40+ Club: Spring Fitness Challenge



  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Good Morning!

    Robin, I hope you enjoy Six Weeks/Six Pack. I do. I find these workouts to be a great add-on to a 30 minute cardio routine, though they do contain some cardio themselves. Regarding other DVDs, I totally understand your hesitancy in investing the money into P90X. My husband bought our set (has never used it, but that's another story) and, believe me, we wouldn't own it if he hadn't since i would have been a little too uncertain about the system to invest that money. But it is a great system and if, down the road, you want to invest, if you've got questions about it....please ask. Since, based on what you've written in the past, it doesn't appear that you've done alot of strength training at home, the system I would recommend for you right now is called Supreme 90. It isn't for beginners so it won't teach you much about strength training. But here are the benefits of this program: it is 10 DVDs for $19.99 :noway: ; the workouts vary in length between 30 and 45 minutes; it contains both cardio and resistance training DVDs so it is a full system; the workouts require little equipment (a set of light weights, say 5lb, 8lb and 10lb) and a stability ball. I know quite a few people are doing a rotation of these DVDs right now and, by and large, they absolutely love it. If they don't like one particular workout in the series, the beauty of that is they only spent $19.99 for all 10!! There are some workouts in P90X that I never do (KenpoX, CardioX), and I spent WAY more for those workouts than people are spending for Supreme 90. The only reason I've not done Supreme 90 is I was already committed to this P90X rotation when I started reading such great things about it. But I'm definitely going to get it and try it out.....probably this summer. You can order Supreme 90 online at either www.collagevideo.com or www.totalfitnessdvds.com. Just search for 'Supreme 90'. People have also been able to buy them in Walgreens, at Bed Bath and Beyond and I even saw somebody found them at Target. I've not been able to find them in any store around me, so.......Anyhow, have a look at them. You can also search the internet for comments on them. I routinely go to www.videofitness.com forums to read about workouts, so you'll probably be able to search there for some reviews and find them. Let me know if you have any questions!! I have other recommendations if this doesn't appeal to you!

    Kim, good to see you! I, too, have seen Food, Inc. Very eye-opening. If you are interested in more about the subject, I highly recommend reading (or listening to) Michael Pollan's 'In Defense of Food'. Excellent book!

    jujubie, great job on the weight loss!! Sometimes the body likes that little break that you probably gave it during your vacation and will respond very favorably to it. Sounds like it worked for you!! Regarding milk, are you drinking it for calcium? If you are doing this based on something a doctor has told you, then ignore everything I'm about to type. This is just my opinion based on what I've read, but I do think our calcium needs are a little over-stated IF (and that's a big IF) you are going based on the USDA recommended servings of dairy per day. Again, this is irrelevant if you are going based on a physician's recommendation. I try to stay away from talking about stuff like USDA recommendations because it can get controversial, so I will just say that the USDA is working with alot of different interests in mind, one of which is the US public, but the other of which are the companies that sell food. Many independent studies have indicated that the daily required level for calcium as a whole is over-stated by the USDA. If you are really concerned about this and don't want to add back the milk calories and don't want to take a supplement, I'd highly suggest you do some research on various studies that have been done about calcium requirements and adjust your diet according to some of those studies. I know there was a recent study that came out (within in the past six months) about how our calcium requirements were being over-stated, but I honestly don't know who conducted that study. Since I don't drink milk and eat limited dairy (my body doesn't always like dairy products), I do take a calcium supplement. But I totally agree with your approach of trying to get the nutrients from food. I'm just suggesting you verify those nutrient requirements for yourself. :flowerforyou: And, again, ignore everything I just said if you are following doctor's orders and drink the milk!

    singfree, thanks for the input on carbs. I've been trying to play around with my protein lately because I gravitate towards higher fat proteins (nuts, peanut butter, etc). But, honestly, it isn't working. I'm much too hungry, and I'm finding that I'm much more sore from my workouts. So I'm going to go back to eating more protein and cut out some of the more simple carbs (I've been eating more dried fruit and fruit and such) and see if that helps. I haven't really changed my carb intake but I think that lack of protein with the carbs I'm eating is making for that sluggish feeling. Always a challenge this 'balanced nutrition' thing! I just checked out ten day weather forecast. Lots of rain, but the temps going back up into the 60s. I can handle the rain as long as it's a little warmer!

