

  • peanut butter , maybe add banana???
  • Oh I think I might be your twin !!! Age 26 CW 112 GW 104 !!!! Yay!!!
  • Yeah I definitely think you should talk to your parents about how you are trying to better yourself, especially to help them understand not to be offended when you eat a much smaller portion, and politely decline seconds… But I would still eat the dinner with them… Be careful, it is VERY nice of your dad to make you a…
  • Eh i think it might be clothing brand... personally I have noticed a huge difference in dress sizes depending on the brand I am trying on... For instance I have fit into sizes 00-8 depending on the company... Because of this I NEVER buy clothes online lol!
  • ummmmmm hello peanut sauce!!! I am soooooo making that later!!!!
  • Hmmmm I don’t think they will really help you lose weight, but they do wonders for my skin!!! Often times I bring a big bottle of water in with me and replenish as I sweat to just drain out any toxins. I also take breaks to go and wash my face to keep cleaning out my pores as they open up! Sooooo refreshing!!!! Oh Oh Oh or…
  • oh it also weirds me out how many of my friends eat frozen veggies (if they do eat them at all)... then complain that they don't like vegetables... DUH!!!! lol
  • Hey sure !!! I think we actually have similar goals too lol!!! i'm 26 and live in California, I'm trying to drop a few (5-10lbs) , and get toned !
  • My friend works at a pet shop and he actually said to me "you eat what I feed the tortoises and rabbits" lol.. . I <3 strawberries!!! they rock my freaking world!!! I ate soooo many this week ... can't wait to buy more lol... since someone mentioned it ... I tried eggs for breakfast this morning since I noticed a lot of…
  • wow still no twin... a few people kinda close... but this is where I am at... Age: 26 Height: 5'2 1/2" SW: 112.5 GW: 103 ish basically I want to lose a few but then focus on toning and maintaining...
  • Along with a short term fast result diet I would also try to hit as many classes at the gym as absolutely possible!!!! Like the adult version of sports/ dance camp (try 3-4 classes per day). The first few days your body will turn to jelly by the time you are finished, but give it a week and you will be surprised how lean…
  • ME ME ME!!! I'm in!!! how do you add me/ get me to be part of the group?
  • I would just try to keep myself busy. When I am busy I don’t think about food. Try to focus on fun weekend activities rather than fun weekend food. For instance maybe take up a hobby or volunteer work… Have any special interests? Do you like going to museums, but have not visited one in a long time? Or perhaps check your…
  • Aside from not eating enough, other factors that you may not have considered include: 1) Being a female, your weight and body will fluctuate, at least a little, during different phases of your monthly cycle. 2) You may not be weighing yourself at the same time of day in relation to the food you either have or haven’t…