40+ Club: Spring Fitness Challenge



  • gbryant
    gbryant Posts: 24 Member
    Hello All, I had a coughing fit for a few hours last night, didnt get out of bed till 11:00 am. Have lost my voice.(My hubby is happy,lol). I dont think I will be getting on a treadmill today. uuuuggg. I hope I can get on tomorrow. I just seem to have no energy today.

    niknik - I love going to Zumba. We have someone in my area doing it every day of the week. I had went for a good while, but work ahd me staying after and could not make it to class untill it was almost over. If you can find a class it is worth the money. I love doing it with a group. :bigsmile:

    Hope everyone has a great weekend. I am going back to bed. :yawn:
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Well I lost a half inch or more all over but my scale says I only lost 0.2 lbs. Scales suck the big one! So glad I learned to measure myself! I would have been so discouraged if I only relied on the scale.

    Alf... My husband is getting better about spending time with me. I would make plans myself but the problem is he leaves our house around 8 am and doesn't return until 10:30-11 pm. His regular work schedule is why he gets home so late so there's nothing I can do about that. He has been getting rewards bucks at his work which he has been turning in for movie tickets which is nice because now he has a reason to take me out.

    KimKelly65... Dont trust the scale! Its evil!!! :laugh: How often do you measure myself? I do every week because I find I get discouraged too easily. And when the scale said I gained the measurements were exactly the same. Makes it easier to blame it on the muscle gain.

    Victorious_One... Take care of yourself. Sounds kinda scary to me. Is that normal to have to have an IV nutrition diet after weight loss surgery?
  • altushe
    altushe Posts: 57 Member
    Well, edema did move the scale just now - although not nearly as much as last time - only .5 pounds which I can easily deal with as "normal" maintenance fluctuation. Whew! Hopefully won't get worse before it gets better!

    KimKelly, thanks for the nurse practitioner coming out. One of the biggest issues is that I am severely anemic. While anemia runs in my family and my red blood cell counts are always on the low side, they are less than half of what I am normally (and a huge fluctuation since December when I had my last blood test). Since numbers are meaningful to you - I will share that my hemoglobin and hematocrit are 5.8 and 17.8 respectively. Without TMI, one of the issues is that there is also low iron and low protein absorption. All related issues, but at this point no news as to why - maybe a bleeding ulcer or something? On big doses of ferritin at the moment as "I am leaving on a jet plane" for business this afternoon.

    Alf, thanks for the encouragement to stay with the healthy eating and exercise without getting down. I must say the support of this group during the "edema depression" really helps! Without it (and in the "olden days" it would likely set off a downward spiral).

    Hope everyone has a good week and that the weather around the country is finally getting better. I know I am hoping the weather in Florida this week is better than NYC - although I will be in A/C conference rooms all week in meetings (which are sometimes colder than the snow!!!)

    Happy eating and exercise everyone!
  • Victorious_One
    Victorious_One Posts: 174 Member
    Alf1163 - Thanks for the encouragement. I DO have a dog--a little Maltese mix. He's happy to sit around with me, but he does need to be walked. He is my inspiration to get out there. That water, though, I'm trying! My goal is 2 cups/day for a while. The IV I'm on makes me feel waterlogged, so that doesn't help. I'm laughing at your hubby's mid-life crisis--a NICE one! :bigsmile:

    Tron3002 - Nope, it's not normal at all to be on an IV after weight loss surgery, but it does happen on occasion, especially with a "big" surgery like mine. Unfortunately, I had a strange and unanticipated side effect of vomiting a lot, which meant that it was hard for me to eat, which meant I was malnourished, which then led me to puke more, in a vicious cycle until they had to help me with nutrition. No more throwing up since I've been on the IV! Yay! They say the IV works 100% of the time to get people back up to the level of nutrition they need, so I'm being patient. Thanks for asking.

    GBryant - Feel better! I hope your voice comes back soon. Your hubby will be glad to hear you. :happy:

    Altushe - I too have edema issues. It's crazy! I started a chart to track when it comes on, how much I gain, etc. I gained 10 lbs from it last time :mad: , so .5 is superb! Hang in there.

    I did find a walking challenge on the boards! My goal is 50 minutes per day, at least 3 days per week, for a total of 750 minutes for the month. My poor dog will be happy--he probably hasn't been walked since August! :ohwell: He's always running off when he goes outside. Gee, I wonder why?! I gotta get it together.

    I can't keep track of weight loss due to my IV (it makes you gain weight), but I'm keeping diligent track of what I'm eating, particularly carbs and protein grams. I need to eat at least 100 g of protein per day (more is better); and I try to keep my carb grams under 100 (less than 50 is better). So far, since Valentine's day, I've met my carb goal 65% of the time, but only met my protein goal 55% of the time. I know my doctors are not going to want to take me off this IV if I'm only batting .500 with the protein: that's why I'm on the IV in the first place! So, I have to change my eating strategy somehow to pack in more protein grams.

