40+ Club: Spring Fitness Challenge



  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,444 Member
    KimKel- Good luck sound like fun. Alz. Memory walk is in Sept for me. I plan on doing 7 mile walk. The event allows you to set your own goals as long as it is under two and a half hours
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Good Morning!

    gbryant, don't worry about the 1/2 Mt. Dew right now. Just keep your focus going forward. We all take steps backward every now and again, but the key is to keep the general momentum in the direction you want to be headed. I'm definitely an emotional eater. What I try to do is ask myself before I eat something if it is going to make me feel better or worse in the long term. In other words, am I going to be beating myself up for it in two hours? I find if I answer 'yes', then it isn't worth the immediate gratification of eating it....so I don't. But sometimes that answer is 'no'. And when it is 'no', then I enjoy what I'm eating. But I really try to be mindful about it.

    LadyPersia, glad you were able to get outside and enjoy the weather. We had a bit of rain last night, but we're supposed to have a big bout of spring for the rest of the week. YAY! I'm ready for that.

    KimKelly, good luck on the walk this Sunday!! I have no doubt that the health improvements you've made over the past number of months will make a HUGE difference during this walk. Have fun!

    tron, Happy Belated Birthday!!! Glad you did something fun to celebrate.

    All here is well. My eating remains clean (despite the cravings), and I'm enjoying my last week of the first round of P90X. Today is Shoulder/Arms, and I'll add on a Turbo Fire cardio as well.

    Hope you all enjoy the day.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good evening!

    Back at work...this is my Thursday shift...only one more night after tonight! Spring is in the air and I am so excited to get outside and take some long walks. I did a good upper body workout and cardio at the gym, then I took my motorcycle to a place where I did a good hike along a roaring stream. Thrusday is supposed to be warmer and Friday is going to approach 70!!!

    We are going to the German Club this Friday to have some dinner and hear some Austrian music. Should be fun. The following Friday there is a dinner-show with several musical groups from Germany. I'm getting excited to go back to the old country next year. We are planning for Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.

    Not too much to report, just trying to adjust to the new schedule.

    Have a great day!
  • altushe
    altushe Posts: 57 Member
    Well, I spoke too soon. The edema came back the day after my Sunday post and is actually worse than it was before. NO change in diet or exercise (or anything else). Headed to the doctor for more blood tests on Monday to see what's going on. Has anyone had this in their ankles and feet so bad that your feet are cold and numb all the time?

    Aside for the temporary weight gain from the edema and the elephant looking ankles, the hardest part is reconciling how this can be when I have been healthier than ever. My weight, eating and exercise habits are the best they have ever been for a sustained period of time and I haven't had caffeine or sugar since the summer. hopefully will get answers soon that are health problems but have some easy or plausible explanation.

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    altushe, I am SO sorry to hear about these continuing problems. I've never suffered from edema, so I can't help you out with your question. But I really hope you and your doctor can get to the bottom of this soon. I can only imagine how upset this has you right now because you've worked so hard to get healthy and fit....and now you've got this issue. But keep your spirits up and keep reminding yourself this isn't under your control. And once you do figure out what is causing it, you'll be better able to enjoy the fit and healthy you.

    singfree, spring has sprung in the DC area as well. We're supposed to be in the mid-70s tomorrow....and then rain is moving in for the weekend. That's okay because it is the rain that makes everything so pretty in the spring. I just wish it would stop hitting us on the weekend is all. My husband is headed back to Germany again in a couple of weeks. This will be the second time he's been there this year. Yeah, he's working.....but I'm still jealous! How fun for you to be planning another trip back. I miss it so much.

    All here is well. Eating and exercise is good. Hoping to get out and enjoy the warmer weather over the next couple of days.

    Happy St. Patrick's Day as well!
  • mkwood10
    mkwood10 Posts: 428
    Happy St Patrick's Day to everyone......whether you're blessed with Irish blood or just Irish for the day!! :wink:

    An Irish blessing for all of you......
    May the roads rise to meet you, may the sun shine upon your face each day, may the wind be always at your back, and may you be in heaven half an hour before the devil knows you're dead!!:laugh: :drinker: :drinker:

    WARM (73° at 2:30pm):happy: :happy: and windy today - headed out for a walk with a co-worker to enjoy this gorgeous weather!!!

  • Texssippian
    Texssippian Posts: 235
    Happy St. Paddy's Day everyone. I had a great grandmother who was a Sullivan from Ireland and my sister had red hair so there is Irish blood in me.

    Don't know what the weather is like. It was dark when I got to work and I have been in the "innerds" of a the big concrete box that houses my office. Hopefully I can enjoy some sunshine when I leave. We have one iris about to bloom. Not sure what kind it is.

    Sing, I was talking about bicycle riders in Fredericksburg not motorcycle riders. These guys were all well above 60 and had more defined muscles than I have seen on athletes. It was quite impressive.

    I made Irish stew last night for us to have tonight. I like to make soups, stews and gumbos at least a day ahead so all the flavors get know each other. Take care all! TxMs
  • altushe
    altushe Posts: 57 Member

    You are right about the protein and albumin as they already tested those and while the albumin is normal, the protein IS a problem. However they can tell that it is not dietary protein (which I get plenty of). For some reason my body is not making/absorbing protein. That is part of what is causing the "profound" anemia and edema - they just do not know why. I originally though that celiac or gluten intolerance could be part of the problem although I have been completely off gluten now for a month and no improvement and the antibodies they test for celiac came back negative. I know you mentioned that you suffered from protein issues after your surgery. Was there any resolution as to why or how to treat? Thanks for your concern. Hope you have success with the Mexican restaurant!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Happy Friday!

    Reporting day again...all in all a pretty good week for me. I am getting stronger every day and have a lot more stamina too. Today (Thursday) I did a lower body and eliptical workout at the gym, then after a while I took my bike out for my usual 15 miles. Boy, the legs are feeling it after all that abuse! I feel that I am on track to hit my fitness goal by the end of April, when we go to BIL's in Utah.

    Tex, mea culpa!! I thought you were talking about motorcycles!! Yes, avid bicyclists are some of the fittest people I know. There is an old (WAY older than me) guy I see riding very steep hills which are even tough for me. I hope I can stay in that kind of shape in 20+ years.

    Stiring, I agree that even working, Germany is a wonderful place to be right about now!! I'm going to enjoy our last day of warmth before the chill comes back.

    Have a great weekend all!
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    This week my exercise has been 0.... I've been so busy but thats no excuse. Next Sunday is month 2 of my re-dedication to exercise and I am also gonna clean up my eating. Hopefully next month I will see even better results.

    My daughter left today to go back to Louisiana. Gosh I'm gonna miss that girl.
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    It's Friday! :drinker:

    Check-in...it's been a good week for me. I have been eating very cleanly and keeping my calories under control. And it was also a great week with P90X. I'm doing my last workout of the first cycle today, and the past three weeks have absolutely flown by. I'm noticing some great strength gains right now. I had to cut back a little on my cardio intensity because the strength training workouts were SO intense this month, so my goal over the next two cycles is to take the cardio intensity back up a notch while keeping the strength training intensity up there. My goal is to be back into summer shape by the time summer starts! :happy:

    tron, sorry to hear your daughter is already on her way back to Louisiana. Boy, that time flew by, didn't it? Your resolve to get back to exercise and eating well is great! I have no doubt you'll do it.

    singfree, sounds like you are really beginning to hit those workouts HARD! No doubt your legs are killing you, but it sounds like you are doing exactly what you had planned last January. Great job!

    TxMs, good to see you! I hope you enjoyed your Irish stew last night. Sounds good.

    mk, thanks for the quote! Made me smile. Hope your shoulder is feeling better.

    altushe, :flowerforyou: . I really hope you get some answers soon.

    Enjoy the weekend all! We're supposed to be up to close to 80 today....but back into the 50s tomorrow. It is definitely spring. :love:
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Where did the time go??? Havent been here since Sunday!!!! I havent had time to read posts. I can see that a lot of you have posted and that is great!!!! I have been very busy with work and family activities. My diet has been great. I have also been fighting cravings but so far so good. I have gotten into a little habit of eating nuts after I come back from teaching Zumba. It needs to stop though. Exercise wise, just Zumba. I keep thinking about starting some abs work or just light resistance program but nothing. If I dont do it early in the morning, and it would have to be at 5am, I dont get it done. So that is what has happened in a few weeks now. For some reason I just cannot get motivated to do that. Too many things in my head.

    Have a great weekend everyone!!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • gbryant
    gbryant Posts: 24 Member
    Just a quick check in.....

    Hope everyone has had a good week.

    I did not stick to my diet plan to well. It was a very stressfull work week. My loss was so little it's not even work mentioning, but with all that I ate this week I am happy with anything. I work at two different facilities and the one that I had to work at for 4 days has people making and bringing in homemade goodies daily. Temptation is something I am going to have to work on, I am ok as long as its not in my face, but bring in cookies or cake and I loose all self will.

    Have a good weekend everyone, I hope to get out and enjoy our warmer weather as long as the rain stays away!
  • niknik43
    niknik43 Posts: 36
    Just a quick weigh in...I'm down 2.2 this week! I CANNOT WAIT to be under 220! It's been a tough week with TOM and all but I fought the battle and exercised (even when I really didn't feel like it) just so I could have the extra calories because I was hungry, hungry, hungry. Gotta love those hormones. :grumble:

    Hang in there gbryant! Sunday starts a new week and you can do this! Maybe bring some rice crackers to work for a snack when the others are eating cookies. I love the caramel ones...they are so satisfying and you can eat them and not feel too guilty!

    Hubs came home after being gone for 3 weeks on a job and hasn't said anything about my weight loss. I haven't told him I'm "dieting" because I'm not. I'm simply making better choices, watching my calorie intake, and adding some exercise to my life. I should add that he's not very supportive of my weight loss endeavors. The last time I did a fad diet he said, "why bother...you'll quit like you have all the other times..." so I don't say anything about my new lifestyle. My new lifestyle began on February 1, by the way, and since that time I've lost 12 pounds. Just a little disappointed I guess because, for crying out loud, I am absolutely swimming in my jeans. Oh well. This is for me; no one else. Sorry...grumble, grumble...I know. Gotta love those hormones...:wink:
  • KimKelly65
    Happy weekend everyone!!

    This week was crazy at work and I am so glad its Saturday! Woo Hoo!!
    I weighed in today and lost 2.5 lbs..I am officially down 20.5 lbs!! :noway: Amazing! (Almost a qtr of my goal!)

    I feel great and like the changes I am seeing in my body, why didn't I do this sooner??
    Tomorrow is the Mini Heart Marathon and I am shooting for walking it in 50 mins or less, its 3.2 miles. (I said 45, but my friends think that may be tough... even for them)

    I hope everyone has a great weekend!

  • Victorious_One
    Victorious_One Posts: 174 Member

    You are right about the protein and albumin as they already tested those and while the albumin is normal, the protein IS a problem. However they can tell that it is not dietary protein (which I get plenty of). For some reason my body is not making/absorbing protein. That is part of what is causing the "profound" anemia and edema - they just do not know why. I originally though that celiac or gluten intolerance could be part of the problem although I have been completely off gluten now for a month and no improvement and the antibodies they test for celiac came back negative. I know you mentioned that you suffered from protein issues after your surgery. Was there any resolution as to why or how to treat? Thanks for your concern. Hope you have success with the Mexican restaurant!

    Hey, Altushe!

    My weight loss surgery is a malabsorptive surgery, which means that my body doesn't' absorb all of the nutrients (and thus all of the calories) that I take in. I malabsorb about 40% of my protein (my body only absorbs about 60% of the protein grams I eat). What happened was that I was so very nauseous and I vomited a lot after surgery. It is a very unusual side effect of the particular kind of surgery I had, so no one could figure out what it was from. This went on for six months. In that six months, I wasn't able to eat a lot of anything. I never got up to being able to eat the 100+g of protein that I need per day. Over time, my prealbumin, albumin and protein levels got freakishly low. They had to put me on TPN (IV nutrition), and I've been on it for about 7 weeks. My numbers are now normal, and they're weaning me off the IV slowly. My goal every day is to take in at least 100g of protein by mouth because that's what it takes to keep me alive. My body does absorb a good amount as long as I can get the grams in.

    The TPN I took to resolve this issue is not likely to help you if you're already taking in enough protein by mouth, but your body is not absorbing it. I'm not sure what would cause your body not to absorb the protein. If you're seeing a gastroenterologist or an endocrinologist, they may be able to help you pinpoint the issue.

    Please let us know how it goes for you! This is a serious issue, but all the reading I've done says that when the cause is found and treated, the edema issue will be resolved.
  • Victorious_One
    Victorious_One Posts: 174 Member
    Hey, everyone. Spring is definitely in the air! I love warm weather. For the first time in my life, I'm living in a state where I'm landlocked. I don't know how I'm going to get through the summer!

    Tex, thanks for the water suggestion. I think I'm going to have to strap on a gallon oxygen-tank style to get it in. :happy:

    I haven't been walking. I've been strapped to my computer working on this and that. My phone is not working, which means my music is not available to play when walking. I have to get it fixed ASAP.

    My hubby is fixing my dinner--baked flounder and 1/4 of a sweet potato. I may splurge and have an orange for dessert.

    Have a great week!
  • Texssippian
    Texssippian Posts: 235
    Hi all. Spring is definitely here! I spent almost three hours this morning raking leaves that fell last fall. Also clipped back the dead lantana branches. New lantana is growing. The vine my hubs mowed down last fall has lots of new growth on it and looks so much more healthy than it did before it got accidentally pruned.

    The "I am not going to plant very much this spring" hubs has left the building. He has already planted yellow squash, tomatoes, four kinds of basil, parlsey, two kinds of oregano, two kinds of chives and is itching to get his giant pumkins seeds germinated. And he is looking for an eggplant for me (he does not like it but plants it for me.) And "mild" jalapenas for me to pickle. So much for not planting much...

    We still need to get our lawnmower back from the lawnmower spa. the weeds are starting to get high. Take care all! TxMs
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,444 Member
    Good Dayfrom NEPA.
    What a beautiful weekend. I have worked in the yard and made plans for the pond expansion. To my surprise we have over thirty fish still alive and this may stagger our demo plans. But thats the fun of it....We are working on all projects that dont cost alot of money, just muscle. I will dig my weight off this spring. The best part was the dollar tulips at walmart. They are healthy and cheap and will bloom for years to come....If you need alittle cheer get some.

    Keep healthy and fit and have an awesome week
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good evening!

    Sunday night again and back at work...again. It was a very good weekend here. The weather was in the 70s on Friday, not so warm now. Oh well, it's early Spring in PA. We had a great time on Friday night at the Evergreen Club, lots of fun and dancing. We went to a B-Day party on Sat. for a friend who turned 30...I vaguely remember that age. I ate too much cake. Rambling again. I'm going to concentrate on my diet a little more starting this week. I need to shed some fat now that I've reached my strength goals. Time to add more cardio to the mix.

    Have a great day!