    All here is well. I'm enjoying this week of P90X. I'm also doing Insanity along with it, but I think this is only going to last for this round of P90X workouts because, boy, am I getting hungry from doing these systems at the same time! Last night I practically ate us out of house and home! Not good. So I think I'm going to have to dial it back eventually so I can maintain my diet plan. But at least I was eating cleanly when I ate everything in sight! :laugh:

    Hope you all enjoy this last day of March!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Is it May 1 already? (I wish ! Happy April Fool's Day!)

    No foolin', it's reporting day again. TGIF too. Our Grandson is with us for a visit, so I guess i will take a nap when he takes his afternoon nap. We dodged a bullet with the predicted snow. I haven't seen any weather reports yet, but the NE corner of PA up through Maine is expecting quite a bit of the heavy white stuff.

    All is well with my diet and exercise. I really watched what I ate, for the most part. My clothes are a bit looser and I look slimmer in the mirror. A successful week!

    Stiring, yes, I need more than nuts for protein. Most of my protein is chicken, turkey, eggs, tuna and various cheeses. Throw in some almonds and olive oil and that's about it. The downside is that it gets a bit boring, but it will only be for a few weeks at most. Also, I eat and drink whatever I want on the weekends. As a treat I sometimes make a smoothie with EAS Vanilla Protein and almond milk blended with ice. It gives me that milkshake "mouth feel", plus it's another source of protein. My carbs are in the form of whole grain bread, mixed veg and some fruit. I intentionally stayed away from my usual large bowl of oatmeal in the morning to see what effect it might have. All in all this seems to be working for me.

    I hope everyone has a great weekend!!!
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,444 Member
    Good morning from NEPA. Some snow but the kids went to school yeah. School is already extended until the 17 of June. They need to go:laugh:

    Sing glad it missed you.

    Happy April fools day.

    My goal for April is to kick up my outside exercises. Shoveling not included:noway: I need to get my last 10 pounds off.

    Hope everyone is well. Lets chant for a cure of cancer and alzheimers please.

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Good Morning!

    LadyPersia, those last ten pounds are tough to get off!! But I have no doubt you'll be able to do it. You seem to be really good at setting goals for yourself and sticking with them. Sorry to hear about the snow. We just have rain and wind. But we're supposed to be back up into the 60s and 70s next week!

    singfree, hope you have a great weekend with your grandson. I've been working the whole 'eat whatever I want' on the weekends as well (or at least one day a weekend) and it doesn't seem to be doing any harm to me physically. I find that I naturally gravitate to healthier foods, even when we're eating out, so that isn't an issue. But put some chocolate near me.....and I'm right there! I've got to still watch that because those calories add up fast. Yeah, my problem with protein is that I'm not much of a meat eater. I make a couple of vegetarian dinners every week and on those days, I have to be really cognizant to try to get some lean turkey or chicken at lunch. The other night (Wednesday), I thought I was okay because I had a couple of turkey slices at lunch and some steamed shrimp with dinner. But, boy, was my body craving more protein, and I attacked every single almond, peanut, cashew, walnut etc in the house I could find. I'm thinking that's because of doing P90X right now. Last time I did it, I was eating about 400-500 calories a day more than I'm eating right now, and I'm thinking I might need to up my calories a bit (especially since I'm doing both a P90X and an Insanity workout each day right now).

    Friday check-in....this week went well, despite my ravenous hunger on Wednesday night. Like I said, I'm doing a combined P90X and Insanity rotation, and it is really challenging me. My goal is to stick with it for two more weeks because I'm really noticing some strength and cardio improvements. That will take me to the end of the second round of P90X, and I'll assess then whether I'm up to doing the same thing/a similar thing for the third round. I'm happy with where I'm at right now, but I want to work on my diet a bit more next week to see if I can't address some of the hunger issues. It always amazes me how a little change in my workout routine can completely change my appetite/dietary needs.

    Hope you all have a great weekend!
  • Texssippian
    Texssippian Posts: 235
    Hi all!

