40+ Club: Spring Fitness Challenge



  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Good morning!!! Did my upper body workout this morning and ate my healthy breakfast. Ready to tackle the day...:laugh: The weekend was nice, busy at times but nice. Ate more than usual but I think I did pretty well. I normally dont track my food on the weekends because the schedule is not the same and I do eat out most times but I think I kept it under control. I did have a glass of champagne with my daughter and hubby. A few wks back I had bought a little container of mini robin eggs, my favorite Easter candy, but after readung the nutrition label I only had less than the serving size and shared the rest with my husband and son. I really didnt want it much so that is a good sign. :drinker:

    Sing, how much carbs are you eating. I have decreased mine, I read somewhere that we dont need more than 150 grams of carbs especially if we want a flat belly. I believe it was Pamela Peeke who said that in one of my Oxygen Fitness magazines. Dont have it with so I am not sure it is correct. I've been doing pretty well on it but it is hard to eat that much protein. Not hard to eat more good fats, I love nuts so I include in almost every meal including my snacks.

    Kimkelly, sorry to hear about your lower back pain. I hope this new therapist can help you out. Congrats on getting back down to pre vacation weight. Just focus on your eating and you will do just fine.

    Have a wonderful Monday!!! :flowerforyou:
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Good Morning!

    gbryant, congratulations on your race!!! I think you did great!!! Good job. I hope you're proud of yourself because that is quite an accomplishment.

    LadyPersia, thanks for checking in. I hope you are well.

    KimKelly, I'm sorry to hear about your pain issues. I hope you can see the specialist soon. No doubt a PT specialist will be a good option for helping you right now. Listen to your doctor about the exercise! I know it is so difficult but, right now, it is important you listen to the words of wisdom.

    singfree, glad you had a good Easter! Can't believe your vacation is this week! Where has the time gone?

    alf, sounds like you did great over the weekend! Good job!

    tron, good to see you! Like alf said, Insanity and P90X are completely different. Insanity is a cardio-based program designed to increase cardio conditioning using intervals. There are some body strength exercises (pushups and such) but no weight training/resistance band training in the program. P90X is primarily a weight training program with a little cardio added in. It is designed to build strength and condition the muscles. Both of them are great programs!

    All here is well. I'm going to be busy this week as we have family coming to visit at the end of the week. I'm starting my last month of P90X this week and will really be focusing on trying to get those workouts in throughout. I need to clean up my eating, but I'm at a point where I'm ready to do that. Thank goodness!

    Hope you enjoy the day!
  • Texssippian
    Texssippian Posts: 235
    Hi all! I started writing a post yesterday but it went into some alternate dimension. Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter. I sent each of my kids a fruit bouquet. They were both very excited to get them. I doubt my son gets much fresh fruit so hopefully, he can munch on the fruit all week. We had a quiet Easter with just my hubs and me. We went to 7 am Mass and to a lovely brunch at a local bed and breakfast.

    We are finally getting some rain after a very dry March and beginning of April. Unfortunately this time of year the rain comes with bad thunderstorms, hail, and tornadoes. Our weather siren went off by our house last night around 7:30. High winds and hail.

    I think we are running out of places to plant things (ok, we still do have some places...) I think we have four or five different kinds of basil including a lime basil. The dill and parsley are ready to pick. I think I will make some cucmber sandwiches on Friday in honor of the royal wedding.

    We rescheduled our appointment with the trainer for Thursday instead of tonight. Hubs is having some blood pressure problems and goes to the cardiologist tomorrow. He wanted to wait until after talking with the doctor before working out again. Hopefully, it is a change in his medication that is needed.

    Hope everyone has a great last week of April. Where did the month go? Take care all! TxMs
  • JPriceGA
    JPriceGA Posts: 508 Member
    Checking in - not doing so well. I keep thinking I'll get back on track, but haven't yet. I haven't weighed, I haven't logged my food, I haven't been to the gym... *sigh*

    GBryant - great race time! I'm very proud of you!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good evening!

    Finally...a nice WARM day for a change and NO RAIN!!!! Yipee!!! It has been a very wet spring around here. I took my motorcycle for a ride today, actually, to the place where I hike up the mountain. It was on the other side of the mountain where I usually hike. Near the top there is a stream and a nice rushing waterfall. Not really a high one, but as it rushes down the steep hill, it takes on the appearance of a waterfall. Very pleasant to watch.

