40+ Club: Spring Fitness Challenge



  • mkwood10
    mkwood10 Posts: 428
    Tron-That is funny to collect phones for the military & they can't use-good one-wonder what they are doing w/them?

    Pepper and Tron,
    The organizations that collect phones for the military turn them in somewhere and receive phone cards for the military to use to call home. Personal cell phones are a big no no in the war zones and using a phone card is MUCH cheaper!!! Can you imagine the roaming charges from Iraq or Afghanistan??? Yikes!! :noway: :noway:

    Alf......I hope your husband gets some answers soon - I can't imagine how you're coping with the stress of not knowing what's going on for sure!! You and your family are in my thoughts (((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member

    Pepper and Tron,
    The organizations that collect phones for the military turn them in somewhere and receive phone cards for the military to use to call home. Personal cell phones are a big no no in the war zones and using a phone card is MUCH cheaper!!! Can you imagine the roaming charges from Iraq or Afghanistan??? Yikes!! :noway: :noway:

    Well thats nice but they must not give out very many because my son in law has to buy his calling cards.

    Anyway..... I went on the treadmill yesterday and today. In an hours time I do 2 1/2 miles (my treadmill says 4 miles but I dont count that) In that time I've been doing 4 laps at the highest incline (10) at 3.5 and I jog 1 lap at 5.5. Today however I did 5 laps at 10 incline at 4.0 and jogged 1 1/4 laps at 6.5. Getting a little bit stronger so thats good.

    Alf... Hope theres nothing serious going on with your hubby. My goodness that has got to be so scary.
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Good Morning!

    alf, I hope your husband is doing well. Thanks for keeping us updated!

    gbryant, welcome!!! Please feel free to join in the conversation. Let us know how you are doing, ask any question you'd like to ask. All of us here are in various stages of our journeys, and we're always asking each other questions and for help along the way.

    tron, good job on the workouts!!

    Nothing much new here. I'm headed to California tomorrow to attend/present at an Air Force Conference. I'm looking forward to that. I'm hoping to get some workouts in over the next few days, but it is going to be tough. I won't have my computer with me so my next check-in will probably be next Tuesday.

    Take care and enjoy your days!
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,444 Member
    Good Morning from cold NEPA. -2 degrees at five am. Had to lay another layer of salt down the drive way. WM says they cant get in...LOL . This months' challenge is complete I moved 100 miles in under 22 days. Feb goal 100. Going to step it up next month. My knee is better. Shoveling has become my new cardio. Cant wait for winter to be over so we can have post winter season lol. NEPA seasons are as follows pre-winter, winter, post winter and fall.
    Have a wonderful day everyone, Your post motivate me every day!!! Thank you

  • LilOlMe69
    LilOlMe69 Posts: 89 Member
    Found this thread this morning! Looking forward to chatting! :)
  • kathvg
    kathvg Posts: 68
    just found this thread as well thanks to my BFF right above me here.
    looking forward to getting tips and inspiration from all of you!
  • Texssippian
    Hi all!

    Alf: I hope things go well for your husband. Cardiac units are usually fully of grumpy old men (at least when my husband has made use of them, he has had a quadruple bypass, stents, and cardiac ablation). I hope they get things under control for him.

    The big project at work is now at the printers to be distributed tomorrow. YEA!!! It is always a beating getting it done.

    I went to a ballroom dancing class last night. It was fun even though I was the only single person there (everyone else had a partner). So I got to dance with the instructor who is probably 75 years old but quite spry. I am looking forward to learning more. Believe me, I have two left feet but was able to get the hang of it. One of my river buddies was in the country dancing class which was ending right before my class started. She had talked to the water aerobics instructor who got the water polo games going last summer. She is planning to do that again this summer. Yea!

    Hubs is beginning the comments he makes every year at this time about not planting many vegetables this year and then he always plants LOTs of stuff.

    Take care all! TxMs
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hello!!! Thank you for asking about my husband. He passed the test with flying colors, nothing abnormal was found. He was released yesterday afternoon. He is back at work today. He was told to take things easy, eat well, exercise, quit smoking cigars and lose weight. All of the things that I tell him all the time, but of course, he does not listen. As you said Tex, he can be an old grumpy man sometimes. LOL Hopefully he will act now...I am definitely more at ease now. My left foot started bothering me last night while teaching, geez, what else!!!!! I really think is the talus, has bothered me before and xrays did not show anything, but injury to talus doesnt really show in plain xrays...dont know what else to do, so frustrating!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! At least I feel my eating is under control right now...