    Had a very busy week with a giant project on Monday that kept me at work all weekend. Ended up with a knot in my back between the shoulder blades. Goes away at night but comes back as soon as I got to the office. grrrr

    Favorite thing to do this week was to look at the iris when I got home. One yellow one blooming, a mid-color purple blooming, a purple and white about to bloom, a deep blue (Navy Blues) about to bloom, an orange/peach (Brilliant Performance) about to bloom and around 45 more buds. Not so great with eating or exercise unless countless hours at the computer count!

    Check out the picture at bing.com today. Looking at bing every day is a fun little diversion for me. The pictures are always incredible.

    Wildflowers are blooming. Primrose is beginning to look like someone poured cotton candy along the highway. Blue bonnets are up and some Indian Paintbrushes. We are driving to Austin tomorrow to see our daughter. Should have good wildflower viewing along the way. So sorry for everyone who still has snow. We will be miserable in July and August with 100+ degree weather, so rub it in then.

    Take care all! TxMs
  • JPriceGA
    JPriceGA Posts: 508 Member
    Hello everyone!

    Sounds like all are doing well. I just finished catching up with everyone's posts.

    GBryant - have you started running?

    Texssippian - I have relatives in Austin & New Braunfels. Nice part of Texas. Enjoy it before it gets too hot!

    StiringWendel - P90X AND Insanity??? Wow! Beach Body has a very impressive multi-level marketing machine going - the founders must be making a boatload of money. A lot of MFP people seem to use their products (and yes, I've bought some myself). I liked your references to some other fitness video sites - I'm going to check those out.

    Traveling always makes staying on track tough! This week I spent two days in Denver - I learned that chap-stick is essential there! It was very windy, and I kept drying out. I drank glass after glass after glass of water and still felt dry! Also, eating in restaurants it's hard to know what is going to be full of sodium - I got a bunch somewhere, and I must have eaten something I'm allergic to. Whatever it was made my lips swell up and turn red. Because of the wind and dryness - I'm not sure which meal triggered the allergic response. I get that when I eat clams, but I don't think I had any of those. I'm not sure what triggered it. By the time I got home my hands, ankles and face were all swollen.

    I did get in a two-mile run, followed by a one mile walk Thursday morning. Then, we walked all over town - so I'm not sure of the additional distance, but could have been four miles or more throughout the day. Again, hard to tell. I managed to pass up a number of fabulous dessert items. It seemed like I totally busted the calorie budget, but each time I managed to log in and put in my food, it didn't register too much over what it should have been. I'm not getting on the scale until the swelling goes down!

    I acutally had the best run I've had in a couple of weeks - so that's good!
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,444 Member
    StiringWendel- Thank you. I cant wait until we have warm weather...P90x and Insanity???? Your my hero!

    Texssoppian- Have a wonderful trip to Austin I love it there. I have dear friends and family who live throughout the great state of Texas. Im jealos of your blooms. Enjoy yout weekend and be well.

    JpriceGA- To most managers fury...I always ask if I can read their nutritional chart of the menu. It takes some time if it is not posted. in NY and NJ it is posted in every restaurant except deli's.
    Walking is always a great caloric burn!! Congrats on your run

    Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hello!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry MIA again!!!! So many posts and great comments!!! Welcome to the newcomers as well!!!

    Sing, great to hear from you!! You are going to Orlando in May right? We should be there on the 9th until the 14th. We are driving, road trip!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It should be fun!!! We are taking my son to the Disney parks. His birthday is on the 13th.

    Stiring, beautiful picture!!! You look great!!!

    Recap, slowly losing but feeling great and noticing it in the mirror and how my clothes fit. I only have about 1.5 lbs to my first goal. I really think I cannot be under 125, it is way too hard to be under that without making some drastic changes and sacrifices. My Lent restrictions have really helped a lot in a way...I might keep them past Easter. Back to teaching this past week, I had a lot of energy. I started my third week of Cathe's butts and guts, some chapters only. (Stiring, please let me know when you need it back) I do it 3 times a week. I am having a hard time getting into an upper body workout without the help of a dvd such ChaLean or P90X. :( I want to regain some of my strength and definition before I got the biceps tendonitis. I know what I need to do but cant find the motivation to do it on my own. Any ideas? Another one is yoga/flexibility, cannot get in a routine of at least doing it once a week, preferrably 3 times a week. So much to do, soooo little time. My PT is going great. I love this new therapist, very motivating. He works me hard. I see him twice a week. One day we work on the ankle another day on the hip. Since they are both on the left side most of the exercise work both injuries twice a week, plus I am doing the exercises at home as well.