    We had to go mattress shopping today. Our carpenter is installing a Murphy Bed (wall bed) in our guest BR when we are in Utah. So, our mattress is going there and we are getting a new one. Hopefully it will be as comfy as advertised. I just cannot justify all the money they want for a Tempur-Pedic. We are getting a Serta Perfect Sleeper...keeping fingers crossed!

    Had a good workout at the gym and a hike today. Diet back on track. I am ham-centric (leftovers)!! Alf, I am keeping my carbs at or below 100 g during the week, which I am tolerating pretty well, no bonking due to low glycogen levels.

    Stiring, is this your first family visit since moving to DC? Have a wonderful time!

    Good night all!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    TxMs, good to see you. Sounds like the garden is great!! So much for cutting back this year, right? :wink: Hope your husband gets some answers on his blood pressure. Probably a good decision to hold off on working out until he talks to the doctor. Hope all is well.

    JPriceGA, I'm sorry things aren't going so well for you right now. Maybe you should take a few minutes to sit down and think about why you want to lose the weight. Maybe even write those reasons down. And really concentrate on that for your motivation. I know how hard it is to lose weight and the daily grind and daily stresses can really get in the way of those long-term goals. So sometimes it is good to sit down and remember why you started down this road in the first place and keep that in the forefront on your mind as much as you can when those daily stresses and such start getting in the way. Just remember....we're here for you. And take it one step at a time if that is the best thing. If eating well, tracking, working out and such is too much at once, then focus on one thing at a time. Start with calories....just monitor the calories. Then after you've got a good feel for that, maybe you can start playing with working out a bit. That will probably provide a good incentive in itself because you can eat a little more! Then you can start tweaking the diet a bit to make it healthier. I did the calorie thing and working out at one time (I've always worked out so that wasn't a new addition to my lifestyle), but I did it for about four months before I started really changing the types of foods I ate to make them healthier. And I took it one meal at a time. For instance, I started with breakfast and got around to eliminating the sugar and cream from my coffee, eating oatmeal with natural peanut butter instead of store bought bread with Jif and jam....that kind of thing. But it was a process that took months and I was okay with that because I knew if I tried to change everything at once, it never would have worked for me. Take care!

    singfree, we had a glorious couple of days here as well, but it looks like we're back to rain. Your motorcycle trip sounds great! Yes, this is the first family to visit us in DC. I'm looking forward to it.

    All here is well. Eating was much better yesterday which is good. I'm on a break week from Insanity, but am back to doing P90X now. I did Chest/Back yesterday and it felt great! I'm really glad I decided to do another rotation of P90X this year.
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Hello all you Fabulous 40+! I'm back among the living and hoping to get moving again soon. I've missed you all and Annette has been letting me know you're all here :blushing:

    Recovery is still slowly progressing. For me the fatigue has been the worst of it but I can't tell if that is due to the after effects of chemo or if it is from the menopause it caused. Oh well, I've been researching ways to improve my white blood count and it seems that protein and antioxidents are the key.

    The good news is I now am sporting a very fashionable hair do and have decided to ease myself back into running by working through the Couch to 5K program. The numbness in my hands and feet is now finally gone so I'm not scared about running just want to take it easy so that hopefully I'll be back to distance running by fall.

    {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}} to all of you. I've really missed you.
  • Texssippian
    Texssippian Posts: 235
    Yea Duffy/Danelle!!!! So great to hear from you. We missed you. I have been checking your blog for updates. Take it slowly as you begin to get back into the swing of things. TxMs
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Thanks Tex! I took it very easy this morning. The worst part of the run/walk was all the jiggling:wink:
  • mkwood10
    mkwood10 Posts: 428
    Duffy/Danelle - welcome back!! So glad to hear you're on the road to recovery, even if it's a slow pace right now! Love the haircut picture in your blog - makes you look sassy!

