can you take a look at my food diary and give me some sugges

tdot64 Posts: 19
edited September 27 in Food and Nutrition
I have been at maintenance for a while and feel as though my weight has actually been fluctuating quite a bit. If you want to look at today and the past few days, they're pretty accurate representations of what I've been eating. Could you help make any suggestions as to how I can really maintain my weight and not fluctuate as much.
Thanks :)


  • rcsusana
    rcsusana Posts: 3
    I would say more protein, less fat, and less sugar. You'd be surprised how much sugar is in everything. I do a diet consisting of 40% carbs, 40% protein, and 20% fat and it's been working good. :)
  • funfitfoodie
    funfitfoodie Posts: 630 Member
    enable sugar and sodium on your food diary... they can cause problems if theyre too high
  • rcsusana
    rcsusana Posts: 3
    I also eat my exercise calories back, this seems to help too. Plus plenty of water to keep everything moving.
  • Janworkingitout
    Janworkingitout Posts: 434 Member
    You seem to be leaving a lot of calories uneaten, which means you're really not eating maintenance. I know this is hotly debated on MFP, but I believe you need to eat your exercise calories IMHO.
  • andreahanlon
    andreahanlon Posts: 263 Member
    I looked at the last few days and it seems like you are chonically eating too little. I don't know what your goals are set at but if you eat the amount that mpf tells you to, you should get the results you are looking for. I had mine set at one pound a week, ate the amount they told me to, and lost one pound a week like clockwork. Your body needs to eat! It's not always good to eat less, especially if you are practically always under around 1200 calories. Unlike in modern society, in past centuries the problem with humans was we didn't have enough to eat on a consistent basis, so our bodies have evolved to survive during times of famine. If you aren't eating enough, your body may misinterpret what you are doing and start conserving your calories.... in effect, rebelling against you. :)

    (Note: I just realized you said you're in maintenance, but regardless the point is the same: if you eat what mpf tells you to, you should be okay.)
  • waverly9876
    waverly9876 Posts: 605 Member
    I think you are doing a good job getting protein in. As for little things, maybe switch to sugar free jelly. Add some almonds or nuts. Maybe switch rye bread to whole wheat once in a while (I love RYE too). I love having alot of fiber in my meals so they have english muffins that are only 80-100 calories with alot of fiber. Also Sara Lee has a 45 calorie bread that has alot of fiber in it too.
    Good luck!
  • Rach911
    Rach911 Posts: 72 Member
    I personally think that you are not eating enough and your body is going into "starvation mode" and saving all your calories. I look back a week on your diary and you have anywhere from 800-1000 calories remaining at the end of the day. Thats too much!! I hit a plateau myself and was given the advice to "eat more to lose more" and it worked! I know it sounds crazy, but your body really does need the calories to help you lose weight. Try to eat AT LEAST 1400-1500 calories a day, especially when you are working out. Best of luck!

    ~ Rachel
  • kmeekhof
    kmeekhof Posts: 456 Member
    I agree with those who say you're not eating enough.
  • just_dance
    just_dance Posts: 15
    Aside from not eating enough, other factors that you may not have considered include:
    1) Being a female, your weight and body will fluctuate, at least a little, during different phases of your monthly cycle.
    2) You may not be weighing yourself at the same time of day in relation to the food you either have or haven’t consumed.
    3) Stress levels can affect weight gain/ loss. Are you perhaps weighing yourself on a stressful Friday morning after a week of intense studying / cramming or your boss making you stay late every night this week, then comparing your results with a peaceful Sunday morning after a fun weekend and a full night’s sleep?

    Honestly you may be fluctuating based off of your diet/ exercise routine, but I would be curious if you were to weigh yourself every Sunday morning before breakfast and compare it with the previous month’s corresponding week in relation to your monthly cycle and see if there truly is a significant amount of weight fluctuation. Its just some food for thought. : )
  • tdot64
    tdot64 Posts: 19
    thank you all for your replies, but i am so confused! i have been eating this way/trying to stay in maintenance for about a few months. is it really possible i'm in starvation mode- i eat about 1200 calories a day...
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    you're usually under 1200 calories and your daily calorie goal is around that might be one of the problems....

    good luck!
  • audigal2008
    audigal2008 Posts: 1,129 Member
    This scares me! I was diagnosed with an OVER active thyroid, I didnt even realise I was skinny! SO I had to have the radioactive iodine, and I am currently on NO meds they say my levels are "normal" But I disagree! I dont eat alot, because I have NO metabolism! :(
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