    Take care!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • KimKelly65
    Hi Everyone,

    Its a beautiful Sunday afternoon in Ohio. I just got in from walking the dog and we have all the windows open and are enjoying Spring!:happy:
    Good week last week, able to keep sodium within goals most days. Definite improvement.
    Lost 1lb this week Total lost 22lbs. I am officially 1/4 of the way to my goal weight. YAY!!
    Next goal under 200 by vacation in July. Might be difficult but Im going to try. I'd be fine with being close before vacation.

    Im on vacation this week and will being some traveling with my daughter visiting colleges in Ohio. Plan on working out after our visits and pampering myself alittle....manicure, pedicure, and massage.

    I hope everyone has a great week.

  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,444 Member
    Have a awesome, fit week!!! Talk to you on Friday to share all of your wonderful goals you have reached!

    Pray for my Dad and my husbands grandmother. They are slowing down on their will to live. Lets fight Alzheimers and Cancer big time!!! It doesnt matter how long I have worked in Medicine (20+years). I could never deal with death especially this close.


    Kim aka LadyPersia
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    I hope that everyone had a great weekend. We had a good time with our Grandson, but that meant no time to go to the gym. I will start back fresh today. My eating over the weekend can only be described as carbo-licious! We had pizza and stomboli on Friday night (as well as leftovers), so I now have to get this out of my system. Back to clean eating and a more protein-rich diet.

    Alf, we WERE going to Orlando in May, but our plans have changed. We are instead going to visit my BIL in Utah. The moved from Calif. and built a new house. My wife is anxious to see it. We will be flying in to Las Vegas and they will pick us up there.

    Nothing much to report for today...getting tired and can't wait to go home to bed!

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Good Morning!

    Great job on losing weight everybody!!! Sounds like last week was a universal success.

    alf, I wish I could help you with motivation, but that's a tough one. If you are looking for new workouts and just don't know what to get, let me know and I'll try to make some recommendations. Maybe right now you need to find just a couple of workouts until you get back into the swing of things as opposed to tackling a longer 90 day workout ala P90X or CLX. It just might make it seem less arduous or less of a full commitment right now. Sometimes a 90 day rotation helps motivate me and other times, it just makes me not want to do anything. So think about whether just a couple upper body workouts (or full body workouts) would be a better option right now. I have no immediate need for the Cathe DVD back so continue to enjoy!

    singfree, glad you enjoyed your weekend with your grandson! Don't worry about the eating. You'll be back on track and, no doubt, in great shape by the time you go to Utah.

    LadyPersia, I'll keep your father and your husband's grandmother in my thoughts. Take care of yourself!

    All here is well. I'm continuing with my Insanity/P90X rotation. I started eating more over the weekend and I think that will help me a great deal in getting through these next couple of weeks. I just wasn't eating enough to sustain these workouts last week, and that was really impacting my mood and energy levels. But I'm feeling much better now and have already powered through my Insanity workout this morning. Later I'll do P90X Chest/Shoulders/Triceps (and Ab Ripper X). I'm actually enjoying this rotation.

    JPriceGA, the funny thing about Beachbody is that I've never seen any of the infomercials, so I don't know how well their marketing is working at the initial level. My husband bought P90X after hearing about it at work. And our dear friend singfree is the one who got me interested in Insanity when he was doing the rotation. I don't really consider myself much of a Beachbody user because most of my workouts are those done by Cathe Friedrich (I've worked out with her DVDs for about 13 years or so). I have a tendency to think Beachbody products are over-priced (on the whole) and it is difficult to purchase just what you want (like individual DVDs instead of full programs or DVDs without all the 'extras' Beachbody can throw in at times). That being said, I find the workout systems I've got (Turbo Fire, P90X and Insanity) to be very effective so I kind of overlook some of the very blatant flaws with Beachbody at times. But I can't recommend these products or working with Beachbody to everybody, that's for sure. I don't think their workouts are the safest on the market (by a VERY long shot) and, again, they are pricey.

