40+ Club: Spring Fitness Challenge



  • Victorious_One
    Victorious_One Posts: 174 Member
    Mrs Fox--welcome! :happy:

    I am having the hardest time drinking water. I'm like a camel. I only get thirsty every 3 days, and in between...no water for me. What's my problem? I do drink protein shakes and coffee, but nothing else. I'm not sure that all adds up to 64 oz. Hum...
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,807 Member
    Good Morning!

    mk, you really are having some cold temps back there right now, aren't you? I guess winter finally decided to hit and hit hard. I hear you on the evening sweet cravings. Those are the ones that are hardest for me to fight as well. I used to eat fruit each night, and that really helped. I'm thinking about going back to that, especially as spring/summer approach. It definitely wasn't the same as ice cream :wink: but the good thing was that it made me feel full enough that I really couldn't eat anything else.

    Kim, good job at getting your workout in! Good luck the next four days!

    gardenimp, all activity is good. If you are being cognizant of moving more, that will definitely help. Of course there really is no substitute for exercise when you get the chance to do that. But you are definitely doing yourself some big favors by changing your lifestyle in the way you are.

    singfree, what a crazy schedule!!! :noway: Take care of yourself during these odd work hours. I'm glad you like your iPhone.

    mrsfoxtrot, welcome!!!! Congratulations on your weight loss success so far. Please feel free to jump into the conversation and tell us about yourself/ask questions/etc. I imagine living in Romania comes with its own challenges when trying to decide what to eat when losing weight. But how fun it must be to live there!! I lived in Europe (England, Germany and Italy) for a number of years but never had the chance to visit Romania. I'd love to hear about your experiences there.

    Victorious_One, you probably know that it isn't good to wait until you are thirsty before you get something to drink. Chronic dehydration is something that plagues alot of Americans, and it can have a pretty distinct impact not only on weight loss but on overall health and, more importantly for me, energy levels. I carry a bottle of water with me wherever I go. It isn't that I'm particularly in love with water, but I really understand the benefits it provides my body.

    All here is well. I got in a good two hour walk yesterday, which felt great. Because we have sunny skies again today, I'm going to do the same. I'm hoping to get back to more cardio/weights this coming Sunday. That's my goal right now. The cold is definitely leaving me, but like I said before, I want to make sure I'm back to 100% before I start pushing myself too hard. My eating is back to normal, and I actually felt hungry last night for the first time in two weeks! :drinker: I'm attending an all-day training course tomorrow at the Pentagon and then on Friday, my husband and I are headed to Delaware for some more Air Force business. So if I don't get a chance to check-in the next few days, that is why.

    Hope you all enjoy your day!
  • mrsfoxtrot5
    mrsfoxtrot5 Posts: 6 Member
    Just had a major breakthrough! Took bread out of the breadbin to eat, but didn't !!!! Yeah!!!!!!!!
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Back from Nevada. We had to install a new dish washer and stove in one of the units. Plus my husband get a ticket a couple of months ago for running a stop sign he didn't see and he wanted to fight it. He won.... Who would have thought.

    I took the time to use the hotels weight room while I was there. Only 40 minutes but thats ok. I did 10 minutes on the bike, 10 minutes on the elliptical, 3 minutes on the stair stepper (WOW! Thats hard!!!) and the rest on the treadmill. I would have worked out more but I didn't think we were spending the night so I didn't bring a change of clothes.

    Victorious_One... I am the same exact way. I rarely drink anything and its so hard for me to drink water when I'm not thirsty. I carry a water bottle around with me every where I go so that I can take a sip here and there through out the day but I still dont drink as much as I should.

    Sing... So am I reading this right? You are going on a permanent graveyard shift? Oh my... I know how this affected my husband. He did it for many years. 20 years probably. You never get used to it really.

    Stirirng... Glad to hear you've been getting more sunshine. It's finally starting to warm up here. We've had the sunshine just not the warmth. Spring is just around the corner.

    Alf... Thank you for thinking of my son in law. I will message you his address. As for goodies... Ummm, I dont really know at the moment and my daughter isn't here to ask.

    A warm welcome to all the newbies... Looking forward to getting to know you! :)
  • Cbaker5156
    Cbaker5156 Posts: 76 Member
    Hi everyone..

    Ok so just wanted to say I had to go to the doctor today for a physical.. Good News!!!! Since I've lost 43 lbs I got to drop some of my Blood Pressure medicine. Wahoo.. Ok so now.. In reality.. I did not ask anyone to drive me today cause I thought I would be ok. So since I drove 30 minutes there and back, now my back is killing me.. Dang it.. I have Physical Therapy tomorrow.. I may not make it.. Going to bed guys.. Goodnight.. :)..