    Have a happy Sunday, everyone! I hope the weather is good where you are.
  • KimKelly65
    Hey everyone,

    Thanks for the good thoughts and helpful info on my weight loss/healthy living journey!

    I did measure myself yesterday and was happy to find out I had lost 4 inches over the last month. :happy:
    (Last measure day was Super Bowl Sunday) :smile:
    SO I am doing it right!! (Good to know)

    However.... yesterday was a Hot Mess!:) I did excerise and eat right until I went to dinner at one of my besties house....excellent chili, but I shouldn't have indulged in the beers and then the pizza later. :grumble: Oh and the girl scout cookies. (only two tag alongsbut still........)
    Oh well! Im back in the saddle today. Healthy breakfast and snack for the morning and I have Spicy Black Bean Soup simmering. I'm planning on some walking later today.

    I hope everyone is having a good weekend.

    Altushe - seems if you have a complex situation. I hope you get some answer soon. Please keep us updated.

    Tron - I measure once monthly, beginning of month...I had forgotten the last date but I keep my sheet in my makeup bag and found it, it was time to measure. (Down 4 inches) YAY!! I'm with you the scale is evil!

    Victorious_One - Hang in there. Good luck on your walking challenge.

    Alf - I actually started (Thurs) a new aerobic and toning series of DVDs - Turbo Jam. I hoping it will help switch things up and add something new to my exercise routine. :)

    Have a great Sunday!!
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    I just wanted you all to know that I ran, non stop, for 2 1/2 laps.... Another 1/2 lap I would have ran 3/4 of a mile. At a speed of 6.6.... Thats a 9 minute mile. I was so excited because when I first started running I could only do 1/4 of a mile. I'm hoping in a months time I will be able to run the full mile.
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,444 Member
    Rain and sickness stink Not feeling too well; hope to be up and at it tomorrow. Everyone have a wonderful weekend!
  • niknik43
    niknik43 Posts: 36
    Alf and GBryant: Yes, we do have a Zumba class offered here in our town and I attended the class three times to try it out. I was a little disappointed because it seemed like right when I was getting in the "zone" and really feeling it, the instructor stopped the music to change to a different song. Is that normal? On my last visit to the class, the instructor said we would be learning a new dance and she popped in a dvd and we watched some wonderfully handsome man from Florida give a live class. I just thought maybe, instead of dragging myself out of bed at 4:30 in the morning to hit the 5 a.m. class, I could buy the dvd and do THAT kind of Zumba class at home. Also...there are only two other people in the 5 a.m. class...and that includes the instructor! So, my original idea of going to a class for lots of support...well...it really wasn't there. Maybe I should give it another shot...

    GBryant: Sure hope you feel better soon.

    Regarding my last post: So much for my resolve to make good choices this (busy) weekend. Sigh. I'm just not as strong (yet) as I thought I was. I am pleased to report tho that I wore jeans that I haven't worn since last summer (and back then they were cut-off-your-circulation-tight) and now they are LOOSE! I needed a belt!

    Tomorrow. Tomorrow is another day.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    Hey, I think I missed Friday check in!! I'm really doing well with my exercise especially. I even worked out on Sat and Sun this weekend. My gym has those TRX training straps. Boy, do they work great! All body weight stuff, but it is a great workout. I do a few of those in addition to my usual strength routines.

    The weather here in the east is wild to say the least. We've had a LOT of rain in the last 36 hours and it is currently ending as snow. Many of the rivers and streams are forecast to be at or above flood stage today. Thankfully it should be only minor flooding around here. Many parts of the country are not so lucky.

    Have a great day!
  • Robin1117
    Robin1117 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Good morning! hope you all had a nice weekend.

    Sing--so glad you are doing great at the gym! You sound like a kid in the candy shop....:).

    We are dealing with crazy weather too. We had a base of 1-2 ft of snow, it all melted and our house is on a river--it was RAGING yesterday and actually displaced our resident beavers. We were looking out the window and 4 of them were sitting out wondering what to do since their house was flooded. It's still dark so I am not sure what they are up to yet today :smile: Anyway, school cancelled and and foot of snow expected today. Yes March, in like a lion............

    Not much to report since last week. Just trying to stay on plan with exercise and have another good eating week.

    Alf, thanks for your advice on using the 30 day shred "after the 30 days". I think it's probably a good idea to alternate. I do need to research and find another few programs to try. I do love the 25-30 minute program--just long enough to work, just short enough not to lose my interest. And too funny about your husband and his Camaro. I love it!! Also, I have done the same---just finished a long message and then lost it...very aggravating!!