    Spring is returning to the DC area....for a day. But we're supposed to get some severe weather tonight. That's okay because I love thunderstorms. After all, what's spring without rain, thunder, hail, etc. :wink: Enjoy the day!
  • pepper06
    pepper06 Posts: 89
    hi everyone-see all is doing well.
  • gbryant
    gbryant Posts: 24 Member
    Just a quick checkin

    Glad we have such a great group of poeple sharing our ups and downs

    I have not been great, but not been to bad either. I did loose .4 lbs on Friday, did not get to post. Work has been really stressful. I have lost my part time help and am on my own till we can get a new person hired :grumble: :grumble: :grumble:

    jprice - yes I have been runing. I have only ran 3.25 mile once since I decided to run a 5k. I tried to run last night another 3.25 but I am having some heart issues and was only able to run 1.5 miles before I had to stop. I had an EKG on Friday and they said that it was fine. They said it was stress related and that is what is causing my heart to feel like its on mega doses of Psuedefedrin (sp?)They gave me some medication for stress, I decided not to take the medication. I do have an appointment with my regular doctor today, so I will discuss with her. I am not one to take medication and I just hope that they dont want me to be on something. I do have family history of heart issues in my family. Gpa died at 46, my uncle at 52 of heart attack, my gma and aunt have had open heart, my mom has had 2 stents put in. My mom is a little freaking out on me so I am going to follow my docs advice, just dont want to be on stress med's.

    Hope everyone has a great week and stays on track. :smile:
  • JPriceGA
    JPriceGA Posts: 508 Member
    GBryant - I highly recommend using a heart rate monitor with a chest strap while running. I learned that even though I'm slow, I push myself too hard sometimes. I can set the monitor to beep when I go over the top of my target HR range. That let's me know to slow down right away. I have found it to be very helpful. I use it at the gym as well - the spin bikes and the treadmills pickup the signal, which is really great.

    This weekend was really stressful. I got plenty of exercise anyway, but continued a heavier calorie count (but not extreme) through Sunday. I'm headed back to my 1200 calories/day :-)

    Still haven't weighed for the week. Probably won't for a couple more days.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Good morning!!! All is well here. Not much to report since I last posted.

    LadyPersia, my thoughts and prayers for your family. :flowerforyou:

    Sing, glad you had a great time with your grandson. I miss my Nati, she seems to be spending more time with her dad now. :cry: She should be here later on this week and already told my daughter I want to keep her Thu night so I can spend Nana time with her on Friday, maybe the zoo...that will be a workout chasing after her :laugh:

    kimkelly, congrats on your weightloss!!!!! :drinker:

    Pepper, caught a glimpse of you :laugh: How are you doing?

    Stiring, how much do you eat? How many calories? I really cannot find the time to log in my foods. I tend to eat the same things and not so much so I am staying around 1500-1700, I am guessing here. But then again I am not monitoring the calories I burn when I teach so who knows, I might be undereating. I hope not...

    Gbryant, take care of yourself. Jprice's recommendation is a good one. Perhaps you might want the doctor to order more tests, EKG are not the best. Maybe you can have a stress test done and an ultrasound to make sure everything is right with your heart. Are you on blood pressure meds? When my husband was hospitalized with chest pain, etc they did all kinds of test including the ones mentioned. They also talked about anxiety meds, he hasnt done anything about that either. But he did admit to the doctors that he has always been the anxious type. I know he is...he worries about everything and get highly upset when talking about anything he cares about. Yikes!!! In the meantime try to relax as much as possible, continue to stay positive. :flowerforyou:

    Jprice, good to hear from you. You are always so positive!!!

    Have a great day!!! Driving a rental, my SUV got rear ended last week so it is in the shop for repairs until Thu. Going to work today. Boring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL And teaching tonight Yay!!!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    gbryant, I'm sorry to hear about the heart issues. You've already gotten some great recommendations, all of which I agree with. A HRM is probably the best way to make sure that you aren't pushing yourself too hard. In addition, if you are on certain medications, that can affect your heart rate. But maybe they can do some more tests as well. Given your family background, I don't think asking for that is out of the question. Take it easy!

    pepper, good to see you!!! How are you doing? We've missed you around here!!

