AKAngi Member


  • I wouldn't worry too much about your sugar intake as long as it's coming from fruit and not cookies or something. ;-) And, as long as you're not overdoing the fruit (you know, 8 apples a day or something), you should be fine. Fruit contains natural sugars, not processed sugars, so they're actually good for you.
    in Sugar Comment by AKAngi June 2011
  • Yes! I used to have the same problem...both remembering to drink it, and being motivated to drink it. I bought myself a water bottle that was easy to carry around and that had a straw...for one, having a fun new water bottle was a good motivation...you know, "I spent the money on this, I'm sure as heck gonna use it!"…
  • Try eBay!
  • I agree with previous posters...soreness is normal, but she only really does a couple minutes of stretching at the beginning, and a couple minutes of stretching at the end of each workout. I recommend stretching WAY more than this...holding a leg stretch for 20 seconds on each side isn't nearly sufficient to thoroughly…
  • These sound amazing!! Thank you for sharing!
  • I love it and it's definitely worth doing, but if you're looking for an intermediate, recovery-type workout, I wouldn't recommend 30DS, especially with a back injury. There are lots of high impact exercises and a lot of quick work with light weights. It's a challenging DVD even when NOT injured, so if you're recovering…
  • My husband actually made turkey burgers last night and they weren't dry at all...he mixed a little bit of yellow mustard, a little bit of soy sauce, and a little bit of hot sauce (sounds weird, but they were great!) in with the turkey, and then cooked them in a nonstick skillet with a little bit of canola oil spray. They…
  • I've never noticed any flavor other than just plain sweet, like sugar. Definitely start by adding a VERY small amount because it's much stronger than regular sugar, or even Splenda...you can always add more! I notice if I've added too much (to my tea or whatever), then it takes on a bit of a chemical-like flavor...not…
  • I do 25 minutes of Circuit Training - General. I decided to count the warm up as part of the workout since you are doing jumping jacks, etc. to get your heart rate up, not just static stretches or something. I don't count the last minute or two since that's just sitting on the floor or doing leg stretches :)
    in 30 day shred Comment by AKAngi June 2011
  • I used to hate going to the gym too, until I just kept reminding myself that there is *always* going to be someone there in worse shape than you, and everyone is there for the same reason - to get in shape and get healthy. :)
  • I've been using Circuit Training - General. It does depend on your weight...But, a previous commenter got me thinking, I'm wondering if I should use 15 minute of Circuit Training - General and 15 minutes of Calisthenics - Vigorous. It seems to be kind of a mix of both... Any thoughts?
    in 30 day shred Comment by AKAngi June 2011