    Tron--great news on your improved laps!

    Kimkelly---fantastic news about losing inches!!! Nice to be rewarded for the hard work, isn't it?

    LadyPersia--hope you feel better!

    have a great day everyone!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Good Morning!

    altushe, I'm so sorry to hear about these health problems. I'm glad you went to see the doctor and are working at getting some answers. Don't worry about the weight gain because now you know it isn't anything you are doing. In other words, you don't need to stress about your diet or your fitness program since the edema is obviously being caused by something else. Take care and keep us posted. And enjoy your trip to Florida!!!

    alf, my husband would be so jealous of your husband's new car. Yeah, mid-life crisis and all! Sorry to hear you are going to have to deal with a new doctor, but maybe you'll get some different answers. Don't you have an appt for your foot this week? I hope that goes well.

    KimKelly, as others have said, don't pay attention to that scale if you are losing inches. And, boy, you have something to celebrate in the number of inches you've lost this past month!!! That's amazing. The lack of weight loss could be explained by SO many things, it would nearly be impossible to identify. But don't think you are in a plateau until you've gone a few weeks without losing anything. If that happens, then start taking a look at your calories, fitness program, etc. But, right now, celebrate what has happened and keep pressing on. And don't worry about the one day of higher calories/less healthy foods. It won't hurt you a bit....as long as it is just a day or so!

    tron. great job on the running!!! And congrats on the change in measurements!!! Yes, throw that scale away!!!!

    gbryant, sorry to hear you aren't feeling well. Don't force yourself to workout if you have a bad cough. You will just make it worse. You won't gain any weight if you take a few days off of exercise as long as you are eating right. Trust me on this one since I've just had the sinus infection from h**l. I took two weeks off working out, and came back stronger than I was before. And, boy, did my body need that time to heal from the cold/sinus infection. So listen to your body and don't push it!!

    LadyPersia, I'm sorry to hear you aren't feeling well either. Hopefully with the sun coming back out (well, at least it has here....I'm not sure if it is out up there yet), you'll feel a little better. I know heavy rains like those yesterday always make me feel a little....blah.

    Victorious_One, goodness it sounds as if you've had some post-surgery problems. I had no idea you were on an IV. You've got such a great attitude about it that, no doubt, you'll be able to get better. Keep up the great work!

    niknik, no doubt if my live instructor put in a DVD for me to follow, I'd be looking at buying a DVD too and working out at home. But I'm an at-home exerciser to the core, so.....I'm not unbiased. :wink: Like I said to KimKelly, don't worry about the eating this weekend. The key is to get back on track and, no doubt, you'll do that.

    singfree, good to see you!!! I'm glad you enjoy the TRX. I've seen it and seen other people use it and it really looks like a challenge. Who would think you could get such a good workout from a few straps and such!

    Robin, it DOES sound like you've had some wild weather. A foot of snow? I mean, it is still winter but....yikes. Take care and I hope it goes away quickly!

    All here is well. We had a busy weekend, but I managed to finish my first week of P90X on Saturday. Today I start week two, and I'm looking forward to it. It feels really good to be back to this program. I kept my eating clean all weekend, which is good. I feel much less puffy than I did a week ago.

    Hope you all have a great day!
  • Victorious_One
    Victorious_One Posts: 174 Member
    I ate like a cow ALL weekend--Doritos, Snickers, Hershey's with Almonds, movie popcorn, ice cream--it was a mess! No exercise, either.

    I did lose 3 lbs, though. Go figure! :noway: When I used to eat like that all the time, I didn't lose any weight! :laugh:

    My nutritionists says that my labs are terrific, and she's recommending that my IV dose be cut in half. I should be off this tether before spring. Yippee! I feel blessed to be doing so well.
  • KimKelly65
    Hi Everyone!!

    Can I say one thing?? This group ROCKS!!! :happy:

    Thanks for all the support and great advice. I really appreciate it!!

  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,444 Member
    Thanks for the cheer everyone. Woke up to snow and ice and school delays but....I worked out twice today and feel much better. The trees looked like crystals all day with the sun glistening through them....sheer beauty. Working on less sgar this week and finding my rest zone.

    Have a great week
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning and happy Mardi Gras! The PA Dutch call it Fasnacht Day. Everyone eats sugary glazed donuts (not me). There must be at least 3 dozen glazed donuts lying around here at work...yuck!

    I'm glad that so many people are participating! This is wonderful.

    Alf, I hope you two "kids" have a great time with the new car. We took a test drive in a new Subaru Legacy the other week. I know it's not sporty, but up here we look to all-wheel drive first. Actually, a used BMW or Audi is also on my wish list...we'll see...