    JPriceGA, sorry to hear about the stressful weekend. No harm in keeping your calorie count higher during times like that, especially if you are working out. I think it's great that you're listening to your body that way.

    alf, it's really hard for me to say how much I eat because it really does vary quite a bit based on my workouts. When I'm trying to maintain and working out as hard as I am right now, I can eat upwards of 2200-2400 calories a day. When I'm not working out (which isn't very often if I'm being honest), I try to maintain at 1800 but would need to drop that more if I went for an extended period of time without working out (to 1400). When I'm trying to lose weight and working out as hard as I am right now, I drop my calories to about 1700. Any lower than that, and I go crazy. So I'm kind of all over the place depending on my workouts and what I'm trying to do with my body. I think 1500 may be too low for you given your height and activity level if you are trying to maintain. I would definitely think that the 1700-1800 range would probably be a little better. But I don't think you're in danger of slowing down your metabolism eating that few.....but you don't NEED to eat so few. Does that make sense? Changing subjects...sorry to hear about your car!

    All here is well. I'm continuing with my Insanity/P90X rotation, and it is feeling much better this week than it did last week. I've upped my calories into my higher maintenance range (as indicated above), and it feels SO much better. Like I've said before, it really pays to listen to the body.

    Hope you all have a good day!
  • JPriceGA
    JPriceGA Posts: 508 Member
    Alf1163 - thank you for the comment. I haven't been feeling very positive today - so it's a good to know I'm thought of as being positive! You didn't say, but I hope you weren't injured at all in your accident. As my mother used to say, cars can be replaced, people can't.

    StiringWendel - thank you. It's a challenge to balance "listening" with being okay with feeling "hungry." It's so easy to overeat!

    I made the mistake of getting on the scale today. Bad plan. Shoulda waited a few more days. Whenever I hit a new low weight, my body immediately responds with an uptick. That coincided with my travel last week and crazy weekend. I think I forgot to login Sunday, which, even though I logged everything for Sunday, probably re-set my login streak. I got to 70 something - my goal was 180. I know it's a silly little thing, but it contributes to my less than positive outlook today.

    Regardless - I'm logging my food, planning to go to spin class tonight and will look forward to taking the next right step. In honor of LadyPersia, I'm going to go breathe and get some water now.
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Sorry I've been MIA... As most of you know my brother and his family have had a hard time due to the death of their 4 month old baby. Well, he called me up a week ago and said he's leaving and on his way up to my house. He took some time to leave some of the stress he has felt down there and has actually been able to eat and catch up on some sleep. When he finally called his wife to let her know where he was she came up too. Now they are talking about moving up here so we've been running around looking at houses and he's scoping out jobs today. You cant avoid the problems forever and I know moving isn't gonna solve everything but they both don't have family down there anymore and if they can ease up the financial burden a little bit it would help the happier moments they do get they can actually enjoy.

    My exercise has been non existent with all the running around.... Eating has been ok but I know my body and I know I've probably gained... I'd be surprised if I didn't.

    I'll try to catch up more later on, I've gotta pick up my house before it gets too out of control.

    Hope you all are having a wonderful day!!!!
  • niknik43
    niknik43 Posts: 36
    Friday was my weigh in day but we were getting ready to head out of town for my son's rodeo so I didn't get over here to MFP. So here it is...better late than never. I'm down 1.6 for last week. I was so excited about my loss and had the best of intentions for the long weekend. We ate out every meal for the last 3 days and it's so hard to make good choices when you're out of your element and don't have all of your "tools" with you. THEN...on top of eating out for three days, TOM came about two weeks early. THEN...on top of THAT, I'm having a severe attack of seasonal allergies. To sum it all up, between eating out of my "norm", TOM, and my allergies, I'm feeling pretty crappy. I'm having a little trouble getting back on track today and I'm hoping tomorrow (and the rest of the week) will be better.

    I hope all of you had a great weekend!