    BTW Thanks for the warm welcome. I look forward to getting to know each of you..
  • mrsfoxtrot5
    mrsfoxtrot5 Posts: 6 Member
    Good Morning from a sunny and much warmer Romania! After being below freezing for three weeks (it was like being back in Montreal where I lived previously), it has finally warmed up and I can see the grass again. Had a good day yesterday, despite the fact I was on my own for the fourth evening in a row as my husband is having two hours physio every night for a bad shoulder! I nearly gave in and ate some bread, but put it back in the bread bin, so was very proud of that!! Simple thing but very unlike the old me! Today I have done thirty minutes on the aerobic exercises on the wii fit, so pleased with that.

    Looking forward to weighing in tomorrow as I think I've lost weight! Will be so disappointed if I havn't. Thank you for welcoming to this group and I look forward to getting to know you all better.

    Mrs Foxtrot
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,444 Member
    Good morning. Beautifully cold PA. Goal today to increase my water.
    Have a wonderful day!
  • IdleJack
    Good morning from a 40+ newbie! In April I hit 46; I may be the wrong side of 40 BUT I'm the right side of 50!

    Been reading through some of the earlier posts and this is a great thread; keep it going I need all the motivation I can get! :happy:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    I really don't know if I'm coming or going. I am working 3 am-11am the rest of the week, and begin PERMANENT night shift next week. I'm looking forward to the challenge of changing not only jobs here at work, but a new sleep schedule that will take some getting used to.

    Tron, I will be on this job a minimum of 6 years, and probably until I'm 65-ish. Our finances are doing well, but I really don't want to pay for my own health insurance if I retire early. The thought of shelling out and extra $1000+ per month doesn't thrill me!

    Stiring, have a good time! Although Delaware is a nice state, there isn't a whole lot to do in the cold weather (assuming the Dover area). I think your illness was a bit of a blessing. I'm sure your body is getting a well deserved rest.

    Have a great day!
  • nukehiker
    Looks like a good thread so far. I am 48 and getting ready to leave home for about 3 months of working away from home with no time to return before late may. I recently joined the site and so far i am really enjoying the tools it has to offer. I am looking to meet new friends here to share thoughts and ideas with. feel free to add me as a friend if you guys or gals wish to. I am looking forward to losing some weight before the summer gets here and I can maybe get down to be able to use some of my old jeans that are in the storage locker in the basement. i currently wear a size 38 ( a little loose ) and would like to be able to wear a size 35 eventually. best of luck to everyone in their weight loss quests.

  • nukehiker
    So far my work out schedule is M W F with weights plus do cardio of at least 30 minutes on those days, even though I shoot for 45 if possible using the elliptical. on my non work out days I try to get to the YMCA for some cardio and ab work. think im at the gym 5-6 days a week right now. im sure that will change in a few weeks when i start working 6-7 days a week and 10 hour a day shifts but hoping to keep it up no matter what. looking at the road ahead.
  • Texssippian
    Hi all! Digging out from ice and snow yesterday and 10 degrees this morning! Worked from home yesterday. Roads not too bad this morning but we went in a little later. We have our son'[s cat living with us so we keep our bedroom door closed to keep the cat out. It gets VERY cold in our bedroom so I think I am going to look for a down cover for the bed. It is supposed to warm up here in North Texas this weekend.

    I am hoping to do cardio and weights this evening. Will be looking for a bike this weekend to start really training for a triathlon.

    Sing: good luck with the new job and sleep cycle. I don't think I could do that but for saving $1000 a month, maybe I could!

    Welcome to all the new people. I am about to turn 52 later this month, so definitely on the other side of 40. I am in much better shape now than when I was 40!

    Take care all and stay worm.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Oh mine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sooo many people in this thread!!! That is great!!!! :drinker: :drinker: Welcome to all the newcomers!!!! Even from Romania???? Wow!!!!

    Just wanted to say hi. Everything is going well. I continue teaching my Zumba classes for now. I have not been doing any extra workouts besides that. The eating is pretty good 80-90% of the time which I consider pretty good. There is no way I can catch up with all the posts now. :laugh:

    Have a wonderful day!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • KimKelly65
    Hi everyone!!

    Welcome to all the newcomers! Good luck on your journey!

    Well I have some how managed to catch a terrible cold, its in my head and chest. I feel yucky!:ohwell: I am taking some Nyquil and headed to bed. (guess I'll have to keep my workout goal for next week)

    CBaker - good for you losing 43 pounds and losing medications!!! YAHOO!