    JPriceGA, I feel exactly the same way; I'm stuck in a rut and can't seem to shake it. I know it won't last forever, but it's certainly depressing while it is happening!:ohwell:

    Every weekend I buy healthy food, resolve to eat better, work out regularly, etc., and then suddenly its Friday night and I haven't worked out or eaten decently all week; :blushing: Things have got to get better!! I feel like I'm in a holding pattern until our daughter finds out if she's accepted into Army Officer Candidate School and when she'll leave after college graduation, which is May 14. I know another part of my problem is knowing that my husband's leaving for Korea in January. Part of me is like "screw it, just enjoy being around him and friends and to heck to working out and eating healthy; you can always lose it while he's gone", but another part of me is screaming......."NO NO NO I don't want to gain any more weight and inches back!!!!" Another aspect of my bad attitude is the back/neck/shoulder pain...hard to be positive and motivated when you're hurting every day. Ugh........I'm a mess these days.:frown:
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My darling Duffy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is great to see you here!!!!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Here is to many more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We've missed you soooooo much!!!!!! Just take it easy girl, you have been through so much. :flowerforyou:

    Marla, hang in there girl but "just do it!!" :laugh: :laugh: I really dont know what else to tell you...I was sort of like that early this year. I gave up sweets and alcohol for Lent and was very consistent with it and when I saw how not eating those foods made me feel and look I am now more determined to keep that pattern going. Try to find maybe something in the midst of things right now that can motivate you to eat healthier and continue exercising. I know exercise right now is hard with all you are going through but something is better than nothing, maybe go for a walk in the mornings or evenings. Your husband is not leaving until January, that is still quite a way to go, can imagine how many pounds and inches you can gain until then? Not good...so think about that. I hope I dont sound harsh...:tongue: Another thing, is there something now that you can make a goal to look good for? hey how about those warm days on the lake that you love so much...another thing, you said part of you say "heck with eating healthy and all to enjoy the time with your family" You can still enjoy the time with them, it doesnt have to involve "bad" foods and lots of alcohol...I dont know, I might sound like I am giving you a kick in the rear...:laugh: it may be what you need! LOL

    Stiring, enjoy the time with your family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How fun!!!!

    Sing, we really need some of that rain over here. The other day we got some rain for about 5 minutes. Not good!!!! I have also decreased my protein by that much, sometimes under 100g and I felt great!!!! I really thought I was going to need the carbs for my Zumba classes, and nope....it has really helped to keep a flat tummy right now.

    Have a good one!!! :flowerforyou:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    Duffy, dear lady!!! We missed you very much. I am so glad that you are on the road to recovery and running again! Stay well and I will pray for you and your family. Take care!!!!

    We had a short but violent storm here at work last night. I need to stick around for a meeting at 8 am. Hopefully it won't take too long so I can get some sleep!

    I had a really good hike up the mountain yesterday, and even though it was a lot warmer, I made it to the top without stopping or getting too winded. I will do the same today, in addition to an upper body workout.

    We leave for Utah on Saturday, so I want to get a few more workouts in before then. I can use the gym in St. George UT (Anytime Fitness) because my membership is good anywhere. I'm looking forward to that.

    Nothing else to report folks!

    Have a great day!
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    I really wish we could share our rain with all of our friends in Texas. I honestly can't remember the last time rain wasn't in the forecast.

    Marla: I know exactly how you feel. It is easy to think just one more celebration and then I'll get back on the wagon.

    ALF: I've missed you too.

    Sing: Enjoy your trip St. George is gorgeous and great hiking around there.

    This morning I'm sore from my baby run yesterday but I'm loving it I had forgotten that good sore feeling. I will definitely be keeping it to just 3/4 days of running now but am going to try and do a little Power 90. It is a nice easy program to get back into the weights.
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    duffy, SOOOO good to see you!!!! I was so excited to see your photo here! Welcome back!!!! I'm glad you are slowly feeling better. I have no doubt you'll do great in your return to running. I hope to see you more!

