DeTaart Member


  • I'm queen of the microwave, and pretty much eat all of my three meals at my desk. This doesn't have to mean ready meals! Meals less than 300 cal I regularly eat: - scrambled eggs in microwave, throw in some quick cooking veggies - mushrooms, tomatoes and spinach - mixed veg stir fry (Doesn't need to be "stir fried", just…
  • Getting into a strict routine of eating small meals every four hours and absolutely no snacking. Doesn't work for everyone but worked for me.
  • Some of these are horrid, I feel for you all. I have never been noticeably overweight (I have other eating issues), but hearing some of these comments has made me realise how we, as a society, see somebody's size as fair game to be abrasively "honest" and downright rude.
  • Thanks all! I don't keep it at home at all, literally can't have it in the house. Vending machines at work are the problem. On a very bad day I've spent a fortune in those things...
  • DeTaart - 3 The Binge - 1 Managed to put on 4lbs from Wednesday's binge. Hoping it's just water weight and will level out. Feel pretty gross.
  • Me 2 The Binge 1 It got me already. I'm embarrassed. Yesterday I could fit some chocolate into my goals, so I had some. Then I thought, I can still fit in another bar since I’m going to the gym. But by that point it had me and I wanted more and more. I ate and ate and never made it to the gym – too full to exercise and…
  • Great advice thanks. I will try to eat 500 cals at breakfast and lunch with the aim of feeling less hungry at night. It just makes me a little anxious when I don't have any "spare" for the evening!
  • September was pretty horrible for me. Tried to up my cals and it just led to losing control. I need to learn how to relax and go over my cals by a couple of hundred, rather than losing control and going over by a few thousand. In October I’m taking control, allowing myself to CONSCIOUSLY over-eat but stopping before…
  • Go to the "my home" tab at the top, then "goals", then "change goals" and then "customize". MFP has you set to 55% carbs. Lots of people here will recommend setting it a little bit lower. There is no “good” ratio, it depends on - how many cals you’re eating - how much/what type of exercise you’re doing - what results you…
  • Start date: Sept. 1 Powerless binge monster: 8 Powerful me: 22 Consciously choosing to enjoyably overeat: 0 I WANT to consciously overeat without the binges. My october aim is to turn those 8 binge days into 8 "conscious over-eating days".
  • Precisely why I usually have a small breakfast and stick to protein. The waffles weren't even good. Y'know that disappointing feeling when you have a calorie splurge then think "I could have had a delicious huge omlette and veggies and toast and still been half of those cals"?
  • Made it two days. Cranky, exhausted, massive headaches. Never again :drinker: Everybody needs a vice. Mine is a Greek Breakfast (see diary for recipe, added food for the convenience of others).
  • Great advice above. My advice is - don't let yourself get too hungry. Grab fruit and snack on it whenever it's available. I find I 'save myself for dinner' when traveling, if you wait for mealtimes then there is nothing healthy available you'll end up over-eating.
  • I am stuck at my desk at work unfortunately. And yes, I usually eat a lot in the evening through a combination of boredom, hunger (because I haven't eaten enough in the day! catch 22...), work (I don't get to eat a proper dinner till 10pm usually) and binge tendencies.
  • Totally with you all on the baguette, cheese and wine thing. One whole baguette, one round of melted camembert and one bottle of red wine = death row meal. There can be nothing finer. Thinking I should have a blow-out night where I do this - how many cals do you think?
  • I make my own "sushi wraps". Buy some seaweed sheets - aka nori wraps - they're about ten sheets for £1 at my local asian supermarket. Roll up with sushi ingredients and slice. Just leave out the rice! The key is to include some kind of moisture so the seaweed sheet is malleable. examples: smoked salmon and avocado tinned…
  • whole pizzas, whole packs of cookies, whole boxes of cereal, whole tubs of ice creams etc on multiple occasions. Notable eating triumphs (aka disasters): - 50 McDs chicken nuggets (too easy!) - 25 donuts in a competition in a greek bar when I was 18 (I won) - 2 large (14") dominos cheese pizzas - 2 loaves of white bread…
  • Bump! So I made these again, bigger (2 egg whites, 2/3 scoop (60g) of soya protein powder). This time "pizza" style with mixed herbs, garlic granules and a smear of tomato puree topped with a fried egg + hot sauce. Could easily do a more traditional pizza with cheese and pizza sauce, pretty sure it would be delicious!
  • Are you in the US? Some of my advice may be Uk specific but at festivals I usually try and find: - avoid the bread! This includes donuts, waffles and all those other great festival things. - a baked potato stall - order with no butter and a light topping (beans, tuna) - chicken grill where they serve rice and salad. Asking…
  • Thanks good advice. I recently started on Metformin, I felt very nauseous for about a week but it's going away. Need to be stricter about my carbs! I have noticed even a little sugar makes me feel pretty terrible, but my doctor didn't tell me any of that.
  • September is THE month. August ended badly for me but there were 27 awesome days of eating clean and feeling great so I'm determined for September to be 30 days like that!
  • Final august numbers: Powerful me - 28 Binge Monster - 3 Very disappointed in myself this weekend. Yesterday I didn't log for the first time in months and went completely off the rails, emptying cupboards, eating everything in sight. Pretty ashamed.
  • I'm largely "clean", though depends how you define it. I like 'clean but realistic ' which means I try to avoid processed food (bar protein powder), attempt to make clean choices when I eat out (which is a lot), have drastically cut the booze and *try* to avoid grains. I would love to be completely clean and make all my…
  • Can I be a Londoner? I've been here for two years now. Bow, E3, love the east end.
  • A tailgate sounds like a good time. Thanks for the explanation, it's nice to have some cross cultural understanding! :flowerforyou: We don't have anything comparable in the UK, I've heard of pep rallies but only recently discovered what they are! Grilled chicken and shrimp. Fill up on these. Lots of salad. Set yourself a…
  • Let's go RU! ....but what's a tailgate?!
  • Hmm sorry to be the cynic/party pooper... I enjoyed the shows and the recipes are doubtlessly delicious but they made it all seem a bit too easy. For two BIG blokes to drop from 3500+ to 1200 calories must have been difficult and required some very careful and difficult food choices...fair play to them but that wasn't…
  • Big supermarkets will have Okra, even in Stevenage, don't worry! Stevenage is very much a commuter town with a mixed population so you'll easily get all kinds of foods. And we love a big supermarket in the UK, most of which have good foreign food sections. I would say 'carrots and peas' are usual English dinner-time…
  • Start date - 1st August Winning - 27 days Binge monster - still 2 days. C'mon guys let's push through till the end of the month then try for a binge free September! :drinker:
  • Amazing meals, thanks for posting. Could you post the savoury oatmeal recipe? I'm going to experiment with savoury porridge this afternoon hopefully! Cute cat too!