gbryant Member


  • To be sexy at my 25th year reunion
  • I hope everyone is doing well, I have not had alot of time to spend reading everyones threads, or even exercise. Alot to do at work, alot of overtime being put in. I am just greatful I have a job to be able to work at.:happy: Some are not as lucky. I have gained 1.4lbs since my last weighin. Not to happy about that, but…
  • Hapy Friday everyone!!! Thank you all for the support of my 5K. Hope to do another one next month!! Alf - I would love to send you some of our rain. I dont think we have had one day in April that we have not had rain, most of the time it has been really strong storms. Right now I am looking at something orange in the sky,…
  • Good evening everyone, I have read alot of the new posts, just dont have a lot of time to spend on here tongiht, but I hope all is well and everyone is having a great weekend. Ours is soaked with about 3 inches of rain so far. More rain to come tonight and tomorrow. :ohwell: I did run my first 5k this morning, after a 2 hr…
  • Sorry to say I have not been checking in to read everyones posts. Been putting in overtime at work and trying to get in my workouts prepairing to run in our 5k Heart run walk next weekend. I hope for those of you who have been keeping on track it continues for you, and for those of you struggling, I hope that you can get…
  • Thanks guys for the great advice. Were do you find a heart monitor with the chest band? Had my Doctor appointment on Monday. More tests are being orderd, 24 hour halter monitor and they are going to do an Echocardiograhm. My last one was in 2006. I have a heart murmur. I do not take any medications. I only have nexium when…
  • Just a quick checkin Glad we have such a great group of poeple sharing our ups and downs I have not been great, but not been to bad either. I did loose .4 lbs on Friday, did not get to post. Work has been really stressful. I have lost my part time help and am on my own till we can get a new person hired :grumble: :grumble:…
  • It is so good to see new faces. We all can use the support. JPrice - Welcome!! I hope to run a 5K soon. I am not up for a full marathon. I dont know if my back could handle that much pounding. I love to run, but my bulging disks do not.:cry: I have a question in regards to all the sodium talk. What is the issue? I guess I…
  • Just a quick check in..... Hope everyone has had a good week. I did not stick to my diet plan to well. It was a very stressfull work week. My loss was so little it's not even work mentioning, but with all that I ate this week I am happy with anything. I work at two different facilities and the one that I had to work at for…
  • Good afternoon all. Tron- You have been in my thoughts hope you and your family are doing better. Singfree - Congrats on the new grandbaby, I am hoping soon that my son will tell me they are expecting. StringWendel and Victorious One - I have fell off the wagon, I broke down and drank half a can of Mt. Dew. Thank goodness…
  • Good Morning Everyone, Just a quicky this moring, so much to do today. Hope everyone has a great weigh in. I am down another 2.8 lbs. I have lost 8.8 lbs in just 3 weeks. How much do you think this is water loss and actual weight loss? I have not talked much about my dieting to any one, this morning my mom asked me if I…
  • Good Morning Everyone, Tron - So sorry to hear about your lose, It is never easy. You are in my thoughts. Patty - Welcome glad you have joined. Not alot of time to reply to everone, but thinking of you all! Doing better myself. I have almost got my voice back. Was not able to work out for a few days, but did stay around my…
  • Hello All, I had a coughing fit for a few hours last night, didnt get out of bed till 11:00 am. Have lost my voice.(My hubby is happy,lol). I dont think I will be getting on a treadmill today. uuuuggg. I hope I can get on tomorrow. I just seem to have no energy today. niknik - I love going to Zumba. We have someone in my…
  • Just a quick post this morning to say I weighed my self and I have lost 2.2lbs this week. Yeah. Hope you all have a great day!:happy:
  • Alf - yeah i use a treadmill, The first day I tried to read and run, i just about did the same thing. I make the print large now when I run, I have to turn the page every few seconds but at least it keeps me from tripping. lol. Sorry to hear about your foot. I hope it it better real soon.
  • Hello All, Just wanted to share that I ran for 20 minutes today without stopping. May have only been a slow 12 min mile pace, but I have not been able to run for that long a time since a surgery I had in 2007. I thought I was going to die, but my nookbook really helps me to not think about my running and just read my book.…
  • Hello All, Have had a great week, I did 95 min. of cardio today and it felt great. Hope every one is having a good week!
  • I walked for 30 min today. cannot figure out how to get my ticker to move. Help please.
  • I guess I already did it, but I lost my weight loss, ow well, this will do.
  • I am in Can any one help me add the ticker at the bottom that tracks my progress in miles. :glasses:
  • I am allergic to all the fake sugar, it gives me serious headackes.
  • I was on the treadmill today for 60 min. I was so happy. I have done pretty good with my diet this week, staying around my daily goal. Hope every one has a great day tomorrow.
  • I am glad to find a 40+ group. I like reading all the threads. I too have found it harder to loose the weight doing the same things I did 10 years ago that worked. Thanks for all the great posts.