    mk, I totally understand how you are feeling. I've felt the same way quite a bit over the past 18 months. There's just been too much turmoil with all of the moves, and I've often thought 'I just can't deal with this right now!' But I always step back and give myself options instead of just throwing in the towel altogether. For instance, if I can't focus on completely healthy eating, I tell myself to make sure that I eat two completely healthy meals a day and let myself eat whatever for the third. If I'm feeling like I need alcohol (and I have those days, that's for sure!), I let myself, but I try not to couple it with sweets. If I feel like I need a sweet, I let myself, but I try not to pair it with alcohol. My problems are with food more than working out, but I'm not beyond working out to give myself the 'right' to eat a sweet or drink wine or have an unhealthy meal....because I do. My eating has been pretty poor over the past six months, but because I've limited myself to a small degree while still allowing myself some more 'freedom' than usual, I've not actually gained any weight. So maybe try trade-offs with yourself. If today you feel like a burger and fries....eat them. But maybe try to workout. And then don't eat the ice cream on top of it....or wash it down with a beer. I don't feel any sense of deprivation when I take this approach. I also agree with alf that having a short-term goal might help. Maybe you want to wear a certain pair of shorts this summer or look good for something. Think about that because I know that helps me as well. About the pain, because you've been fighting this so long, the only thing I can suggest is maybe trying to talk to your doctor about it again. Have you ever talked to a doctor about fibromyalgia? I don't know much about fibromyalgia except that it is pain for which they can't really find a cause. I'm not saying you have it! But I just thought I'd throw that out there if, in fact, the doctor has no idea what might be causing the pain.

    singfree, they are anticipating pretty violent storms here tomorrow morning. We had some very bad storms on Sunday night as well. I don't mind too much....except we lost the external hard drive to our computer on Sunday. :grumble: Good thing it was just a back-up drive, but it will have to be replaced.

    All here is well. I've really cleaned up my eating the past couple of days, which makes me feel better. P90X is going well this week. I probably won't be back until next week sometime, so I wish you all the best!
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Hi all!

    Duffyz its so good to see you!

    So, I've been back to the gym for over a week now, and I no longer have to talk myself into lasting at cardio for an hour. We are in our 2nd week starting today of a walking challenge at work, and I'm pretty much able to do the amount of steps required for the last week of the challenge, so it will be nice not to be struggling. Want to build up for week 5 as our company is going to donate to charity based on how many steps we walk that week, so I want to be able to do more by then.

    Hope everyone is well.
  • Texssippian
    Texssippian Posts: 235
    Hi all! We have gotten some rain here in North Texas but it comes with bad storms and tornadoes. My brother in Kentucky says that weather this time of year is a full-contact spectator sport. He teaches at Murray State and they had to cancel classes yesterday due to a big storm the night before which took out trees and power lines. There was a dead tree behind his house that he had called the power company to take down because he was afraid it would fall into power lines. The storm took the tree down but not on the power lines (thank goodness.) He called the power company back to say don't bother...

    Husband had a pretty good visit with his cardiologist. He is now on doctor's orders to lose 25 pounds and drink 64 ounces of water a day. He thinks the light headedness is due to being overweight and dehydrated. Duffy, I think I will follow your lead and try to get the hubs to do the couch potato to 5k program.

    Marla: a couple of thoughts on the neck and shoulder pain: I am still nursing a shoulder problem from about 18 months ago. I have found that light weights with lots of reps on machines is really helping because it gives me controlled movement. At work, try stretching to 30 seconds every 15 minutes and check your posture after stretching. I have used the stick-on heat pads for an acute injury.

    Had the first harvest from the backyard yesterday: three okra! We have pumpkin vines growing where we let a pumpkin from Halloween compost and we have cantalope vines growing from under the compost bin. Also have tomatoes and yellow squash ripening.

    Sing: have a wonderful time in Utah! I am going to Miss. for my niece's First Communion this weekend. I need to finish the dress for her American Girl doll which matches her dress. Take care all! TxMs
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good evening!

    Back to work again. I didn't get out of here until after 10 am this morning, due to a meeting (or two). I was so tired when I got home I went right to bed. I had no ambition to exercise today. That's ok, as I will do a hard exercise session tomorrow. Not too much to report otherwise. Have a nice evening!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Happy Friday!

    I can't believe that nobody posted yesterday! Must be very busy!

    My last post before leaving for Utah tomorrow. We are flying from PHL to Las Vegas, where my BIL will pick us up. From there it is about a 2 hr drive to SW Utah. I'm looking forward to a change of scenery, that is, less rainy weather!

    I will TRY to post while there, even if it is from my iPhone. We will be gone for a week.