    Stiring - Have fun!

    Sing - Hopefully your schedule will be better once you are on permanent nights!

    I hope everyone has a great day!
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Hi there,, just seen this and it fit me so I popped in and everyone seems so nice. How do I sign up? lol
  • Robin1117
    Robin1117 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Hi there! Sorry I have been MIA this week--feeling a little off. Not much to report so I'll just do a quick hi! Exercises are pretty much the same --1/2 hr elliptical, a few minutes of jump roping, and almost finished w/my 2nd week on the 30 day shred. I have been snowshoeing every day for 15-30 minutes but don't really add that into my diary. I know it's a nice extra workout though.

    Eating has been a bit high lately because I finally forced myself to have an exercise rest day on Monday but I was hungry, hungry, hungry anyway! And then my hubby and I had a nice date night last night where I always go overboard. I'm hoping in the next few days I can even everything out. But then again, I'm on maintenance, why do I hold myself to a losing weight standard? I really need to stop being so hard on myself but it is tough to get out of that "losing-weight-diet" mindset..... I go in and out of being obsessive one week and laid back the next, and right now I'm sort of in a contemplative/obsessive mode as keeping healthy, examining what I eat, thinking about weight, exercise, etc seems to occupy way too much of my time. Maybe I have cabin fever....?? Yes, probably!

    Anyway, so great to see all the new posts! Welcome James--please continue to post!

    Alf--so glad you are still able to teach Zumba for now!

    I have to catch back up on the rest. Hope everyone is doing well! Robin
  • Cbaker5156
    Cbaker5156 Posts: 76 Member
    Hi 40+,

    Had a good day today:happy: . Missed breakfast cause I had to run out to Physical Therapy. But good news woke up this morning feeling much better than last night.. Whew.. So PT was good, quite soar from yesterdays setback but good. This afternoon I even did 30 minutes of Wii stretching and yoga…. Its not many calories but hey, I’ll take any progress..

    KimKelly: Hope you are feeling better soon. A little rest and some Nyquil might be just what ya needed.

    Nukehiker: Good Luck on your weight loss journey. I hope your out of town work trip passes fast for ya. I know my husband misses us while he is away. Luckily he only goes for a few days at a time. I’m not sure I could handle 3 months. Bless your wife and family.

    Mrsfoxtrof5: I understand being home alone.. My husband goes away every few weeks for 2-3 nights. I miss him so when he is gone and boredom drives me to eat. I have cleaned the house of junk food so that if I do, it will only be healthy stuff like grapefruit, apples, carrots, or my only indulgence Dark Chocolate….. Yum.. So good luck and would love to hear about Romania.. How exciting..

    Sing: Bless your heart on such a crazy shift.. Since I’m a newbie I’m not sure what your profession is, but it sounds somewhat like healthcare.. ? Anyway good luck with the transition.

    Have a good night all 40+.. MWAH..
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,807 Member
    Hi all! Just wanted to pop in for a minute and welcome all the newcomers!!! Please keeps posting!! It is great seeing so much activity here.

    All here is well. We're headed to Dover tomorrow, and I'm looking forward to it. We'll be back on Saturday, so it's just a short stop. I'm still fighting a little bit of this sinus infection, but I'm doing all right. Getting long walks in every day, which is good. My eating....has been up and down this week. More good than bad, though, which makes me happy. I'm hoping to get back to working out next week. I'm getting really restless about it now. It's been almost two weeks which, for me, seems like FOREVER! But all those little aches and pains I was fighting from so much exercise are gone, so, as singfree said, this has probably been a good thing for me.

    Hope you all have a great weekend!
  • mrsfoxtrot5
    mrsfoxtrot5 Posts: 6 Member
    Good Morning Everyone. I had a very good day yesterday - actually don't think I ate enough really, so am planning to eat a bit more today. Have lost two pounds this week so pleased with that. Exercised most days so very pleased with that. Thank you for friendly welcome and pleased feel free to add me as a freind! Need all the help I can get!.

    Have a good weekend everyone and not just food wise!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    Firday check in day! For those of you who are new, we check in on Friday. Just give a quick report of your week- -successes or setbacks. Don't forget, we're in this together!

    My eating was only so-so this week. I exercised, but not as much as would have liked. I guess I'm a bit busy and stressed at work right now. The eating should be ok when I begin night shift next week. I'm usually not very hungry then, and there is no alcohol at all during the week. When the weather breaks I will be happy to get out for some hikes and bike riding.

    We have our Grandson for the weekend, which should keep us hoppin' !!!

    Have a great weekend!