bethanyranes Member


  • I cry every Christmas when I watch this one. Only the line that gets me is what Clarence writes in the Tom Sawyer book - "No man is a failure who has friends." I also usually cry in The Fountain when Hugh Jackman's boss explains how long his drug will take for testing and he breaks down and yells "But she'll be dead…
  • IKEA sells a cake decorating set for like 5 bucks that has a cool cake trimmer that looks a little like a hand saw with a wire where the blade would go. I use that, then make sure I let the cut side cool extra long so I don't tear it up while I frost the top. And also, mmmmmm.... cake.
  • If it helps you at all, I was going to just respond with "= barfy time". I don't feel heavier necessarily, but if I drink too much water when I work out, it makes me super nauseated the whole time.
  • Does this take everyone to their own recipe boxes, or did you just suggest my recipe for macaroni and cheese? Because I'm not going to lie, if it's the second one, you have made my WHOLE YEAR!
  • Anytime a dude tells me I look like Zooey Deschanel is a compliment I'll keep in my back pocket for a while! LOL!
  • I have to agree that Alicia looks like Nia Vardalos!
  • I drink the low-calorie beers (Bud Light Select 55 or Miller 64) - they taste awful, but I don't feel like I'm deprived. Also, Jack and Diet Coke (or most liquors mixed with diet soda) are only about 70-100 calories, and you can't guzzle them without getting sloppy. Plus, if you're going to a nightclub, dance dance dance!…
  • I am really excited for the challenge! I got a bit sick last week, so I was disappointed that I only got one try at my mile time. Now that I'm back to 100%, I'm ready to blow the next challenge out of the water. Plus, fun fact, my friends want me to be the swimmer in a triathlon relay team with them - 800m in the American…
  • I've been working out with a personal trainer 2x a week for the past few months and I have really loved it. Not only do I not have to worry about switching up my strength training routine, it keeps me accountable and since I get along really well with my trainer, it's like working out with a friend. I almost NEVER want to…
  • Two fish are in a tank. One looks at the other and says, "So, do YOU know how to drive this thing?" (Used that one at a job interview once)
  • It's all whether or not they make YOU fat if you drink them - I have maintained a 2-pound per week loss while still putting some work on Diet Coke and Sugar-Free Rockstars. (I'm probably going to catch hell for that one). I always drink my water for the day before I drink them, but they haven't impeded my loss. I was…
  • I used to take frozen meals for lunch when I had my college internship, but there weren't a whole whole lot that tasted good at the time. I had like 5 go-to's that were low-cal and tasty. I remember Smart Ones being a little better than usual. It seems like a lot of them are getting a lot better - I'll definitely have to…
  • I worked there for a couple years in college - I figured it was a great way to get a free gym membership (I was actually being PAID to work out! LOL!) Anyway, my shifts were 4 hours, and I spent about 3 of them on the circuit working out with the clients and making sure everyone was keeping good form. With 4-5 shifts per…
  • As a warning, I saw a girl post progress pictures in a mix and match bikini, and people were all over her for being "inappropriate" because they thought it was chonies. If you have a thick skin, go for it! They're pictures of your success, be proud! I can't wait until the day I look good in my underwear!! :-) Just be…
  • Have you tried taking your hands off of it and just running on it? I keep my hands in the same position as if I were running normally, and I find that it helps me move a lot faster that way!
  • Ooops, tried to fix it for you, but no luck for me either :-)
  • I don't, and I have been doing well. I am sure to aim for at least 1450 if I can (that's my MFP goal), but sometimes I don't get there, and I'm just not hungry. I never let my food calories drop below 1200, though. Sometimes if I want to splurge on something high-calorie and terrible, I'm sure to exercise a bit more than…
  • When I started fearing cameras again. And when we were at a friend's house looking at old pictures, when a picture of skinny me popped up, no one recognized who it was :-(
  • Totally off topic, but I have to tell you I was completely mesmerized by your stripper pole bunny for like, 45 seconds, LOL!
  • If sleeping in is wrong, I don't want to be right! We all live crazy lives in one way or another - you have to have at least one slow-paced day once in a while or you'll be one of those embittered burned-out people! I love sleep, but even if I don't sleep in, I like to take one day every couple of weeks to turn off my cell…
  • Sort of weird seeing an earthquake post where us kids over here in NorCal aren't involved! :-)
  • Sumijain, way to kick some butt on that signature goal! Do you only have 7 more to go by October 8th?
  • My workout buddy and I will often hop into the hot tub right after our swims for a post-workout chat fest. It's done wonders for preventing soreness!
  • *Dying*
  • Laughing is like, King of the Positives! :-)
  • LOL! I love it, but it is definitely a downer. I just finished it, and sort of had this "AHHHH / AWWWW" feeling :-) Next book is going to have to be Cannery Row or Little Women or something!
  • I'm happy to see this! Lately I've noticed that all this negativity and judgement actually makes me feel worse after a romp reading through the MFP boards. I've seen so many people posting their "pet peeves" about others' logging behaviors, people complaining how someone on their friends list eats fast food all the time,…
  • I've never been someone who is hungry for breakfast in the mornings, so I do the Safeway brand french vanilla shakes after my morning workouts. They're pretty low-cal, so you may want to supplement with some fruit or something, but I REALLY love them. They aren't so thick and blech like some of the other brands I've tried.…
  • It lets me swim for meters and meters before getting tired. And because the good Lord saw fit to give me long legs AND big boobs, LOL!
  • Mitch Hedberg (RIP) is my all-time favorite. I recently saw Wyatt Cenac's stand-up, and it was actually pretty hilarious, too.