    Take care!
  • gbryant
    gbryant Posts: 24 Member
    Hapy Friday everyone!!! Thank you all for the support of my 5K. Hope to do another one next month!!

    Alf - I would love to send you some of our rain. I dont think we have had one day in April that we have not had rain, most of the time it has been really strong storms. Right now I am looking at something orange in the sky, its kinda shiney, not sure if its an illusion or the real deal. Hope it stays out today.:laugh:

    Zebra - I think its great that your company is donating to a charity. Walk your little feet off :drinker:

    Tex - Glad your husband had a good check up. I kinda had the same thing with my self not to long ago, I was dehydrated also.

    Sing - I hope you find Utah beautiful. Enjoy your trip

    KimKelly - How are you doing? Is your Trainer helping you out with your pain? Hope they are able to help you:smile: oh by the way, I see your a STEELERS FAN :noway: LOL I am a diehard BENGALS FAN:happy: I have a lady in my office that is a Steelers fan also, I have my office all decked out in Bengals stuff, she sits across the hall from me and can look straight into my office. This is where I have my Jeresy hanging.:bigsmile: My mom made her a steelers tissue box holder and gave it to her one day when I wasnt there. As soon as I saw it I knew my mom was in deep trouble. Mom told me I had to be stopped. I was out of control. :blushing: I have a GEO Tracker that I am turning into what I call a Bengalmobile. Its going to be orange and Black, I am having my husband build the bumper to look like a football face shield. I also want the headlights to have painting around them to look like Bengals eyes looking out through the mask part. I hope it turns out well. Still just sanding it down right now.

    duffy - good luck with your 5k program. I hope you get your energy back real soon. I have seen the side effects of cemo, its just no fun. Glad to see you were able to start your first day. :happy:

    Jprice - I hope you are able to break out of your funk soon. I hate it when I get in one. You can do it. Make a new goal for your self

    I took a vacation day so I coul have a yard sale, but I decided not to have it since everyone would have to stand in water to shop. Our yard is not that bad, but I didnt have covering and was afraid it would rain today, but i guess i dont have to use a vacation day because I have already worked my 40 hour week as of yesterday. So I guess you could call this my free day. LOL. I dont know how free its going to be, with all the time at worklately I will be spending my day knee deep in mops, brooms, and cleaning supplies. Already started laundry and working on my cabnits.

    Finally got on the scale this morning. I did end up loosing 1.4lbs in 2 weeks. Not the greatest but I will take it with the way I have been eating. I have not been able to run 3 miles straight since my 5k last week. I think its the junk I have been feeding my body. I hope to ahave a great week, went to the store and stocked up on healthy items. Goin to start packing my lunch again. I work in a hospital and you can have food anytime you want it, and belive me this week and last thats what I have done eat eat eat. I didnt even log in some days because I didnt want to face what I had done. I made myself post for the past 2 days. WAYOVER what I should be eating. reality check

    Hope everyone has a great weekend. It is suppose to be nice here Saturday, and then more rain starting Sunday. I feel for those down south who have been hit by all those tornado's. My prayers are with them.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Good morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Doing great! It was a great week of eating and exercising. I will weigh in next Friday. I increased my calories but I feel sort of like "heavier". Maybe I dont need that many. I still cannot remember to turn on my HR monitor before my class. I feel silly wearing the chest strap and not using it. LOL Oh well... I keep reading that the clean eating lifestyle does not include counting calories. But then how am I going to know I am eating the right ratios and amount that I need? Even now counting and eating so much I have periods of hunger...anyone?

    Sing, have a great trip!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :drinker:

    Gbryant, congrats on your weightloss!!!! :drinker: Keep up the good work!!! Yes, please send your rain over here but no thunderstorms or tornadoes, too scary. We are under water restrictions. We are only supposed to water with sprinklers once a week before 10am or after 8pm. Our day is on Mondays. The rest of the time we can water by hand. So most people dont have to the time to do that so the lawns dont look good already. Oh well...I have a way of cheating a little bit. LOL

    Gotta go to the hospital for more xrays of my ankle then to have lunch with my brother. He will be 50 on Monday!!

    Have a wonderful weekend!!!:flowerforyou: