loonpine2 Member


  • yes it is. muscle weights more than fat. I have lost over 200lb but in the last three months- I lost one whole size but no actual weight.
  • Yeah it's a killer- that is awesome! Keep up the great work!
  • Before going gunho on this fruta planta read this! The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has disclosed PRock Marketing LLC would recall all Fruta Planta weight loss products, after testing confirmed they contained sibutramine, a drug withdrawn from the market for safety reasons. According to the FDA, PRock, a branding and…
  • Your very smart to do it now- while you are young. My suggestion To you is to get active. Zumba- cardio kickboxing and hip hop abs will keep you moving and help that "thickness". I love to mix it up with these, weights, HIIT training and other cardio! Good luck!
  • Yes, there is one person on my MFP that I really want to delete and I might just do it. I do whine at times but I work my butt off 155lbs since I started MFP and a total of 203 since Jan 2010. It's hard to start and I use to make excuses why I couldn't exersice now it seem I make excuses why I have to go exersice. LOL
  • Pam on the inside of the crock pot works pretty good!
  • Yes-really believe it that you don't really have to break out in a sweat to burn calories. Your body becomes use to running and does not burn the calories as efficiently. So changing your workout up, your body will burn more calories.
  • That is such a nice hubby! He's a keeper!
  • Try wearing a regular bra and then a sport bra that is tight fitting over that. It does help. Also I have used a compression bandage when I run! I am top heavy too
  • I use protien shakes right after workout to help recover. I also use protien shake for breakfast but I add a half of yogurt, and fruit into it. It really keeps me full all morning. I don't do it everyday-but on days that I am short on time.
  • Your doing awesome! KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!
  • Screen Name: Loonpine2 Starting Weight (On January 1st 2011): 220 Goal by July 1st, 2011 (can be more than 50 lbs, whatever you wish for): 160 Why do you want to lose 50+ pounds?: I have lost over 140lbs since I joined in Feb of last year and a total of 230 since Dec 2009 I want to go all the way. What are your eating and…
  • Count me in! I am on board....
  • I am not a fan of artificial anything, real is the deal. So with that said use less sugar, or limit your tea to one a day. Count it and don't go over your calories and you should be fine!
  • Being a mom, sometimes we tend to worry to much about our children- and she is only looking out for you; with that being said- you are the only one who can decide what a healthy weight is for you. I tend to think that anything less than 135 would be too thin for you but again, we are not who has to live with the weight. I…
  • Well last year at this time I was 423lbs. I am down to 220. I didn't start Fitness pal till march but was losing in Jan! I love the less me..
  • Your diary is not public, so I can not view it to see if there is anything that might need to be changed. First, with out it, I can tell you were I have had problems in the past. Since Feb I have lost 130 plus pounds. Working out 45 min-1 hours a day minimum to start back your fitness routine is something that is a must.…
  • I love the way you think! The old me would also have eaten the whole box of what ever, but now, like you eat in moderation. I do have to say my biggest down fall is starbuck.. but that too has been downsized, to a skinny hazelnut latte,, skim milk, and sugar free!
  • Scales will vary, so choose the scale you use to weight on the most. Church scale if that is the one you will be weighing on for weekly weigh ins.
  • Yes, I am 234 and with a goal of 150. I started at 355 in Feb.
  • Love the suede jacket. You look amazing!
  • I know the feeling. I have lost a 124 lb plus and I still am concidered Obese by the medical perfession even though I can run a mile in 15 minutes, and kick box with the best of them! So here is my take. If you feel great, screw everyone else. I think your doing a great job and you look great! So.. onward and upward and…
  • People are cruel... but don't let what they say get you down. Your only 64lbs to your goal. Look how far you've come. Your doing awesome! Keep it up.. Prove them wrong.. work out enjoy the challenge of proving them wrong!
  • I don't know about being normal but when I started this quest to lose weight, I too felt that way. However, it's fairly common. I realized, that everything in moderation is fine. I do not want to eat garbage food. It took a while for my body to except it but now when I see brownies or cookies, I think to myself, I'd rather…
  • Insomnia can be caused by many thing... or at least that is what I was told. I use to have so bad, but I work out after dinner now.. and I have a nightly ritual of hot shower, sleepytime tea and I try to read for a bit . Same thing every night... As i let go of all my bad eating habits I also have learned to let go of any…
  • you want to choose about 8-10 exercises, which comes out to about one exercise per muscle group. The list below offers some examples: Chest: bench press, chest press machine, pushups, pec deck machine Back: one-armed row, seated row machine, back extensions, lat pulldowns Shoulders: overhead press, lateral raise, front…
  • I do not eat any refined sugar per say or white flour and your friend is right, the fog lifts, so to speak and you feel so much better. I read labels. I eat more natural, and raw foods. Such as fruits and veggies.. lots of salads and protien. I do eat one slice of whole wheat bread a day or whole wheat crackers.. both with…
  • Some saunas are what they refer to as a dry sauna which means that water would cause some of the units to short out. I am not sure why a gym would put a dry sauna in as the moisture is what most people like.
  • I have a pair and I love them. They are great for the knees or for anyone with bad knees. very comfy.. I would not play tennis in them but I do the elliptcial and walk.. I even do cardio kick boxing because it makes you off balance and it's great work out to try to keep balanced.
  • Stop comparing yourselves to others. It's like beating yourself up and there are to many others out there to do that! Protien is good as long as it's grilled or broiled and lean! The fat, sugar and bad carbs are what to watch out for. While you are changing your life style of eating, stand up tall, be proud of the person…