40+ Club: Spring Fitness Challenge

I hope everyone found this new thread. Welcome!!


  • KimKelly65
    Morning everyone,

    I want to share a NSV today.
    I took a blouse out of the closet today that was very tight on my arms and that I could not button across my chest in decemeber.... and it fits comfortably!!!! YAY!! :happy:
    It makes my resolve even stronger that I can do this!

    Have a great day!

  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    Just a few minutes to check in. Busy day at work today. All is well, but everything is a frozen mess outside. We had snow, sleet and freezing rain yesterday. It turned windy and much colder overnight and everything on the ground is frozen solid!

    I hope you found this thread. Disregard the other threads. This is the only one to use.

    Have a good day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,803 Member
    Good Morning! I found you!!

    Kim, congratulations! That is such a great feeling. I love how it has made you more resolved.

    singfree, sorry to hear you are suffering through a frozen mess. We got so warm yesterday that most of our snow is gone. I do think there were some patches of ice this morning but, by and large, those are isolated. We were near 60 yesterday! Today, we'll be in the mid-30s.

    Nothing new to report here. Still suffering from this cold/flu and trying to be patient with it. Hope you all have a great day!
  • Robin1117
    Robin1117 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Good morning---thanks SIng for starting the new thread.

    Stiring---still not feeling good--wow, this cold really got a hold on you. Hope it goes away soon! This must be driving you crazy.

    Congrats Kim on that nice surprise this morning--what an excellent feeling.

    Welcome CBaker!

    Nothing new to report on this end. Had a lazy day yesterday. The snow wasn't nearly as bad as expected--a huge disappointment considering pretty much every school in VT was closed. We still have plenty of white stuff, but it was definitely too overblown in the media, I think the day before was actually worse here and we did have school.

    Because I had my son home yesterday and couldn't convince him to go out in the cold, today I owe the dog a few long snowshoe walks, and I'll be working out for a little longer, as well as attempting to shovel a little bit. I am in awe of all these people on MFP who I see shoveling so much snow and plugging in tons of calories burned--my back gets mad at me if I do it for anything longer than about 10 minutes.

    Hope everyone finds the new thread....Will check in again soon!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:drinker: :drinker: Sorry have not posted much lately. I have sooooo busy at work, for a change. :laugh: Also at home. I have a lot of things to do tomorrow so I am not sure I will be able to check in. My eating has been really good. :drinker: Exercise, just Zumba. My hip has not bothered me much. The only time it bothers me is when I sit for long periods and it is not bad either. My shoulder is starting to bother me some...:grumble: I'm falling apart. :laugh: But I keep going, nothing is stopping me.

    Take care guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is sooooo cold in San Antonio, 21 degrees, wind chill temp 9!!!!!! Well, it is winter!!! FINALLY!!! Well only for a couple of days, it is warming up this weekend again. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    Good morning 40+ group!!! So glad to see Spring in the title of our thread! Right now spring seems a looong loooong way off! We have drifts and snowbanks everywhere and they are all taller than me! Quite the winter this year!

    Today my trainer was showing me a new set of exercises I'll be doing on my own, mostly weight lifting and hoo boy, am I in for a workout. Tough stuff. Hope I'm up to it! I particularly am not fond of the pushups off the medicine ball. One hand on the ball, push up, switch to other hand on the ball... yikes!

    Stiring, sure hope your cold lifts soon. In the meantime just take a good rest and eat right and I doubt you'll lose much ground. Nice that the snow is leaving you so quickly. Wish I could say the same for Boston.

    Sing, congrats on the new job, although I'm sorry about the second shift. I worked second shift for years when my kids were small, because they wouldn't have to be in day care all that much, and it worked well for me. Sometimes I miss having my days free to get things done!

    Alf, crazy temps in San Antonio, well really, all of Texas! Keep warm!

    Robin, snowshoeing is great exercise!!!! You've probably got even more snow then we do! As for shoveling snow, it never even occurred to me to input that into the exercise calculator. Guess I associate exercise with gym time only. Silly me!

    Hope everyone has a great Thursday!!!
  • jbug100
    jbug100 Posts: 406 Member
    I'll definitely join a thread with "Spring" in the title! I am so excited for spring because #1 this has been a crazy snowy winter, and #2, I reached my weight goal in December and I can't wait for new summer clothes. I am pretty much in maintenance mode right now, so I would love to hear how others "maintain". I have also started using kettlebells so always interested in new workout ideas. Have a great day everyone!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Hi again!

    Glad so many of you are reporting today! I'm really busy with my old job as well as my new job. It's going to be hectic for a while.

    Cardi, I'm going to be working 3rd shift (11pm-7am). I've done a lot of it, so the transition should not be bad.

    I ordered my new iPhone this morning! As a loyal Verizon customer, I endured the years of waiting...just a few more days! Tomorrow we are buying a new Macbook Pro at the Apple store. I know what I will be doing on Saturday when it snows...setting everything up, including a new printer.

