Little Mix Up?

I'm very new at this I would like to lost 100lb.....It's not easy at a lb a week
I trust my doctor scale it's said I weight 252 Church the scale it say
259lb.....which one should I believed....


  • beethedreamer
    beethedreamer Posts: 465 Member
    believe whichever scale you will be using to weigh yourself most often.
  • loonpine2
    loonpine2 Posts: 44 Member
    Scales will vary, so choose the scale you use to weight on the most. Church scale if that is the one you will be weighing on for weekly weigh ins.
  • elainegsd
    elainegsd Posts: 459 Member
    Choose either scale, but don't use both on a regular basis, use only one of them regularly. It doesn't matter so much what your actual weight is at this point, what matters is tracking your loss. Either scale can give you that.
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    Don't believe the scale- get a tape measure and check your neck, arms, bust, navel, hips, thighs, and calves every 2 weeks- you'll be suprised at the results- more accurate than the scales... otherwise get your own and forget the drs office, gym, church, ect....