ilikejam33 Member


  • Real name: Charlie Goal weight on June 30th: 142 6/01: 148.6 6/04: 148.5 6/11: 6/18: 6/25: 6/30:
  • Real name: Charlie Goal weight on June 30th: 142 6/01: 148.6 6/04: 6/11: 6/18: 6/25: 6/30:
  • Hi , and welcome to MFP :) If you are hungry you should eat, but you should also ask yourself are you really hungry? When I statrted it took me a while to figure out if i was hungry or just wanted something, or if i was actually thirsty. Another good tip is to look at your protein, many times when we cut calories we end up…
  • We have potlcks at work all the time, I try to work out in the moring on these days so I know how many cals I have to play with. But if this is aonce a year thing, eat what you enjoy, dont go crazy, but a small bite of something wonderful wont kill all your hard work to date. :)
  • HDMI is visual you need a separatre cable for audio. You can try the above mentioned in the control pannel but it will depend on the ago of the pc you are connectiing. Unfortunatley we had to get a separate cable for our new TV that we plug a 5-6 year old PC into. Cheaper option is to use the PC speakers, but the sound…
  • Sonds like plantar fasciitis. Look it up and see if it sound like what you have. I have this from time to time. Flat shoes make it worse for me. I got some Dr. Scolls gel insoles and that made it better for when i have to wear flats. Also some anti inflamatories, like Motrin. It comes and goes and seems to be for no…
    in Heel Pain Comment by ilikejam33 May 2012
  • I am in my last 2 weeks, so far I have not lost a single pound, I have however gone from a size 8 or 10 pant to a size 4 or 6! My profile pic was taken about 2 weeks ago so you can see i have some great definition in my arms (ther was zero My biggest advise is to lift your max, I wasted a lot of time lifing…
    in P90X Comment by ilikejam33 May 2012
  • I have the same issue with eggs, it turns out that I am allergic, but to raw egg whites only! I f the egg is cooked really well I am fine. However if I fry an egg and even the slighest part is not cooked 100% then I get sick. Even if the spatula had some raw egg on it I could get sick. I am fine with eggs fried well done,…
  • I always find it helps to continue, as long as what you are feeling is not pain, then you should be ok. For example when i started 30 day shred after the first work out i could barley go down the stairs, so would i recommend lots of leg work? no, but a the bike and eliptcal did help. Sometimes a stiff muscle can get worse…
  • do you smoke? when i did i yawned all the time at the gym, once i quit i stopped yawning, i was told it was due to not enough oxygen :)
  • That is an amazing NSV! I hope to one day be able to post the same :)
  • I dont know if I am alone here but the idea of upping my calories scares me a little. FOr almost a year I have been netting at 1200 (yes i eat back my exercise cals) and i have had 22;bs of success. However for the last 2.5 months i have been stuck at the same weight. MFP says my BMR is 1347, so if i have this right am i…
  • If your activity level is set to active then it will significanlty increase your calorie goal, if you are not actually as active as the site thinks then you could be eating too much. I would recommend that you set your activity level to the lowest and then manually add your excercise calories using an HRM for the most…
  • Welcome! From what you wrote it sounds to me that the freedom of this online site would be a better fit for you than having to attend meetings. You can do anything for excercise, go for a walk on breal, do an at home DVD like 30 day shread, or just use commercial breaks to do lunges, jumping jacks....any movements is…
  • Not much of a lesson today, just some general ramblings.... I officially began Phase three yesterday. The great news it that I needed to up all my weights, I have now moved from 8 and 10lbs for most things to 10 and 15lbs. Also switched to a new resitance band (red=60lbs) Sadley, stil cannot do a pull up, and I swear that…
  • Accuate???? Not according the the readings I have from a doctor and a trainer at the gym. (who both by the way come in at 22-24%) The site you posted says that i have 32% body fat! Given that i am 5'6 and 140lbs its hardly possible, also it doesnt take into consideration that i have a lot of muscle, just how big the…
  • I actually love it when my bf orders crap, it means i dont have to and he always lets me have a bite, or a few fries, the best part is i can enjoy that and dont have to order it myself. Moderation...everything...always
  • I appologize for the late weigh in but today is family day here (a holiday) Any way, no change, this month is officially a bust scale wise, however while my weight is the same i am offically a pant size smaller this month, just bought jeans ina size 6! Yay P90x!
  • Almost done Phase 2, and while I feel significantly stronger, I must admit I am getting a little frustrated at the whole not losing any weight thing. The scale has officially not moved, however just when you may think I'm about to give up...... I'm down a whole pant size. I went shopping for a new pair of jeans this…
  • Everything in moderation. Always. There is no cheat day in life. Enjoy everything in moderation and burn to earn when you want to splurge. One day over didnt make you gain weight, but you need to be mindful of what you eat becasue if one day a week you go crazy and eat 3500 cal (which if you add it up can hapend very…
  • No change this week, oh well at least it didnt go up :)
  • There is a line of DVDs by Crunch Fitness, the Yoga ones are all great. Yoga Slim down is my fav for a good all around one. I bought them on ebay for $7 and amazon and I use them all the time. There is a whole variety from basic to cardio yogo and yoga with weights. Also you can try checking on TV, my on demand service has…
  • Thanks for the reply Dave, your words are very encouraging :) Gonna keep at it! On another note did Plyo for the first time tonight, and I am very happy with it, (mostly becasue it kicked my butt! ) I had skipped Plyo in the first phase becasue I go to a spin class 3 times a week and was worried about overdoing the cardio.…
  • Began phase 2 of p90x last night, was a little disapointed with the first workout, -chest shoulder, triceps becasue there were 2 things I could do zero of! Pushups with claping in between, and one hand pushups. This makes me wonder if i did nt work hard enough in phase 1...should i be able to do these????? maybe its like…
  • Name/ real name: Ilikejam33 / Charlie Goal weight on February 29th: 137 2/01: 144.2 2/06: 144.1 2/13: 2/20: 2/27: 2/29
  • Hello all, Glad I could offer some advise, I am currently completing phase 1 (in recovery week). Using my workout sheets I can see I have developed strength and have more than doubled the number of pushups i can do. woo hoo! A few of you asked questions so i will do my best to answer. I do not pretend to be an expert, but…
  • Completed week three of phase one today! Woo Hoo!!! Congrats to everyone whp started today, remember the first 2 weeks are the toughest, do what you can and modify the rest, the key is to write everything down, i cant believe how much i have improved in just a short time, i could do only 2-3 pushups then the rest on my…
  • Name/ real name: Ilikejam33 / Charlie Goal weight on February 29th: 137 2/01: 2/06: 2/13: 2/20: 2/27: 2/29
  • Name/ real name: Ilikejam33 / Charlie Goal weight on January 31st: 139lbs 1/01: 145 1/09: 144.6 (not much of a loss but P90x is going well so far ) 1/16: 142.2 (yes! so xcited i am losing while doing P90x, hope this continues ) 1/23: 143 (feel much stronger this week, but a little dissapointed the weight los is stalling)…
  • I would recommend you actually read the book, most of what you are concerned about is not actually true. Unfortunatly many people think they know the Atkins diet and make up their minds about it, the book will open your eyes to how healthy it can be, and that it is not actuall high fat meat and few veggies. There are a…