    Stiring, yes the TRX is really neat (but different). I'm not really sure if I would want to replace the weight machines with it, but it does provide a different type of exercise platform. One thing for sure, it's never boring at this gym. Another great thing is NO BLARING MUSIC. People are expected to bring ipods or plug in their earbuds to the tv monitors on the cardio equipment. One thing I'm doing on night shift is going to the gym right after I wake up in the afternoon. I get up, have a light bite, and I'm off. Glad to hear about P90X going so well. I knew you would be happy lifting again!

    As I said earlier, i am very happy to be at this new gym. I usually work out 6 days per week. I have not yet cut back on my strength training, but I've increased cardio a bit. When the weather finally breaks, I will also begin adding outdoor biking, which I love.

    Keep up the good work, friends, and have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Good Morning!

    Victorious_One....good news from the Doc!!! Don't worry too much about this past weekend's eating. As long as you don't get back into that habit regularly (something I still fight from time to time), you'll be just fine.

    LadyPersia, I'm glad you're feeling better! Sounds like you had a beautiful day yesterday. I'm trying to lay off sugar more and more as well. I want it emotionally but physically my body just doesn't like it.

    singfree, I'm so glad you are enjoying your new gym. I'm like you in not liking gyms that play music loudly. I much prefer to have my own music to listen to. Sounds like you're getting into a 'groove' in this new shift.

    All here is well. I've completely cleaned up my eating (again) and hope I can continue down this path for some time. I've already done my P90X workout today, but I'm going to work my legs a little more later (and probably do a short Insanity workout as well). The sun is out and it is relatively warm (in the 50s today), so I'll probably try to get outside a bit. This nicer weather really does help my energy levels.

    Hope you all enjoy a great day!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Happy Fat Tuesday!!!! :laugh: :laugh: You know what I mean!! :tongue: All is well here. Teaching tonight, bought beads for my students!! I saw the doctor yesterday for my foot pain. He didnt even order new xrays since the last ones didnt show anything. He put in a referral for physical therapy. I was just thinking this morning, how are they going to set up treatment without a diagnosis? Hmmm... In the meantime modigying a lot when I teach and also taking naproxen again. :grumble: Eating going well. I am going to weigh in on Friday again...

    Stiring, enjoy your day. It is kinda hot here today, upper 70's and humid!!! This time of the year can be pretty crazy here when it comes to the weather but it is usually pretty nice.

    Sing, great to hear from you. We took my hubby's new girl for a ride yesterday. It is pretty annoying how my husband looks for a parking spot and he drives so carefully but I dont blame him...LOL He is really happy with his new toy.

    Niknik, sorry to hear about that Zumba class. No, it is not normal for the instructors to stop the music to find another one. I personally dislike that. I believe one should have the playlist ready before class to have a smoother routine. Are you able to try another instructor? If that is not the case for you then you might consider getting the DVD's. And showing a video? No way!!! :noway: yeah, Beto is hot (the founder) but I dont agree with showing a video to my class. Yes, we are all not created equal. :laugh:

    Gotta go, sorry it is short and couldnt respond to everyone's post. Glad to hear from so many of you!!! Take care!! :flowerforyou:
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    My grandma passed away last night. She was 85 years old and except for this passed year has lived on her own and was a very strong woman. They couldn't figure out what was wrong with her. She was physically healthy. If I can live as long and be a healthy as she was I would be blessed.

    Victorious_One... Dont worry about the eating. You've been on the IV diet for quite a while its just great your able to eat normal foods. So you took one day to "pig out" hopefully thats out of your system and you can concentrate on eating healthy now.

    Alf... Are they gonna do or have they done anything other than an xray? Something that can show more than an xray can?

    No exercise for me yesterday. Today I am gonna go on the treadmill and work on those hills.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    Tron, I am so sorry for your loss. Please stay strong and cherish your memories of your dear grandmother.

    Alf, you should have made the students earn those beads a la New Orleans. At least that's what any red-blooded male would have done! :blushing:

    Stiring, the gym is great in another way. Not too many "posers" in front of the mirrors. You know, the muscleheads who watch their every move as though they were the reincarnation of "Arnold"!!! Also there is a good mix of young, old, male and female. I can't really say that I am in the groove with night shift, but I am SLOWLY adapting. We had a fairly warm day here yesterday as well. Tomorrow we are getting another 3 inches of rain on top of the heavy rain we got over the weekend.

    Not much to report this morning. Back to the gym this afternoon for upper body and cardio. As the bodybuilder in the commercial says, " I pick things up and put them down!!"

    Have a great day!
  • patty1138
    patty1138 Posts: 196 Member
    I am new again! I wanto be accountable to post daily.