    Kathvg and lilolme, welcome!!!!!!!!!! What are your goals?

    Stiring, have a wonderful trip to CA!!!! That is a long flight!!!

    Tex, ballroom dancing, how fun!!!!!!!!!!!! I've tried to convince my husband to take dancing lessons with me but he insists he doesnt need them. Ok...LOL

    LadyPersia, geez, try to stay warm!!!!!!!!!!! Brrrr We've had fantastic weather in San Antonio, mostly in the high 70's. Yay!!! I cannot complain!!

    Have a wonderful day everyone, I'm at work...:flowerforyou:
  • KimKelly65
    Hi everyone,

    Sorry I haven't posted all week, but it has been super busy at work this week. Found a minute to post quickly. Lost 1lb this week. YAY!~ Down a total of 14lbs.:happy:

    I have been working out regularly and I met with the trainer yesterday evening. It was great workout and I really enjoyed it. Would love to have a personal trainer but I can't justify the expense right now. I will have to take the ideas and regimen he gave me and work them myself.
    Gotta run!

    Take care!
  • Robin1117
    Robin1117 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Hi there friends!! Hope you are all having a good week.

    Alf, so glad to hear your hubby is good! Whew!

    Tex--great story about the ballroom dancing--how fun!

    Kim--congrats on continuing to lose!

    Stiring--wow, your conference sounds really great--good luck! Look forward to hearing about it next week!

    Kath and Lil--welcome! Please post whenever you can.

    Things w/me are A-OK. Working out steadily, but have had some not-so-great eating days on account of entertaining and going out to dinner. But that's life, right? I'm working hard to even out the bad with the good. Tomorrow my son and I are tagging along w/my husband to a work trip and we are driving to Ottawa. I have never been there, and am looking forward to it. We will be staying w/ the family of my husbands colleague, and they are super-nice. This means of course that I won't be working out Friday-Sunday and probably eating a ton. When I get back I'm sure I'll be in recovery mode and complaining to all of you about it....:smile:

    have a great night! R
  • gbryant
    gbryant Posts: 24 Member
    I was on the treadmill today for 60 min. I was so happy. I have done pretty good with my diet this week, staying around my daily goal. Hope every one has a great day tomorrow.
  • Cbaker5156
    Cbaker5156 Posts: 76 Member
    Hey 40+,

    I only have a minute but I wanted to let ya know that my last Physical Therapy is tomorrow. Whoo hoo... My doctor is letting me exercise for 20 minutes on my own. So I did one AM - aerobic, and one PM - walking.. lol.. And I still am ok.. No severe pain only the normal constant nerve root pain in my back. I can definately tell I have used some muscles that have not been using. Yepp.. Its looking good. Fingers crossed it stays that way.

    Night everyone. Hope all is well.. Will try to catch up tomorrow..
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,444 Member
    alf- be well. Hope hubby is doing better. I understand after going through a surmountable life change due to my heart. I exercise only fo it:) Sole (Soul)motivation hehe thats funny

    Have a great day everyone! Many blessing your way. Drink your water!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Good morning!!!!! All is well here. I am debating whether or not weigh in tomorrow...hmm decisions decisions...I just feel curious how much "damage" I have caused all these months. LOL I have not weighed in since late summer last year!!! Some clothes feel a little tight. :sad: Will see...I need to find the courage to step on the awful oh so bad scale.

    Robin, have a great trip to Ottawa and enjoy family time!!!! You can always try to eat healthy while being away. My husband and I did pretty good when we went on our cruise back in Nov. We were amazed by how well we did.

    LadyPersia, thank you for your kind words. :flowerforyou:

    Cbaker, good to hear from you. I am glad you feel better. :drinker: and Kimkelly, congrats on your weightloss!!!!

    Gbryant, an hour on the treadmill!!! That is fantastic!!!! My husband said yesterday he was going to get on the treadmill after dinner. When I came back from teaching Zumba I asked him if he did, NOPE, he did not. And that is what I thought....oh well....what can I do... Great job!!!

    Waiting for my son's ABA therapist, and then off to my daytime job, BORING!!! LOL Have a wonderful day!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Victorious_One
    Victorious_One Posts: 174 Member
    I drank two glasses of water today. It went down easy with a splash of lemon juice. :drinker: I'm going for the gusto for the rest of the evening.

