, any advice?
  • I have just begun the Leslie Sansone walking away the pounds dvd's and I must say I LOVE them:love: !! I feel like I am really burning calories ans becoming more fit.:happy: I am doing the 4 mile walk/jog, burn a meal a day. I was just curious as if anyone knew approximately how many calories that 4 mile work out actually…
  • So, I have been at this diet thing for about 6 months now. I have lost a total of 55 pounds and went down 4 sizes. Up until about 6 weeks ago, I had been doing so awesome. I was walking 3 miles a day, loving to exercise and totally loving feeling fit. But now, for some reason I have just lost my discipline. I can't make…
  • I started dieting about 5 months ago, I am on the WW plan. I have lost 50 pounds. I always had such strength, willpower and motivation. For about the past 2 weeks, all the willpower has gone down the drain. :sad: It seems like lately no matter how hard I try to tell myself "No, I am NOT eating that!" I end up eating it…
  • **(about the kimkins lady)**To me, people like that are so disgusting! :mad: I think it so ridiculous when people try and make millions off of people's trials.:indifferent: They know over weight people are willing to try anything to help themselves and they just take advantage of that. It's sad...:sad:
  • Anyone have any low fat, low calorie ways to cook okra?
    in Okra ? Comment by mommyagain July 2008
  • Ok, I am a stay at home mom, my hubby works midnights so I am the only one to watch my kids during the day. My main form of exercise is walking. I walk everyday anywhere from 2-3 miles. My question is while I am at home all day long whats are some good exercises that I can do to burn calories? I feel like such a lazy blob…
  • I was curious, does it matter how fast you walk when you are trying to lose weight? Like I go everyday and walk usually about 2 miles...I walk pretty swiftly. Would it make a difference as far as burning calories and weight loss if I walked at a slower pace? And this is odd, but I have always been told that having sex…
  • Hi:flowerforyou: , I just joined a couple of days ago, and so far it has been great! I have found tons of recipes, information, and friendly people. So, welcome!:smile:
    in NEWBIE Comment by mommyagain July 2008
  • ok, thanks!:smile:
  • I see a lot of people who have their pictures in a bathing suit at their starting weight and what they are simulated to look like at their goal weight. Anyone know how I do this? I think it would be interesting to see...Thanx!:flowerforyou:
  • Hi, I joined the group today as well, Welcome, so far it has been very encouraging and informational.
  • Wow, Before I started my diet I had almost all of these symptoms! (Didn't have the nosebleeds or the constant UTI's) I had no idea it was from not drinking water!
  • Thanks!:smile:
  • I have had the same problem with the soft scrub! It really irritated me...:mad:
  • I have a question:huh: ...I see that you guys have your weight loss tickers on your replys, how do I do that? And by the way, thanks for the welcomes!!:bigsmile:
  • :flowerforyou: Hello! I am from a small town in Tennessee and I just found this site today. I just recently started my own "weight loss challenge" and can use all the support I can get! I am at the heaviest I have ever been and am now ready to get the shape I have always wanted. I am on the weight watchers program and walk…