    Take care!
  • btrflyflutter
    btrflyflutter Posts: 68 Member
    Well well....people over 40!!! I didn't know this group was here! May I join in? -giggles-

    What is the Spring fitness challenge...or what are the guidelines?
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,444 Member
    Good Morning...I found you

    Dec goals met moved 103 milesgoal 100
    Jan goals met 154.69 miles goal 150
    Feb goal 100 miles...had to cut back The 154 was haaaaarrrddd!
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Thanks Sing! Took me a while but I found you all. Welcome to all the new folks, I too am loving the thought of Spring.

    Stiring, sorry to hear you are still not feeling well, my thoughts are with you!
  • mkwood10
    mkwood10 Posts: 428
    Good morning all! Took me a while to find the thread, but finally succeeded.

    It's still bitterly cold here (-8 when I left the house this morning), but supposed to gradually warm up to 20 today and (gasp) upper 30s tomorrow:laugh: .

    Still probably stuck at the same weight - clothes still fitting the same (tight :frown: ). Haven't done a "real" workout all week due to the lousy weather; but after driving 30+ minutes on lousy roads, shoveling and moving firewood, I just don't feel like getting on the elliptical :embarassed: . Seems to be the story of my life these days - good intentions get sidetracked by unexpected happenings..........grrrrrrrr!!

    Maybe next week will be better.....
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    Whoops, sorry Sing!!! 3rd shift it is, and I have never had to work that shift, but I have a proofreader who has worked 3rd shift for years and he loves it. He is big into fitness (a bike rider) and having his days free allows him to train.
  • Cbaker5156
    Cbaker5156 Posts: 76 Member
    Yeah! I finally found the thread.. I'm here. Good day to all. I had to go to PT today and feel very soar. But, I just got home and its snowing again.. I'm ready for the Spring. Here in Alabama it never snows and we have had too much of it this year. Bring on the flowers and green grass.. Ta Ta...
  • Cbaker5156
    Cbaker5156 Posts: 76 Member
    Hey.. I just joined the 40+ club too. I like it so far..
  • Cbaker5156
    Cbaker5156 Posts: 76 Member
    I meant Hey btrflyflutter... Nice to see you....Yer gonna like this thread..
  • btrflyflutter
    btrflyflutter Posts: 68 Member
    Thanks for replying Cbaker!! What exactly goes on here!! Do we have challenges or something or is it just chatting with people our age? Either is great just wondering what kinda club this shindig is!!! heheheheheee
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,803 Member
    Welcome btrflyflutter!! Mostly we just chat here. We're all in different stages of our weight loss journeys. Some of us are in maintenance, some just starting out, some working their way through, etc. So we share our experiences, what worked for us, workout and nutrition ideas, ask questions and offer lots and lots (and lots) of support for those times when the going gets tough. Because I think we've all learned that no matter where people are at in their journey, times do get tough every now and again.

    We usually do a more official 'check-in' of sorts on Friday. For those who want to, they can share their weekly weight loss. Others focus on how they did with their eating during the week. Others focus on how they did with their workouts. Others focus on how they feel. And some do all of the above. It isn't a 'requirement' for the thread by a long shot. But I know for me, it's actually nice to be able to look back on the week and ask myself questions about my diet or working out or whatever and jotting that down here makes me feel accountable for my actions which has been VERY important for me in this journey.

    Cbaker, sorry to hear about the PT session. How much longer are you in PT? I really think those of you in the far south are going to have more snow this winter than those of us in the DC area. Weird. Even this next storm coming through on Saturday is going to be rain. And then it will slam our good friends up in the NY/New England area with more snow.

    Good to see so many checking in here today!!!!
  • altushe
    altushe Posts: 57 Member
    Found the new thread! Nothing new to report since my post last night.

    Still a bit anxious about where I'm at this week but waiting it out until Sunday to get the numbers. If I'm up again, I think I need to re-assess my maintenance calorie level. Right now I have my settings on maintenance and active (despite a desk job) and don't use an HRM for exercise, I just estimate the calories burned. Perhaps the combination of the two are giving too high of a level for what my body really needs to maintain. While it would be hard to cut down from the 2000 I am eating now, I don't want to keep gaining either. Once I know I've stabilized for a bit, I'll consider giving up the weekly weigh-ins. Sing, Stiring and Robin - did you REALLY give up the scale completely or just cut back? Sing, sounds like you haven't weighed in a long time. What do others on maintenance do with respect to weighing?

    Talk to you tomorrow...
  • Cbaker5156
    Cbaker5156 Posts: 76 Member
    Thanks Stiring.. I'm a newbie so just finding out the ropes as well. I should have PT for a few more weeks. This is my 2nd round in the last 6 months. Were trying to inch every bit of goodness out of it we can.. Making progress at a snails pace but a tleast i'm making progress.. Basically the more i walk the more i hurt.. But my Dr says to do it anyway its gonna hurt anyway.. EW.. so forward we go... Evidently you need to use your muscles... lol