    I hope everyone's week is going well as we head into the weekend. Yay!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    Friday check in day! I seem to be doing somewhat better with regards to my eating on night shift. Also, I do not have any alcohol during the week. I am exercising daily and my snacks have been kept to a minumum. All in all a pretty good week!

    We are traveling to Gettysburg today for our anniversary. We will enjoy a nice dinner at the Dobbin House inn and stay overnight within walking distance of the restaurant. Who says that old timers aren't romantic?

    I hope everyone has a great weekend!
  • pepper06
    Howdy Everyone! Its Friday-I found the courage to step on the scale, and was very pleased :)

    I think my body has gone into mait mode. I have made great strides, but would like to loose just 6 more lbs. I metally feel that way, but my body is not in agreement:grumble: ANY ideas on how I can get my body to get in agreement with my brain?

    Boy, my new trainer is really giving us some hard workouts, and I continue to be sore from these-no matter how much I work out seems like something is sore...does it ever stop?

    Alf-Glad to hear your husband has pulled through (at least until he receives the bills:devil: ), now he can join you in exercising.

    That is good to know about the phones providing calling cards, but I serously doubt there are enough cards to go around for the number of military. Wonder how they figure out how to distribute the cards?

    This morning I burned over 200 calories on the treadmill, so I won't stop at the gym today. Felt good to get the blood moving at 5:30!

    Sing- Sounds like a really nice anniversary-isn't this your traditional anniversary place?

    Have a good weekend-look forward to seeing the updates.:happy:
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,444 Member
    Sing Happy Anniversary
    Alf Always good blessing!!

    Water retention is on overload this week with alot of stress. I am working on it though and not eatting my way through it. We changed our eatting habit and it is working. We get up at 5 so we are eatting a breakfast, then a small snack aroun 9 and a meal at 12. Around three we have a snack and then a lite dinner. It seems to be working!

    Keep up the dedication everyone. Over 40 is hard but we will be chatting at 70:)
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Snow... Snow... And more snow... Thats what its like here today.

    Yesterday I spent the day cleaning. Got the living room done, dishes, all my laundry. Pretty happy about that. Didn't exercise though. If I work out today and tomorrow then at least I will have worked out 4 days this week. I do have snow to shovel so.....

    Alf... Glad your husbands tests came out fine. Wish they knew what caused it though.

    Sing... Happy Anniversary!

    I'll lat ya know what happens when I weigh in this Sunday.
  • altushe
    altushe Posts: 57 Member
    Happy Friday! While I have been keeping up with everyone, I haven't posted in awhile as I had been feeling very down and tend to retreat during those times rather than complaining or asking for help. Just felt like I needed to work this one through. Not the best strategy and one that I am trying to break. I did correspond via email with Stiring and Robin and owe many thanks for their support and encouragement.

    Won't know for a few days til my weigh-in, but it looks like I MAY have solved the mysterious weight gain issue. It appears that I may be gluten intolerant/sensitive and was retaining water (like a camel!!). It was so bad that my feet, ankles and lower legs were almost disfigured. I was worried about all kinds of stuff but read on the internet that pitting edema is one of the symptoms of gluten intolerance or even Celaic disease. Been gluten-free for 10 days now and can finally see my ankles again! Even if the scale doesn't show it, I do feel better - we will see on Monday.

    To make matters worse, on top of the edema, I twisted my ankle on the way out of the gym last Friday - dumb move as we left for a ski vacation on Saturday morning. Needless to say, I spent the entire week this week in Colorado in a condo while my husband and daughter skiied. My ankle was too swollen to ski, but at least I was able to exercise all week at the gym up in the mountains, so not a total exercise bust (although skiing is much more fun!)

    I am looking forward to going home to NYC on Sunday and will miss my Sunday morning weigh-in so will be anxious to see the results of the no gluten on Monday morning. Will report back then.

    Are any of you gluten sensitive or have Celiac? Did you have horrendous edema too? Going to the doctor for blood tests on Wednesday and will discuss with her too - hopefully that is the cause and nothing more serious. It seems to make sense though as the only real change in food between losing weight and maintenance has been the addition/increase in carbs - and mostly those that are high in gluten (Ezekiel bread, kamut, spelt, etc.)

    Stiring, hope California was great!

    Robin, hope you are enjoying Ottawa

    Sing, happy anniversary (I am coming up on 16 years and every year hoping for some jewelry - but will settle for a romantic dinner!!)

    Alf, glad your husband is better and you are back on track.

    Welcome to all the newcomers!! This is a great group.